The gem will pop out when the tub is full. This will cause a yellow gem to drop from the chandelier. Once it’s open, you’ll have the yellow gem. On your left there’s another glass case with a single orb inside. Once it is, go through the grate on the right to get the gem. Drop Gooigi inside to get the gem behind the desk area here, and use a burst move to push it out. Wear the top hat down into the secret area. This elegant venue’s white columns and well-kept lawn conjure images of european villas or southern mansions. Vacuum toad to shoot him at the case holding the vase and stacks of coins. For Luigi's Mansion 3 on the Nintendo Switch, a GameFAQs Q&A question titled "Anyone get the 4th floor gem? Drop Gooigi down this grate, after revealing it with the dark light, to get the gem. Before you head through the first door on the floor, shine the Dark Light on the area underneath the yellow painting. The gem will fall out of its mouth when you vacuum the rope. Use Gooigi to drop beneath the staircase through a grate located on the far right side of the hallway. Use the suction shot to reveal the gem. You can just hold the iceblock and fall off the rafters. Contact E. Gadd. That’s because there’s a gem inside it! Place Gooigi on this grate in the back of the stairwell. Use the suction shot to shoot the wooden panel underneath. Vacuum off the cover of this car and flash the strobulb light. Look through the telescope and that will reveal a ghost who has a gem inside. Use the suction shot to open the fridge door (on the left). Drop Gooigi down it. It will wind around to the entrance, but keep following it to a chest. Hit the clear part (where you can see the snacks) with the suction shot and pull. You can find the second gem in the Heart Key store on the first floor of the Mall Lobby. Capture it to get the gem. Once you do that the safe will unlock. Suction shot this sarcophagus until the gem ghost appears and capture it. The second gem is located on the first floor of the Mall Lobby. He'll land at the top of the elevator. Head straight ahead and pull the sheet to reveal a huge hole in the wall. Find these bricks in the room where you fight several ghosts with swords. Use the suction shot and pull on the suspicious-looking brick. A gem will pop out. That will open a super suction outlet. Shine the Dark Light onto it so that the gem will pop out of the painting. Go to the laundry room. The gem will pop out. Luigi´s invited to the towering Last Resort hotel, but when Mario and friends go missing, our green-clad hero will have to conquer his fears to save them! Floor 3. Learn more, Use Luigi's skills, his vacuum, Dark Light and Gooigi to find all the gems in Luigi's Mansion 3. Back to the restaurant area! In the room with the painting that captured E Gadd, use your vacuum to spin the chandelier.. A room will open on the left with the gem. If you head all the way to the right side of the lobby you'll see a gem tied up in some vines. Head to room 508 (E.Gadd’s room) and exit onto the balcony by taking the door in the back left of the room. Break it open with the suction shot. Shoot Toad one last time into the skeleton above the elevator. Shine the dark light under this painting to reveal the gem. After thoroughly destroying the stage and defeating the ghost choir, interact with the TV to get the gem. Vacuum and shoot Toad into the case to the right of Luigi. You’ll be in a sitting room area with a telephone nearby. Flash it and the fossil on the wall will retract to reveal a safe with the gem inside. Walk to the left (as Gooigi) and grab the gem on the upper section. After defeating the boss head into the side room and use your Dark Light to reveal more keys on the broken piano. Gems are one of the main collectibles in Luigi's Mansion 3 and they are not easy to find. A gem ghost will be reading the paper. Have Gooigi lift Luigi up to the rafters to get the ice block his flashlight is shining on. Use the suction shot to slam this and reveal a gem. Grand Lobby. Activate Gooigi and have Gooigi walk to the back left, so he can drop down the grates on the floor. ", Ma Rainey's Black Bottom review: "Chadwick Boseman is astonishing in his final film performance", WandaVision episode 2 review: "Marvel's remarkably bizarre new show", WandaVision episode 1 review: "Shows just how experimental Marvel can be with these Disney Plus shows", Star Trek: Discovery season 3, episode 13 review: "An anti-climax", Doctor Who Revolution Of The Daleks review: "The meat ‘n’ veg version of Who", Star Trek: Discovery season 3, episode 12 review: "A spectacular run of episodes continues". Once the water is off in the showers, send Gooigi down the drain. Vacuum and eventually something will happen. Go to the service hallway. Enter the barrel and walk to the right, then walk up the ladder. Walk up to behind the gem and use the vacuum jump move. The men's bathroom has two stalls. A floor-by-floor guide to all 102 gems hidden in Luigi’s latest game In gameplay terms, Luigi’s Mansion 3 continues the tradition of steering the green brother away from his roots as a … You’ll see a dangling object. Head through the door and you’ll enter the secret stash which will give you another gem and some serious coin. Head to the back right to pull the cover off the bike's basket by vacuuming it up. Flash the radio in the corner of the cardio room three times until the room gets spooky. Capture it and another gem is yours. A gem will appear. to get another gem. Hit it with the Suction Shot and pull the panel off to reveal a gem. Use both of their vacuums to spin it and a gem should pop out. Go to the garage. Follow the path from the left to the right to reveal a downstairs area where the gem is. Notice the slightly rolled carpet corner. The one on the left houses the White Gem for this floor. Head to the left and enter the musician’s dressing room. This silver gem is found on the west side of the first floor. Once you're in the jewellery shop on the 3rd floor, use any shootable item to break open the glass and the gem behind it will be yours. A ghost will appear; capture it to get the gem. Walk across the rafters slowly, so you don't fall, and vacuum the ice block. Return above and point the vacuum to the bathtub faucet and blow (ZL) until the shower fills the tub. Go up the stairs that appear, and open the chest for the gem. Vacuum the gem from the case when it opens. While holding down ZR (as Luigi or Gooigi) switch to the other character and have them use their vacuum on the chandelier too. Walk all the way to the left of the hall until you reach the popcorn machine. Shine your Dark Light on it to reveal a door. (Spoilers)". You'll be able to find a gem within the big ole light in the ceiling. As these utensils spin, the lights above you will glow. Once you shoot Toad into this case, use the dark light to reveal another orb. Use Gooigi to retrieve it. There was a problem. Hope the above tips and tricks will help you to clear the third floor of Luigi’s Mansion 3. Go to the far left and fine the mermaid statue. When all the notes are played the safe will open, giving you another gem. Suck up the spectral orbs and reveal the gem. Capture it for the gem. Clear the debris out of the way with the suction shot the use Gooigi to go through the wooden bars. This will open a secret wall to the left, and the gem will be on the table. Flash the light on the safe with the Strobulb to open it. Blow the fan on the wall on the left so that the cage is lowered. This portion of the Luigi's Mansion 3 guide contains the Tomb Suites Walkthrough featuring every Tomb Suites gem location and puzzle solution. In the bottom area, with Toad, you'll see a collection of paint buckets in the left corner. Finally, return to the tv room before the main door and suction shot/pull the potted plant so that it breaks. On your way to E. Gadd's room suck up the orb on the hand statue (located on the right of the scary woods painting and to the left of the statue with a green gem in its mouth). Break the case that comes out of the tub to get the gem. Switch so that you’re controlling Gooigi and use him to smoosh directly through the cage. Suck up the ghost orbs, as usual, and get a gem. Use Luigi to follow this path in front of the gift shop. It's attached to a giant fish! Exit the garage and walk to the right, past the elevator and through the door to reach the service elevator. To know more read our guide how to defeat Chef Soulffle in Luigi’s Mansion 3. In the weight room, have Gooigi stand on the scale in the far right corner. The gem should be hidden among them. Visit our corporate site. Luigi's Mansion 3 gems are hidden all over its 15 floors and two basement levels. Inside is another gem. Current page: Play some music by vacuuming the bottles. Head outside and immediately go to the right. Reveal a grate to drop Gooigi down with the dark light. Shine the dark light toward the left corner of the screen, facing the camera. Luigi's Mansion 3 gems, basement to 5th floor, Best gaming chair for PS5, PS4, and Xbox: get comfy whatever your console setup, Best card games - find new favorites that won't get lost in the shuffle, The best Xbox One steering wheels and their cheapest prices. Use your vacuum on the chandelier. The one with bones and flowers. Once you're there, have Gooigi use the Dark Light on the pipe. Have Gooigi use the dark light on a missing pipe. If you head to the left side of the lobby you'll be able to see a gem just out of reach sitting on a shelf. Have Gooigi squeeze into the bottle to the left of the box to get this gem. Use your Dark Light to reveal it. Vacuum the sheet off the truck to reveal that its trunk has a blinking green light. Activate Gooigi by double-clicking the right stick. Behind the wall where the ship is a green pip for Gooigi to travel through. Enter the newly revealed area for another gem. Capture the ghost to reveal the white gem. Move to the very far, far right of the beach, beyond where the camera reaches. There are five levels on this floor in which only four levels are visible Use a suction shot and pull on this panel underneath the painting of the hotel in the hotel lounge area. Head to the glass case on the right side of the room and shoot toad into it. [eShop] Weekly Digital Switch Game Sale (Luigi's Mansion 3, Catherine, River City Girls, lots lots more) Recover E. Gadd's Briefcase. Gooigi will not fall--as he is pictured behind the valve as a shadow--there is a ramp to the gem. The sixth gem is also at the Studio entrance. Pull this brass orb to reveal the gem. Pull on this sheet to reveal the hidden room. Flash the blinking green light with your Strobulb to open the trunk and reveal the gem inside. Capture him and you'll collect another gem. Use Gooigi to vacuum (ZR) the gem out of the tuba. Vacuum the chandelier and a panel will move, revealing a hidden area. Pull one of the swords off the wall with the vacuum (or take one from a ghost battle in the room) and then shoot it at the dartboard and a gem will pop out. On your right, there are a bunch of boxes. Go to room 507 and enter the bathroom on the right. Go inside the Heart Key store on the … Break this plant with the suction shot, and notice the rolled carpet corner. A gem will be right in front of you. Once you have it, head to the main stage and do the Burst move while standing on top of the suspicious panel on the floor. Stand on one of the elevated panels and have Gooigi stand on the other, on the opposite side. Use your haunted light to reveal a hidden couch on the far left-hand side of the lobby near the window, a gem ghost will pop up. Vacuum up the scrap and pull it to reveal a gem ghost. Use your vacuum to remove the sheet that's on top of the car next to E. Gadd's lab, then use your vacuum to activate the light and a gem should pop out. Use the suction shot to break the vase and release the gem. You’ll notice the gem tumbling around. Do a burst move on it to reveal the gem. The gem is sticking out of it. Use Gooigi to slip through the bars and get behind the counter to pick up the gem. Push the carpet from the end with the polter-goo to reveal a grate. Shine your dark light in this corner to reveal a water heater. The seventh floor is known as the Garden Suites and it is the largest floor in Luigi's Mansion 3. Shoot a ball into this sign before you leave the locker room to get the gem. At the end of the hall to the left, find the popcorn machine and flash it until a gem appears. Head into the room that is under construction, which is the fourth room down once you passed the laundry room. Use the dark light near the … Once you’ve tracked down and caught that pesky Polterkitty you will gain access to the Unnatural History Museum on Floor 9. In this guide, we’ll show you their map locations and how to … Interact with it and a gem will pop out. Vacuum up that carpet for a surprise gem. Go up the escalator, walk right and in front of all the tables. Go up the lobby stairs and to the left. In the main room with the director in it, have Luigi/Gooigi climb onto the lift that's in the back left corner. Vacuum up that island too to reveal a chest with the gem. Walk up to it and vacuum it to reveal its true form. Remove this banner from the wall and use the dark light to reveal a door. Suck up the carpet so that it rolls back on itself, revealing a grate. This portion of the Luigi's Mansion 3 guide includes the Paranormal Productions walkthrough and all Paranormal Productions gem locations. White Gem Location: Above Elevator Hall. Use a suction shot on the panel to reveal the gem. Vacuum up the flowers in this flowerbed to reveal the strobulb light. Follow the path and use the dark light to reveal a bridge. This video will show you how to get all floor 9 gems in Luigi's Mansion 3.Luigi's Mansion 3 | Floor 9 All Gems Location (Unnatural History Museum) Continue forward and you’ll reach an entryway with a few knights in armor in both sides. After opening the venus fly trap, go to the left and blow on another leaf bridge. A safe will open after you've played each note. Once you're down there, in the submarine. Vacuum the leaves to reveal another passageway. After pulling the panel off the box, use the Stobulb to flash the green light. Use the suction shot on the cart to the left to break it and enter the bathroom. Walk over to the bed and follow the blue flat vine path down below. Use the globe to shoot down the decorative orbs in the far right corner of the entrance. New York, Look for a panel in the back of the laundry room behind the vending machine on floor 5. Notice the painting of the gem on the wall. The electricity will power the machine and release a red gem. Vacuum up the orb from one, and use it to shoot the gargoyle statue holding the gem next to it. Elevator. This should make the chandelier lower a bit. Use Gooigi to collect it by going through the bars. Get the best gaming deals, reviews, product advice, competitions, unmissable gaming news and more! After getting the ice block from the left freezer, have Gooigi turn on the stove. Use a burst move on this panel on the stage. Interact with the piano and a gem will pop out. Use Gooigi to go through the grate in the men's bathroom to pull on the cord. Shoot coconuts at it until it breaks and a gem ghost appears. To help you collect every Unnatural History Museum gem, consult the All 9F Gem locations guide below. Check out our comprehensive walkthrough on how to find every single Luigi's Mansion 3 gem. In the hidden room, clear the debris out of the way to get the gem. This will reveal a ghost with a gem inside it. Break it to get the gem. Send him through the pipes to the platform where the gem is. Walk along the ledge to the gargoyle who is holding a gem. A yellow trunk pops out, and the Gold Gem is inside. … Shoot Toad into this case to get the gem floating inside. You should find a makeup bag in the bathroom, use the plunger to grab it and break it open. (Note: the cap has an open slot you can look through). You’ll need both Luigi and Gooigi to do this. Follow that back into a secret area above the elevator and to a chest that has another gem. Have Gooigi enter the cage to get the gem. Shoot the washing machine door with your next suction shot (using Y). Shine your Dark Light on the entryway that’s in the back right to reveal another set of knight armor. 1F – Gems. Walk to the left through a small opening. A gem will fall out. This portion of the Luigi's Mansion 3 guide covers the Twisted Suites walkthrough and all the twisted suites gem locations. Things are made a tiny bit easier at least in Professor E. Gadd's lab which tracks how many gems you have, and how many more you need in Luigi's Mansion 3. Blow the fan on the left wall to lower the small cage with the gem inside. Once you’re behind the gem use the Burst move (ZR + ZL) to push the gem out. It's about halfway between the front and back of the room. Use Luigi to turn the water on in the tub by blowing on the faucet. After interacting with the boo, vacuum the bottles on the back wall to make a song. Use Luigi to stand on a budding platform on the right-hand side of the lobby and Gooigi on the left. Luigi’s Mansion 3’s fifth floor — 5F : FIP Suites — has six hidden gems.In this guide, we’ll show you their map locations and how to find them all throughout the level. Follow this path outside and to the right to get the gem. Exit the elevator and use the suction shot on the sofa (on your left). Gooigi will flash the strobulb light, and Luigi will suck the gem out of the case before it closes. Flash the blinking light with your Stobulb to get some much-needed coffee and a gem. Enter the garage and you’ll encounter your first boss. It's hard to tell but you can, in fact, just walk over there from this wooden platform. Face the middle washing machine. To the right of the Grand Lobby elevator is a gem in a potted plant. Vacuum that corner to reveal a gem. Turn on the new faucet and a ghost with a gem in it will appear. Place Luigi and Gooigi on the tables in front of the projector screen. Go up the stairs to just above it. Head into the final bedroom, onto the balcony, and look through the telescope. Capture it and the game is yours. Use the suction shot on this electrical box and flash the light with the strobulb to reveal the gem. Approach the Gargoyle statue and interact with it to get the red gem. There’s a door missing! But you can also walk back to the lift if you prefer. GamesRadar+ is supported by its audience. © ". Here, you'll also find a … Light up the signal on the machine with your flashlight and a gem will pop out. Use Luigi to interact with the boo on the wall. Then flash the blinking light that's on the column using your Strobulb.This will cause the fossil to move and reveal a safe. Use your light to open the safe behind the coat rack in the dressing room. The gem will pop out of the pot above it. Shine your Dark Light onto the spot by the donuts, where the little burner is. Head to the bathroom furthest to the right and use your plunger to break down the stall door on the right. Use your plunger to open the middle washing machine on the right side of the laundry room. Use suction shot to remove the luggage so that it’s no longer blocking the door. Then, use Luigi to move the faucet so the tub runs. Rotate this statue to match the shapes of King Boo and Luigi with its shadows to reveal the gem. Go to the left of the screen and use Gooigi to get into the pipe. Capture the ghost for the final gem. You will see a vase on the right side of the elevator’s entrance, break it using a … Use Gooigi to move through the gate and pull on the gold cord to “activate” the inflatable boo on the wall. Luigi’s Mansion 3 9F Unnatural History Museum has six hidden gems shaped like dinosaur feet. Capture it to get the gem. Head to the right from the elevator and you should find a laundry room, use your plunger to rip off the vent in the corner and grab the gem behind it. Walk it up to the stove and have Gooigi turn the stove on from the right side. All the portraits of your pals should be visible. That chest will have the gem. Place it on the bookshelf where the empty space is on the right to get the gem. Pulling it will move the camera on the wall and spit out a gem. Once the sofa is revealed, a ghost will appear. Use Luigi and Gooigi to rock up to the space where the gem is. On your way to the exit, you’ll pass two suits of armor. Use your Dark Light to grab a gem trapped in a painting. A gem will pop out of the safe. Shine your dark light on this painting in the service hallway and the gem will pop out. Then have whoever isn't on the lift use the poltergust to lift it so that it moves up. Continue to the right, moving forward towards the elevator. As you get off on the floor, go to the tuba and blow with the polter-goo. Flash the safe with the strobulb to get the gem. Notice the vending machine with the green blinking light. This is the first gem you can get in the game but it’s gem number 5 in the Grand Lobby. Vacuum the brass ball on the rope, connected to that brass structure. Approach the right side of the bed and investigate the nightstand. Bring the torch from the fire set to the main set area. Look for this pipe in the ground and use the suction shot. Vacuum this chair until the floor flips to reveal a chest. It will open a trap door in the wall that can only be seen in the mirror, where Luigi's strobulb is pointed. Users Interact, In-Game Purchases, Comic Mischief, Mild Cartoon Violence, The Best PlayStation Deals for January 2021, Where to Buy RTX 3060 Ti, RTX 3070, and RTX 3080 Gaming PCs (Updated), Reassessing M. Night Shyamalan's Glass After a Year With No MCU, Fortnite Predator Challenges: How to Unlock the Jungle Hunter Set, Update: Twitch Indefinitely Suspends Donald Trump's Twitch Channel, Spider-Man: Spider's Shadow Turns Peter Parker Into Venom, Everything Coming to Disney+ in February 2021, Here's Every Nintendo Switch Digital Game on Sale at Amazon Right Now, Jurassic World: Dominion Is the 'Culmination' of All Six Jurassic Movies, after getting an upgrade during The Spectral Catch objectives, speaking to Nintendo representatives about Luigi's Mansion 3 at E3 2019, Things Ghost of Tsushima Doesn't Tell You, 8F - Paranormal Productions Gem Locations, 9F - Unnatural History Museum Gem Locations, Lobby by the elevator (the waiting area before you reach the main front desk area: 2 Gems, Off to the left of the main lobby (pumpkin table/balloon area): 2 gems, Hallway in front of the restaurant: 1 Gem, Concession stand (attached to restroom on the right): 1 Gem, Backstage: 1 Gem (requires poltergust upgrade). One is hidden underneath boxes. Capture the ghost in the toilet (toilet ghost?) Stay on the platform with the key, and walk to the left. Go to the garage. … Vacuum the flowers. Keep flashing the vending machine at the end of the guard's hallway and you'll get the gem eventually. Please refresh the page and try again. In it, you will find a key in the toilet. Hit it with the Suction Shot to open it up. Walk with the hat on … Use your Dark Light on the piano to reveal the missing keys. Open it and a gem will pop out. Before you head down to fight the gardener boss, walk to the edge of the flower on the left. Shoot the orb at the statue with the gem in its mouth to shatter it and release the gem. Suction shot the mannequin in the clothes shop to reveal a hidden wall. Have Gooigi travel down it. Break the statue by shooting something at it and a gem will pop out from behind. Summon Gooigi and have him dropdown as Gooigi. Walk to the right side of the garage, past the car, to the vent in the wall. You'll find a multi-story room, climb the latter and then use Googi to fall through the floor to collect the gem. Head to the back right corner where her luggage is stacked and shine the Dark Light behind it. Get Gooigi out and spin them both at the same time. Once inside, … Vacuum up the toad, aim him at the glass, shoot him out to break it. Use the Dark Light to reveal the faucet on the right side of the sink. Vacuum the gem off of its post to get it in this room. Its 15 floors and two basement levels the toilet ( toilet ghost? Wood Dale, IL Sabika! Main area bedroom, onto the balcony, and revealing the gem of pals. Too to reveal the gem bathtub ), revealing a grate to from! A treasure chest the right-hand side of the tuba to fight the gardener,! Dark light on it Y ) hit the clear part ( where you ’ ll enter the bathrooms and will. 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