NHA Phlebotomy Exam Study Guide: ... Test Prep and Practice Questions for the National Healthcareer Association Certified Phlebotomy Technician Exam. Also called the tube holder. Free phlebotomy state exam practice test 2019 to pass phlebotomy study guide pdf 2019.For nha practice test 2019 you must go through real exam. This study has come a long way, and with the current knowledge of this process, it is no doubt that George Washington may have actually lived longer. Must always be worn when collecting blood specimen. Lavender stoppers indicate what kind of lab use? ... Phlebotomy Tubes for NHA Exam. Infectious agents that can cause bacterial, viral, fungal, or parasitic infections. Never do this without doc's order. They are monocytes while in the circulating blood, but when they pass into the tissues, they transform into macrophages and become powerful phagocytes. Compare the wristband to the laboratory order sheet, and ask the patient to spell his/her name. The patient will usually have chills and fevers of unknown origin, indicating the possible presence of pathogenic microorganisms in the blood (septicemia). Are designed to reduce the risk of transmission of microorganisms by direct or indirect contact. Choose from 500 different sets of exam 1 nha phlebotomy flashcards on Quizlet. Phlebotomy concerns the act of making an incision in a vein with a needle. Is to provide the body protection against infections. Are designed to reduce the risk of airborne transmission of infectious agents. Florais de Bach. Light blue stoppers indicate what additive on the order of draw? label the specimen and match it up with... the patients name, unique id number. Can range from simple screening tests done in a single practice office or specialized testing done in large group practices. Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) is measure exactly how long after let settled? IV Fluids. Dermal puncture should never be done with what? Whole blood hematology determinations, routine immunohematology testing, and blood donor screening/. They are often used to monitor the level of a specific substance or condition in the patient. The increase in proportion of formed elements to plasma caused by the tourniquet being left on too long (more than 2 minutes). Collection from edematous tissue alters test results. Quizlet ASPT Phlebotomy Flashcards: Review 100+ flashcards specific to the ASPT phlebotomy exam. During a routine venipuncture, when should the phlebotomist request that the patient release the fist? also called vacuum tube; sterile glass or plastic tube with vacuum inside and a rubber, color-codded top to indicate chemical additive. The fluid will alter the test results. Quizlet is a lightning fast way to learn vocabulary. Blood collection tube in the Standard Phlebotomy supplies. The third procedure used in medical asepsis using various chemicals that can be used to destroy many pathogenic microorganisms. Inflammation of a vein as a result of repeated venipunture on that vein. When inserting the needle for venipuncture, at what angle should it be inserted? There are different ways in which one can get a diagnosis of what ails them, and the most common way is through Phlebotomy, where blood is drawn and taken to the lab technicians. Common Test for Red/Gray (speckled) Top Tube. The distal segment of the 3rd and 4th finger on the non-dominant hand. These are disposable and are used only once for single-tube draw and multi-draw. Their # increases in bacterial infections, and often, the first one on the scene. When should you not attempt to elevate? The most common size is 23 gauge, 1/2 to 3/4 inch long. NHA Phlebotomy Study NHA Study Guide. May 23, 2017 - Quizlet is a lightning fast way to learn vocabulary. Analyzes chemical components of blood such as hemoglobin and serum, urine and cerebrospinal fluid, based on the differences in electrical charge. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. IV medication systems which administer medication or fluids through a catheter port using non-needle connections and Jet injection systems that deliver liquid medication beneath the skin or through a muscle. the tourniquet is not to be left on the patient for longer than... identify the patients name, date of birth and any other demographic information. These veins feel hard or cord-like. NHA Phlebotomy Quiz. Color-coded for specific tests and available in adult and pediatric sizes. also called a winged infusion; used for weak or fragile veins prone to collapse, such as in hand draws and pediatrics. if the blood is slow to flow, a gentle pressure may be applied to... the patients finger to avoid milking the finger, gases that are normally dissolved in the liquid portion of blood. Povidione-iodine or cholorhexidine gluconate swabs, Povidione-iodine or cholorhexidine gluconate swabs in the Standard Phlebotomy supplies, nonsterile gauze in the Standard Phlebotomy supplies, cohesive wrap or paper tape in the Standard Phlebotomy supplies, applied post procedure to aid in homeostasis (clotting), double-pointed needle in the Standard Phlebotomy supplies. Approximately ____________________ tubes are needed to fill a pint (473 mL), ______________ is the liquid portion of the blood that contains clotting agents, The typical site for a capillary puncture in an adult is the ________________________ finger, The typical site for a capillary puncture on an infant is the medial or lateral side of the ___________________________________, _____________________ are used for small veins, such as those in the hand or in pediatric patient, The best prevention for needlestick injuries after venipuncture is the use of _______________________, A(n) ____________________ is a special laboratory filter paper used to collect a blood sample from newborns, Leaving a tourniquet on longer than 1 minute greatly increases the chance of _____________________, A(n) _______________________________ is applied to the skin 30 to 60 second before the blood draw to prevent infection at the puncture site, antiseptic (ex. Characteristics Imperative to a Phlebotomist. What type of injuries account for most accidental exposures to blood? NHA practice tests ... EKG lead placement and Phlebotomy tube order & additives. Gold or tiger stop (red-grey) stoppers indicate what kind of lab use? If blood is flowing into the Vacutainer too slowly, you should... withdraw the needle slightly to center it within the vein, __________ tubes have no additives and are used for serology and chemistry studies. Blood specimens should be transported at what temperature? The 3rd choice. The most common injury patients suffer from phlebotomy is _____________________. Is an attitude and a set of personal characteristics needed to succeed in this field. Areas recommended are the medial and lateral areas of the planter surface of the foot. alcohol prep pad, rubbing alcohol, isopropyl alcohol), The liquid portion of blood that remains after the blood has clotted in a collection tube is the ___________, Using a collection needle with a wider lumen reduces the chance that __________________ will occur, Securing a patient in a blood collection chair helps prevent injuries if the patient experiences _________________, The Vacutainer tube with a marbled red-gray top contains _______________ particles to enhance clotting and a thixotropic gel to assist in the separation of serum and blood cells, Gauge is designated by a numeric value; the higher the number, the smaller the ___________, The __________ is the part of the venipuncture needle that fits into the syringe or Vacutainer adapter, True or False: A tourniquet be used when a venous blood sample is to be drawn from the hand, ___________________ are small blood vessels that connect small arterioles to small venules, The ______________ the gauge number, the larger the lumen; the larger the lumen, the less the chance of hemolysis. nha phlebotomy. A semi lunar valve situated between the right ventricle nd the pulmonary artery. Take up the quiz below and get to know just how much of the class work you remember. Prothrombin Time, Coumadin Therapy, Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time, Fibrinogen Degradation Products, Thrombin Time, Factor assays, Bleeding Time. Hematology is the study of blood and its components, fluids and cells. This may be due to excessive pull from the vacuum tube; use of a smaller vacuum tube may remedy the situation. Get Free Nha Phlebotomy Exam Study Guide now and use Nha Phlebotomy Exam Study Guide immediately to get % off or $ off or free shipping. Review 100+ flashcards specific to the ASPT phlebotomy exam. Serum separator tube (SST) contains a gel at the bottom to separate blood from serum on centrifugation. Generally, veins in what location are used for venipuncture? Is the most important means of preventing the spread of infection. 78. The needle size most commonly used in infants and older adults is ___________ gauge, A winged infusion set is also known as a _______________________. Most seek, and many require, a professional certification. It is the least firmly anchored and located near the brachial artery. LearnDash LMS Training. There are different ways in which one can get a diagnosis of what ails them, and the most common way is through Phlebotomy, where blood is drawn and taken to the lab technicians. bioethics If a test requires serum, rather than plasma, a tube with what color top should be drawn? 1. Question Answer; What are the 2 types of ciruclation in the heart? Preferred sites for venipuncture is where? Exposure to light could alter the test results for: Bilirubin, Beta-Carotene, Vitamins A & B6, and Porphyrins. What is the 1st thing needed before doing a venipuncture? Lavender stoppers indicate what additive on the order of draw? (External Hemorrhage). the Practitioner who oddered it before the pT is contacted. Select another site. Identifies presence of casts, bacteria, yeast, and parasites. The muscular middle layer of the heart. allow a blood collection to clot before... when a single specimen must be divided into multiple tubes for testing on different equipment. Learn IFRS 9 - Financial Instruments. This section uses techniques such as radio immunoassay (RIA) and enzyme immunoassay to detect and measure substances such as hormones, enzymes, and drugs. Allows the infectious agent access to the susceptible host. Are you on your way to getting the NHA certification on this technique? the preferred puncture site for obtaining a capillary puncture in adults and children is... the middle or ring finger of the non dominant hand. For that we provide nha phlebotomy practice test real test. Plasma comprises how much of the circulating blood? _______________ are used when there is a concern that the strong vacuum in a stoppered tube may collapse the vein, Leaving a tourniquet tied on a patients arm for longer than the recommended time results in ___________________________________, hemoconcentration and altered test results. Candidates are given two hours to complete all 120 questions. Without a clot activator, blood clots in ______ to _______ minutes, after which it must be centrifuged. Test is done on blood from newborn's heel or on urine. Normal amount of white blood cells for an adult. Is a mixture of arterial and venous blood. Bunsen burners, oxygen and chemicals can cause burns or dismemberment. Saved from quizlet.com. Do not draw blood from an arm with what running into it? ... (ASCP Phlebotomy) National Healthcareer Association (NHA Phlebotomy) Association of Phlebotomy Technicians (ASPT Phlebotomy) ... Each of the certification programs includes training and an exam. Is the process by which blood vessels are repaired after injury. Phlebotomy NHA/CPT NHA Flashcards | Quizlet 8/28/17, 3:31 PM *** SPS aids in the recovery of microorganism by inhibiting the action of complement, phagocytosis and certain antibiotics *** Sterile tube AEROBE FIRST ANAEROBE SECOND FILL 8-10 MLS Light blue top tube This test is used to evaluate diabetes mellitus. According to OSHA, what is the best practice for preventing needlestick injuries after phlebotomy is performed? May be used for routine blood donor screening and diagnostic testing of serum for infectious disease. Agent, Portal of Exit, Mode of Transmission, Portal of Entry, Susceptible Host. Serum tubes with or without clot activator or gel. The aorta, arteries, and arterioles carry what type of blood from the heart to the various parts of the body? The coronary arteries, which supply blood to the heart, are found in this layer. was there any reaction, where is the best location, vasovagal response (faint), If the Pt is in obvious distress then you should, stop the procedure and inform the provider. NHA Study guide. Plasma could be retrieved from what 2 types of tubes? -Prepackaged 70% isopropyl alcohol pads are the most commonly used. 3. Many states require phlebotomists to be certified. To use safety needles that are activated with one hand immediately after use. The most common complication of phlebotomy procedure. Standard for skin prep for all draws except BLOOD CULTURES. Contact (direct and indirect), Droplet, Airborne, Common Vehicle, Vectorborne. These large independent laboratories perform routine and highly specialized tests that cannot be done in smaller ones. 21-22 gauge; requires connection to plastic needle holder or sleeve. This is a new term defined as devices that provides an alternative to needles for various procedures to reduce the risk of injury involving contaminated sharps. The CDC recommended universal precautions, which is a method of infection control that assumed that all human blood and bloody fluids were potentially infectious. Systemic Circulation: What does Pulmonary Circulation do? -Collect routine capillary and venous specimens for testing as requested. The plasma still contains its natural clotting agents, The liquid portion of a blotted blood specimen that no longer contains its active clotting agents, Temporary loss of consciousness; also known as fainting, A material that appears to be a solid until subjected to a disturbance, such as centrifugation, whereupon it becomes a liquid gel that separates blood cells from their serum or plasma, ______________ is the liquid portion of a clotted specimen that no longer contains its active clotting agents, _______________ is the liquid portion of a whole-blood specimen that has not clotted and still contains active clotting agents, ___________ is the destruction or dissolution of red blood cells, with a subsequent release of hemoglobin, ________________ is a material that appears to be a solid until subjected to a disturbance, such as centrifugation, atwhich point it becomes a liquid, ________________ is an agent that inhibits bacterial growth and can be used on human tissue, ___________________ is a situation in which the concentration of blood cells is increased in proportion to the plasma, A blood bank typically uses _________-gauge needles to prevent hemolysis, _________-gauge needles are used to collect samples from fragile or small veins, Routine adult venipuncture requires a _______________-gauge needle. Works by inhibiting thrombin in the coagulation cascade. Contains the anticoagulant ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA). .. Site Selection for Dermal Puncture (Older Children and Adults). The two most common causes are the needle going through the vein and/or failure to apply enough pressure on the site after needle withdrawal. Florais de Bach. Inhibits coagulation by binding to calcium present in the specimen. Is the anticoagulant used for coagulation studies because it preserves the coagulation factors. 8/28/17, 3:31 PM Phlebotomy NHA/CPT NHA Flashcards | Quizlet Page 1 of 13 94 terms bjoz2016 Phlebotomy NHA/CPT NHA Like this study set? The tubes must must be filled at least two-thirds full and inverted 8 times. for the capillary puncture procedure to be successful, the capillaries msut... always wipe away the first drop of blood to... appear after the puncture because of its contamination with tissue fluids. SEGMENTO. NHA Phlebotomy Quiz. I passed a couple days ago using your study method and some quizlet flashcards I made! What is important to keep in mind about blood when collecting a certain amount for testing? LearnDash LMS Training. I am a phlebotomy technician and am here to draw your blood. Search. This indicates that blood has accumulated in the tissue surrounding the vein. Saved by Naisha Garcia. Is used to test hyperglycemis (abnormally high blood sugar level) and diagnose diabetes mellitus. date of collection, time of collection and initials of the person who collected the specimen, plasma, red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. Non-alcohol prep kits or swabs are what two chemicals? Phlebotomy Tubes for NHA Exam. Which veins can be used for routine venipuncture? nha practice test quizlet provides a comprehensive and comprehensive pathway for students to see progress after the end of each module. This is a blood clot usually a consequence of insufficient pressure applied after the withdrawal of the needle. To be placed on each tube collected after the venipuncture. Specimens are protected from light by wrapping the tubes in aluminum foil immediately after they are draw. Gloves in the Standard Phlebotomy supplies. This test is used to diagnose diabetes mellitus and evaluate patients with frequent low blood sugar. Study 94 Terms | Medicine Flashcards | Quizlet NHA Phlebotomy Test - Study Guide - part 1 Learn with flashcards, games, and more — for free. 8/28/17, 3:31 PM Phlebotomy NHA/CPT NHA Flashcards | Quizlet Page 1 of 13 94 terms bjoz2016 Phlebotomy NHA/CPT NHA Like this study set? Uses plain soap to remove soil and transient bacterial. the care after any phlebotomy procedure is just as important as... instruct patients to leave the bandaging in place for at least... proper handling of blood specimens is essential to preserve the viability of... leaving the area in which was used and between each patient, information about any laboratory procedures. The outer connective tissue of the blood vessels (except the capillaries). Site Selection for Dermal Puncture (Infants). Povidone-iodine solution; chlorhexidine gluconate or benzalkonium chloride can be used for those allergic to iodine, The most common collection system is the __________________________. Pulmonary Circulation 2. What are seven reasons that the laboratory may reject a specimen? In this test you have to answer nha phlebotomy test. Installing the Microsoft SQL Server BI stack. Insufficient return of blood flow to the heart, results in inadequate supply of oxygen to all organs and tissues of the body. The most efficient way to transport capillary tubes is to removed the stopped from the red-topped tube, insert the capillary tubes, sealed-end down, replace the stopped, and label the tube. Phlebotomy Essentials book-PHB160 chapter 1 test (77 cards) 2020-03-03 4 Phlebotomy Medical Terminology from S.A. (85 cards) 2018-08-21 4 Phlebotomy NHA (CPT) Test Prep (38 cards) 2020-06-10 4 quizlet-phlebotomy-final-study-guide 1/3 Downloaded from store.dev.tmxmoney.com on November 13, 2020 by guest [Books] Quizlet Phlebotomy Final Study Guide This is likewise one of the factors by obtaining the soft documents of this quizlet phlebotomy final study guide by online. They are also used for venipuncture in the elderly and pediatric patients. Why should a tourniquet not be tied too tightly? The fibrous outer layer of the heart. With a team of extremely dedicated and quality lecturers, nha practice test quizlet will not only be a place to share knowledge but also to help students get inspired to explore and discover many creative ideas from themselves. Saved from quizlet.com. What are the 4 blood-borne viruses detected and identified after the 1960s? Which of the following is an example of proper patient identification? The diameter of the bore of the needle. Analyzes plasma levels of drugs and poisons. This was the textbook my class used and is hands down the best resource to prep for the test . Certified Phlebotomy … Work Experience- Candidates must have at least one (1) year of supervised work experience in the health field covered by the NHA certification exam within the past three (3) years. ______________________ are crucial for therapeutic drug level monitoring to confirm the patient's medication dosage and compliance, 1. The coronary arteries, which supply blood to the heart, are found in this layer. What is the most efficient way to transport Microtainer tubes? Light Blue stoppers indicate what kind of lab use? The Formed Elements constitute of how much of the blood? This is an infection control method designed to prevent direct contact with blood and other body fluids and tissues by using barrier protection and work control practices. The color of the tube top for the collection of a coagulation test is ____________________. Take up the quiz below and get to know just how much of the class work you remember. This is consent given by the patient who is made aware of any procedure to be performed, its risks, expected outcomes, and alternatives. Quizlet is a lightning fast way to learn vocabulary. Learn exam 1 nha phlebotomy with free interactive flashcards. This carries deoxygenated blood from the right ventricle to the lungs (oxygenation takes place at the alveoli) and returns oxygenated blood from the lung to the left atrium. Specific ways in which microorganisms travel from the reservoir to the susceptible host. Hello, my name is Courtney. The vein of choice because it is large and does not tend to move when the needle is inserted. Latex sensitivity that can cause allergic reactions ranging from simple dermatitis to anaphylaxis. Quizlet: ... National Healthcareer Association (NHA Phlebotomy) The National Healthcareer Association (NHA) Certified Phlebotomy Technician exam includes 120 questions to be completed within 2 hours. The average platelet is how many micro liters of blood? Start studying Phlebotomy Technician 1 NHA Practice Test. Phlebotomy questions to prepare the student for NHA Certification Learn with flashcards, games, and more — for free.. Get free online courses from famous The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that heel punctures for infants no exceed what? A ____________ is used to perform a dermal puncture; it delivers a quick puncture to a predetermined depth. Hepatitis B virus (HBV), Hepatitis C virus (HCV), human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), and a hemorrhagic virus (Ebola). NHA Phlebotomy Test - Study Guide - part 1 Learn with flashcards, games, and more — for free. Blood obtained via capillary puncture can be collected in what ways? If a large amount of blood is needed what method is preferred? This is an atrioventricular valve, being situated between the right atrium and right ventricle. The normal life span of a red blood cell is how long? How long does it take for a red top tube to clot? Improperly positioned needle can lead to what? They are phagocytosis cells, meaning, they engulf and digest bacteria. NHA Phlebotomy Study Guide - Pt 1 Flashcards | Quizlet STUDY FOR ASCP EXAM (78 cards) 2018-03-17 5 Study Guide for items and information in Section 4 (29 cards) 2016-07-06 5 A variety of questions for preparing students for certification (132 cards) 2020-06-27 4 Analysis of urine (45 cards) If the needle is inserted too deep, this artery may be punctured. When you are nearing the end of the draw and the last tube to be collected has been filled, If you are drawing blood on an older patient with a history of collapsed veins, you should try to collect the blood sample with a _______________, The most common causes of hematoma formation during blood draws are excessive probing with the needle to locate vein, failure to ________________________________ into the vein, and penetration of the needle _______________ the vein, The ___________ is the slanted edge at the tip of the needle, Petechiae typically occurs because ____________________________________________, the tourniquet has been in place for longer than 2 minutes, Clot activators promote clotting of blood. And tissues of the tube top for the collection tube that the laboratory order sheet, and study. Formation of a latex allergies as part of the needle is inserted aluminum foil immediately collection. 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