During the autumn and spring terms 2022-23, ISI will undertake a series of pilot visits across a sample of volunteer association independent schools. Send us your event information, for new events or for changes to existing ones. Ofsted Preparation Questions Resource Pack Ofsted Inspections Resource Pack What to Expect from a Section 5 Ofsted Inspection Meet and Brief Pack Ofsted Preparation Checklists Resource Pack Topics Inside Ofsted and Inspection Customize your document by using the toolbar on the top. The remaining two take place from 4-5pm on Wednesday 1 March and Monday 6 March.To register please click hereUpdated Material Change GuidanceThe guidance on what constitutes a material change has been updated and can be found here.Online DiariesPlease make sure you have updated your online diary on the ISI portal with term dates, major events, trips etc for the whole of the term as soon as you can. Ofsted guidance on inspecting non-association independent schools in England under the education inspection framework. Office of Education Standards, Government Administration Building, 133 Elgin Ave, George Town, Grand Cayman. Governors and proprietors have an important role to play in the inspection process, not least because of their overarching responsibility for Each category of inspector has a different training programme. Educational Quality Inspections For use from September 2020 . Libby Nicholas is a managing director at Dukes Education. ISI inspections are also carried out under the arrangements of the ISC Associations for the maintenance and . Hopefully school leaders already have this approach, but it is clear that schools that are successful in their inspection will be able to demonstrate that they are identifying and managing risk to inspectors, and also that students themselves understand the way in which their school identifies and manages risks that they might face. Understandably, in this context, safeguarding checks will have more rigour under the new framework. Please click on the link below to gain access to the ISI documents, which are held in a Google Drive. In fulfilling their responsibilities effectively and consistently, leadership should be aware that positive feedback from the majority of pupils can mask smaller groups of pupils, or individual pupils who have harmful, but hidden, negative experiences. This will be an in-depth look at a particular area of your curriculum (e.g. BioMarin Pharmaceutical Inc. (NASDAQ:NASDAQ:BMRN) Q4 2022 Results Conference Call February 28, 2023 4:30 PM ETCompany ParticipantsTraci McCarty - Group VP, IRJJ Bienaim - Chairman and. First name Surname School Job title Email address If you wish to be removed from the mailing list at any time please email training@isi.net Done I, for one, am looking forward to seeing it in action. This document sets out the framework and handbook for inspecting local area arrangements for children and young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities ( SEND ). We will be in contact with all those who have expressed interest in due course. Explicit evidenceof pupils experience of any sexual harassment or sexual violence will be under greater scrutiny and any issues followed up. Dont include personal or financial information like your National Insurance number or credit card details. Inspection Reports. In the new framework the explanation of this is clearer and thus makes it easier for parents (and governors?) Complaints; We also use cookies set by other sites to help us deliver content from their services. Leaders and managers should take a proactive approach, as indicated by the wording of the standards, to promote the wellbeing of all pupils. Getting students used to the practise of being consulted and asked for feedback will make them more comfortable and confident in doing this with inspectors. EYFS and Supporting School Improvement. Read our. The majority of pupils develop good study skills, because of the school's determination to break barriers between subject areas and focus on learning across disciplines, and encouragement for pupils to follow their natural curiosity. Download. Introduction. Further resources and webinars will be held for schools and other stakeholders in the summer term 2023. isi.net Independent Schools Inspectorate . Elizabeth Holmes suggests actions to take to better manage energy consumption. Inspections also comment on the progress made to meet any compliance action points set out in the school's most recent statutory inspection. The quality of the pupils . isi.net Independent Schools Inspectorate . During the summer term we will hold webinars and publish further resources for schools and other partner organisations. They will include a focus on the manageability of inspections.During the autumn term ISI will explore approaches to evidence gathering, managing the inspection process and building relationships on inspection, and in the spring term ISI will focus on evaluating the effectiveness of provision under the proposed framework, building towards piloting a complete inspection.Final framework publication and implementationThe publication of ISIs new inspection framework is dependent on approval from ISIs Board and the Department for Education the regulator for independent schools in England.ISI is committed to ensuring schools and other stakeholders have sufficient time to prepare for the introduction of a new framework. Home; About us + Approval to inspect; Quality assurance; Governance; Work for us; Annual Report 2021-22; Our values; A new approach to independent school inspections One of the main changes is a shift in emphasis - there will be a heavier focus on informal conversations and exploring any negative comments, however small, from questionnaires and conversations held during the inspection. In the light of Everyones Invited, it is perhaps unsurprising that inspections will focus heavily on a schools relationships, sex and health education (RSHE) provision. ISI is planning to introduce a new inspection framework at the start of the next inspection cycle in September 2023. Inspections do not include matters that are outside of the regulatory framework described above, such as: an exhaustive health and safety audit; compliance . Is it the wellbeing support you offer to pupils, staff and families? This part of the inspection is simply deemed to be 'met' or 'not met', and no judgements on quality are made. Inspections do not include matters that are outside of the regulatory framework described above, such as: . What are the roles of governors and proprietors in the inspection process? There are six framework areas to be included that give a much deeper look at what schools offer, how they are managed and how their students are cared for and supported. Depending on the type of inspection, recommendations may also be made to help schools identify and address any areas for improvement and build on good practice.Schools undergo a scheduled inspection, on average, every three years and safeguarding is a focus of all inspections.Specific information about the involvement of governors,parents,pupils and teachers in the inspection process can be found in our FAQ section.To see if a school is inspected by ISI or Ofsted, please use the search function on the Department for Education's register of schools and colleges in England.To raise a concern about a school please click here.In this section:The Independent School StandardsHow we inspectCovid-19 updateInspector recruitment & trainingUpdates for schoolsPrivate further educationBritish schools overseas. But then the framework contains a further five aspects, each emphasising the importance of pupil wellbeing. The Ofsted deep dive is one of the key elements of the Ofsted Inspection Framework's curriculum focus. In a positive move, schools will now be asked about how they deal withconcerns aboutpupil mental illness and more focus will be given to the effects of bullying on mental health. under section 548 of the Education Act 1996. ISI.net uses cookies to improve your web experience. framework for the assessment . The Independent Schools Inspectorate Framework has released its proposed school inspection draft for consultation. The following phrase from the framework shows how important student voice and feedback is in any inspection. You can change your cookie settings at any time. Under the new framework, everything is inspected, at each inspection, which is much more straightforward for a busy school. RAG rate your school against the grade descriptors for each judgement area based on the 2021 School Inspection Handbook Pick out your strengths and include these in your SEF - this is a chance for you to celebrate. It is designed to improve the quality of education on offer to international students who attend UK colleges through student visas. ISI inspections are also carried out under the arrangements of the ISC Associations for the maintenance and improvement of the quality of their membership. 28.10.2021. ISI reports to the English Department for Education . Powered by Bake. Edits throughout: see 'Summary of changes' for details. Adam Smith describes how to evaluate and review the impact of teamwork. Schools also need to ensure that students feel comfortable and confident in giving this feedback. Powered by Bake. First impressions are still important, though. The quality of the pupils' academic and other achievements is good. 2020 Independent School Management Plus. The in-person shadow inspection has assessed tasks attached, including writing a pre-inspection plan (PIP), a report and completing evidence forms. All rights reserved. The results will inform our priorities for engagement with all our stakeholders. ISI inspections are required to: Report on the extent to which colleges comply with the published Educational Oversight Standards; Or they might feel that ISI is running scared of movements such as Everyones Invited and Black Lives Matter, and that the revisions are an attempt to placate a wide range of activist groups. This was the first full inspection since 2014, with a Regulatory Compliance Inspection having been carried out in 2018. Thank you for your patience. These will include a series of in-person and virtual events and webinars.A comprehensive programme of inspector training will also be delivered in advance of the new framework becoming effective to ensure high levels of validity, reliability and quality assurance throughout the inspection process. This includes the 3 I's; Intent (how the curricula is designed and sequenced), Implementation (how that curricula is taught) and Impact (the achievement of pupils). Shiplake College ISI Inspection Report May 2022 Regulatory Compliance and Educational Quality Inspection Report For Schools with Residential Provision Shiplake College May 2022 Contents 2. This new rigour should be welcomed by the independent sector, but what are the key changes and implications for staff? Finally, our framework explains how we intend to carry out our programme. Above and beyond this school leaders will need to demonstrate: A strategic, comprehensive and inclusive approach to identifying and managing the risk of harm to pupils wellbeingleadership should have the appropriate skills and knowledge to ensure that they appreciate and understand the prevalence of potentially harmful behaviours, and therefore do not consider avoidable harms unavoidable. ISI is planning to introduce a new inspection framework in September 2023. You can find reports for all schools that ISI inspects. Our consultation on proposals closed in September 2022. As stated in the revised inspection framework (Sept 2021), the inspectors were not expecting to see a fully embedded programme, given the disruption schools have faced. All rights reserved. isi.net Independent Schools Inspectorate . We've all heard about the "Deep Dives" and the . Paragraphs 83-92 of KCSIE 2022 now lay out the obligations of schools that arise from The Human Rights Act, The Equality Act and The Public Sector Equalities Duty, and it is essential that schools ensure they can demonstrate how their policies and practise meet these obligations. The UAE School Inspection Framework is based on comprehensive performance standards that define the essential aspects of a quality education. The report includes an overview of the consultation process, engagement levels, methodology, and ISIs response to the findings. Schools will need to evidence their systems for recording, tracking and tackling bullying - including how SEND and vulnerable pupils are protected. May 2022. A recently updated seminar aimed at supporting schools in working towards school improvement. Reflecting on the recent Covid disruption, school leaders may be relieved to learn that reports will not comment on student outcomes against national benchmarks, after two years of teacher-assessed grades. A continued focus on listening to the views of pupils, particularly around any safeguarding concerns, is especially welcomed. All rights reserved. However, we also point out that there is no compulsion for a school to use ISI's SEF template, as a school may submit its self-evaluation in whatever format it chooses. So please reach out if you have questions. Invoices will then be issued every September on an annual basis.Team Inspector RecruitmentInitial team inspector recruitment remains paused for the time being but we are planning to reopen recruitment later this year. Id suggest that this is a good thing the FCI/EQI duality has sometimes led to a strangely skewed focus where an FCI is seen by teachers as lighter touch, with more focus and thought given by the whole school community to the big one every six years. The following document provides a high-level summary of consultation feedback and ISIs responses. This includes the ability to search by location. Instead, through conversations with a range of staff, they will explore the schools culture and processes for dealing with issues. Schools must be able to evidence how all staff have been trained to recognise or deal with incidents. 13 June 2022: Ofsted and CQC launch consultation on new area SEND framework The consultation looks at proposed changes to the way Ofsted and the Care Quality Commission (CQC) inspect area special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) arrangements from 2023. In total, over 1,000 responses from a wide range of stakeholders were received. 22nd March 22. Exceptional practice must have clear, demonstrable and highly beneficial impact for the pupils involved with no risk of detriment to other pupils., There are a number of different criteria specified for an area of school life to be described as exceptional, but this is certainly a very positive new element of inspections that will give many schools a positive target to aim for given that it will need to be verified for impact through a range of evidence, which should include (where appropriate) the views of pupils, parents and staff; documentation including school records; observation; scrutiny of work and other measures of pupil progress.. School leaders should therefore focus on ensuring that they are able to meet the requirement that they enable pupils to communicate, and develop positive relationships with staff, and make their views known. This goes beyond just having a student council to represent their views, and schools will need to show that they are willing and able to take on board student feedback on all elements of school life. By continuing to use this website you are giving consent to cookies being used. Gone too is the dual economy of FCI and EQI inspections schools can expect to be examined on all aspects of their operation a minimum of twice within the next six year cycle. CFRP barely visible impact damage inspection based on nonlinear ultrasound signal sparse reconstruction. ISI is appointed by the Secretary of State for Education to inspect association independent schools in England (as outlined in section 87A of the Children Act 1989 and section 106 of the Education and Skills Act 2008). Additional learning needs in Wales: what is changing. This includes an overview of both quantitative and qualitative feedback, including responses received from associations. You can read two more articles on Tes for free this month if you register using the button below. There are a few additional tweaks which further enhance the new proposals. Read our Cookie Policy, or hide this message. Read our, register of schools and colleges in England, Memorandum of Understanding between DfE, Ofsted and ISI - November 2019. We do plan to end this call promptly at 5:30 Eastern Time. For more detailed feedback and analysis please refer to the main consultation report. Stay updated Consultation survey Or register to get 2 articles free per month. Date (s): 02 Feb 2023 14 Mar 2023 Price: 195.00 04. Inspections School updates ISI provides regular updates to association schools about any changes to inspection practice. The visits are intended to provide an opportunity for ISI to trial inspection methodology and engage with the views of school leaders, pupils and parents. The final framework is due to be published in Spring 2023 and come into effect in September 2023. The framework takes account of the fact that, for a small group of students, even a very good school can be a difficult place to be.. More broadly, inspections are expected to also explore the schools culture, openness and attitude to addressing issues. The full consultation report provides an overview of the feedback and ISI's response to it, outlining any modifications to the proposed framework and identifying those areas which will be explored further in the piloting stage. Financial Year ChangeA reminder that we are moving our financial year this year to align with the academic year. St Pauls Place, Norfolk Street, Sheffield, S1 2JE. Powered by Bake. Privacy noticeAccessibility statementContact us. IEEE Sens J 2018; 18: 6303-6310. . Alternatively, you can subscribe for just 1 per month for the next three months and get: You can subscribe for just 1 per month for the next three months and get: Subscribe for just 1 per month for the next 3 months to get unlimited access to all Tes magazine content. For more detail about how to apply for training, how to register your interest isi.net Independent Schools Inspectorate . Second, is recognition that even in excellent schools, there is always room for further development, named in the consultations as areas for action. Wales offering courses on the Qualifications and Credit Framework. Wed like to set additional cookies to understand how you use GOV.UK, remember your settings and improve government services. You'll want to use the criteria as a reference point and not as a scoring system or a checklist. this template as the questions asked are much more closely aligned to the current inspection framework. Inspections also comment on the progress made to meet any compliance action points set out in the school's most recent statutory inspection. An Ofsted inspection of any establishment, primary or secondary, small or large, will now include 'a subject deep dive'. Inspections also comment on the progress made to meet any compliance action points set out in the school's most recent statutory inspection. ISI is planning to introduce a new inspection framework at the start of the next inspection cycle in September 2023. Inspection evidence will no longer simply be triangulated; opportunities will be sought for free and frank discussions with the staff body, and inspectors have been asked to enable any weak points to be aired openly to build up the robustness of any inspection. Subscribe for just 1 per month for the next 3 months to get unlimited access to all Tes magazine content. News stories, speeches, letters and notices, Reports, analysis and official statistics, Data, Freedom of Information releases and corporate reports. Luke Ramsden discusses. Check benefits and financial support you can get, Find out about the Energy Bills Support Scheme, Inspections and performance of education providers, Non-association independent schools inspection handbook, Selecting new schools and schools that undergo significant change for inspection, Ofsted inspections of further education and skills providers, Inspectors talking to pupils on inspection, Risk assessment methodology for further education and skills providers, Ofsted inspections of non-association independent schools. It is password protected. We are delighted with our most recent ISI Focused Compliance and Educational Quality Inspection Report (February 2022), we have been awarded the top grade of 'Excellent' in all aspects of our educational provision and shown to be 'compliant' in all regulatory aspects. Following on from the shocking revelations brought to light by Everyone's Invited, it came as no surprise that the Independent Schools Inspectorate (ISI) announced changes to its inspection framework, with a renewed focus on sexual abuse. Download your completed form and share it as you needed. This will include how the schools ethos supports PSHE (personal, social, health and economic) development, staff training and the role of Sendcos in supporting SEND pupils to access the RSHE curriculum. The new OFSTED framework has moved away from data-heavy inspections and now includes a judgment based on quality of education. The tasks are assessed by the course tutors. All rights reserved. This document is HMICFRS's proposed inspection programme and framework commencing April 2022, which we envisage will run for the next three years. The following report provides an overview of ISI's inspection activity during the 2021-22 academic year. We use some essential cookies to make this website work. Download. . isi.net Independent Schools Inspectorate . The agreement of these areas in collaboration with school leaders (such that inspection is done with rather than done to a school) is also a bonus. ISI inspects against the statutory Independent School Standards, which cover all aspects of school life. Framework 2023 Consultation 1. Other achievements is good a recently updated seminar aimed at supporting schools in working school. Evaluate and review the impact of teamwork including writing a pre-inspection plan ( PIP ), a report and evidence! Website work 2023 14 Mar 2023 Price: 195.00 04 inspection process do plan to this... Engagement levels, methodology, and ISIs response to the views of pupils, particularly around any safeguarding,! 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