Producing the finest meat available is only achieved when livestock creates a net positive return on the environment. They’ve shown it can bring degenerated land back from the dead, it can use carbon from the atmosphere as fuel for vegetation, and it can make up for the damage we’ve caused to our. When land and livestock are holistically managed, pastures convert into brilliant ecosystems that are rich in biodiversity and create habitats for native and migratory animals. ... the original regenerative agriculture. These fertilizers do not add health to the soil and only further wreak havoc on all surrounding ecosystems. The grass fed the animals, the animals fertilized the soils, and the grass grew back taller and stronger while the animals were away. For thousands of years, monstrous herds of animals roamed the earth. Carrie Miller talks about regenerative agriculture and pasture-fed livestock farming with Taylor Collins, the Cofounder of EPIC Provisions and Roam Ranch. As grasslands and soils have withered away without animal impact to heal them, they’ve become increasingly infertile and unable to absorb carbon from the atmosphere — a tragic development with the threat of climate change on the rise. Contrary to conventional wisdom, a 2017 life cycle assessment (LCA) conducted with one of EPIC Provisions’ beef suppliers, White Oak Pastures, gives evidence that regeneratively managed cows actually can help sequester carbon in the soil. Therefore, we exclusively source 100% grass-fed beef and venison. Land to Market was developed by The Savory Institute as a program to verify regenerative sourcing for the food and fiber industries. EPIC Provisions was Land to Market’s first brand partner. This sequence began years ago, but we’re feeling its strongest tremors today. ... As of this summer, only Epic Provisions’ Sriracha beef bites and REP Provisions’ beef sticks carried Savory’s EOV label; more Epic products will follow suit in early 2020. But before long, this little mission-driven company from Austin, Texas, had made a ginormous impact. These complements of real protein, fruits, nuts, seeds and spice blends create a taste that is EPIC. The snacks are a fusion of jerky and energy bars, with flavors like chicken sriracha and wild boar with bacon. One of the largest food companies in the U.S. is calling for farming practices that keep carbon trapped in the earth and create healthy, rich soil. What if the foods you ate could help regenerate the land? When EPIC Provisions launched its meat bars back in 2013, the natural industry and its consumers didn’t quite know what to make of them. ... And EPIC Provisions … Then, it got complicated. These beasts covered vast swaths of land in search of food, water, and safety from predators. Before diving into these results, it’s important to understand why livestock get so much attention. These are a perfect on-the-go-snack. Epic Provisions’ foods rely heavily on grass fed animals. Suddenly, our natural land stewards were no longer able to do their job. Properly managed land is the only answer to rebalancing the innate nutritional gifts of our food. Their collective epiphany and new found vitality led them to launch EPIC Provisions, an Austin-based meat snack company that specializes in making nutrient-dense whole food protein snacks … Epic Provisions. By supporting ranchers who practice holistic land management, consumers can feel that they are no longer doing "less bad", but actually "more good" for their own health, the lives of the animals, and the overarching ecosystem that we call home. EPIC Provisions pioneers industry's first consumer product with the Savory Institute's Land to Market Ecological Outcome Verification seal 1463935903881637 Share: product from Epic Provisions is the first in the world to carry the Land to Market Ecological Outcome Verification (EOV) seal for sustainable sourcing. Its Sweet & Spicy Sriracha Beef Bites product was the first consumer packaged product to feature the Savory Institute Land to Market Ecological Verification Outcome seal, which measures outcomes vs. practices. Grasslands are the second most effective resource to carbon sequestration and can effectively reduce the acceleration of global climate change. Developed by the Savory Institute, The Land to Market program is the world’s first verified regenerative sourcing solution for the food and fiber industries. EPIC Provisions is seeing measurable environmental improvements on one of their supplier partner ranches, White Oak Pastures, creating a movement that aligns regenerative producers with the national reach of EPIC products. Regenerative agriculture also calls for reduced dependence on pesticides and synthetic fertilizers. Read the Evidence: Savory Institute Science Library, How to fight desertification and reverse climate change ( The Savory Institute sponsors many large scale restorative projects and some of the results have been nothing short of extraordinary. It’s the best thing for our animals, our planet, and our future. EPIC Provisions created its first-ever "Impact Journal". The sequestrion of carbon from the air and returning it to the soil is a brilliant and relatively unknown feature of pastureland. When soil is depleted of its natural matrix of microorganisms, our food is depleted of vitamins and minerals. These complements of real protein, fruits, nuts, seeds and spice blends create a taste that is EPIC. Let your lawmakers know you care about the health of your family and the nation. We will continue to seek partnerships with ranchers that we deem EPIC and reward them for their commitment to healing the earth. EPIC explains how harsh farming methods like pesticides have failed the land and how regenerative agriculture works. And EPIC Provisions is helping connect mission-based companies to progressive livestock producers using regenerative practices. This isn’t just an idea — it’s a proven strategy. In time, the land began to heal as a result of the bison’s natural activities. Even worse, our soils’ ability to absorb carbon for plant growth has vastly decreased, leaving us helpless against the dangerously high levels of greenhouse gases that modern life and agricultural practices have created. With rising tides and global temperatures, we’re (literally) in hot water. It’s become clear we have to find a way to decelerate its effects. The only thing separating the properties are a barbed wire fence, however they often look like different planets. While "grass fed" and "organic" is generally synonymous with healthy and humanely raised animals, the EPIC team believes that these standards are only the beginning to a greater and more encompassing system that can create value and restore the land. In particular, we get most excited about producers committed to holistic land management practices, such as those advocated by the Savory Institute and Joel Salatin. That’s because healthy grasses from holistically managed lands remove carbon dioxide from our air and put it back where it belongs: the soil. The husband and wife founded EPIC Provisions, a protein bar business inspired by their Paleo lifestyle, which follows a diet that relies heavily on meat, nuts, seeds, fruits, and vegetables. In our efforts to provide consumers with the healthiest snacks possible, we strive to source meat from ranchers that we deem EPIC. When paired with the natural soil aeration provided by their hoofs, these animals could stimulate the biological elements of healthy grass and soil in ways no man-made tool ever has. Don’t you think it’s about time we use it? If we do what I am showing you here, we can take enough carbon out of the atmosphere and safely store it in the grasslands soils for thousands of years, and if we just do that on about half the world’s grasslands that I’ve shown you, we can take us back to pre-industrial levels, while feeding people. Through taking soil samples, monitoring carbon content, and executing countless grassland reclamation projects, they’ve proven regenerative agriculture works. The time has come to stand up to the Big Ag enterprises that kill ecosystems with mass production, monoculture, feedlots, tilling, and dangerous chemicals. It began as an unexpected love affair. We hindered their roaming capabilities by putting up fences or killing off their predators, limiting their ability to impact lands like they once could. Producing the finest meat available is only achieved when livestock creates a net positive return on the environment. Learn More. Another powerful impact of holistically managed land is the unique ability of healthy grass to remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. Desertification has slowly swept across the globe, incrementally destroying the precious few areas of productive land we have left for food production. If you notice monoculture grass and no birds, you have to ask yourself, would the livestock choose to be here if there were no fences? The system was shattered. Epic Provisions Co-Founder, Taylor Collins, White Oak Pastures Owner, Will Harris, and Savory Director of Market Engagement and Public Outreach, Chris Kerston, speak to the Expo West audience. EPIC is committed to redefining what constitutes a "healthy snack" by sourcing meat from the finest purveyors possible. Through taking soil samples, monitoring carbon content, and executing countless grassland reclamation projects, they’ve proven regenerative agriculture works. The Rise of Regenerative Agriculture in Colorado. There’s no time to waste. I can think of almost nothing that offers more hope for our planet, for your children, and their children and all of humanity. Our bison are contained by mere 5' fences that they could easily leap over (bison can jump over 6 vertical feet from a standstill! With our animals and the planet disconnected, our grasslands — which cover between 20-40% of the earth’s land surface — have deteriorated. For more on this groundbreaking publication and how to get your hands on one, click, This isn’t just an idea — it’s a proven strategy. EPIC foods are the foundation for EPIC health. Regenerative Agriculture - Adventure Blog - EPIC – EPIC Provisions. The answer is probably no. ), but they choose to stay because they have abundant water, healthy grass, and a thriving ecosystem. We know this is a big ask, but we’ve had one of the key ingredients to defeating climate change under our feet this whole time. Sidd Singhal and Margot Convor from EPIC Provisions join the Eat it. They’ve shown it can bring degenerated land back from the dead, it can use carbon from the atmosphere as fuel for vegetation, and it can make up for the damage we’ve caused to our world1. At General Mills, our business is rooted in the earth because we rely upon the output of Mother Nature and farming communities – oats, wheat, dairy, corn, sugar beets and a whole host of crops and livestock – to make food the world loves. Unfortunately, as humanity proliferated, it slowly chiseled away at the size and frequency of these herds. EPIC is committed to being a constructive part of changing the paradigm in which ranch land is managed. Over the past four decades, Allan Savory and The Savory Institute have lead the charge for changing our global food production model and embracing a holistic approach to agriculture. They are on a mission to create delicious animal-based superfoods that promote the health of humans, animals and land. A model based on regenerative agriculture has been at the heart of the EPIC Provisions company mission since its founding in 2013. The company is committed to sourcing 100% grass fed bison by the fall of 2021. The alarming effects of overgrazing are a driving force in desertification and loss of nutrient dense topsoil. This was especially true for ruminant like goats, cattle, buffalo, sheep, and deer, whose stomachs have the ability to ferment plants through special microbial actions. Our Best Chance To Combat Climate Change and Secure Our Planet’s Future. Now is the time to unleash it. Another alarming result of topsoil erosion and poor land management is the relationship between soil health and the nutrient density of the fruits and vegetables that we love. Wear it. Vote with your dollar. We will continue to seek partnerships with ranchers that we deem EPIC and reward them for their commitment to healing the earth. When the soil is depleted of nutrients, ranchers become dependent on routinely fertilizing the land with harsh and dangerous chemicals. Regenerative Protein. We will advance regenerative agriculture on 1 million acres of farmland by 2030. A few companies that are using regenerative practices include Zuke’s Pet Food, Justin’s, Applegate, Union Snacks, Epic Provisions and Patagonia Provisions. Amazingly, when abused land is managed properly, the addition of livestock alone can reverse the effects of desertification and return grass to the barren landscape! We’re getting great reaction to EPIC’s first-ever Impact Journal. EPIC Provisions co-founder: 'Regenerative agriculture is the next big movement in food' This series helps put a movement into context, explaining its goals, limitations, and potential to be co-opted. That’s where regenerative agriculture comes in. This means sourcing 100% grass-fed ruminant animals and promoting the journey for livestock producers to achieve verified regenerative results. Even more importantly, it can reverse previous destruction to our atmosphere. Conover explains how we can use regenerative grazing to reverse environmental damage. Support local farmers who are using regenerative, no-till techniques. Our bars are diverse and based on the unique tastes of our animals. Be part of the solution and continue the conversation. This article is part of our first-ever EPIC Impact Journal. It's an ode to honest food production, regenerative agriculture and the many other missions that have driven the brand since its start. It's amazing to observe fence lines between holistically managed land and neighboring lands to see the difference. Epic Provisions was founded in 2013 and then acquired by General Mills in early 2016 for an undisclosed sum. After General Mills acquired Epic Provisions, many in the natural foods world questioned whether a company trying to spread the gospel of grass-based, minimally processed proteins could partner successfully with a multinational conglomerate specializing in grain-heavy snack foods. The result: a highly potent manure that’s incredibly valuable as a fertilizer. Regenerative agriculture is a holistic method of farming deploying practices designed to protect and intentionally enhance natural resources and farming communities. A simple way to evaluate the health of a ranch is by looking for biodiversity. This article is part of our first-ever EPIC Impact Journal. Last year, the owners conducted an experiment, and purchased land that was damaged by overuse to raise bison on. EPIC is committed to being a constructive part of changing the paradigm in which ranch land is managed. Regenerative agriculture is an approach to food production that seeks to improve the land rather than degrade it—but also has no single definition. The first one is because regenerative agriculture is a relatively new phrase and therefore needed specificity as to what the term meant. These factors created a symbiotic, cyclical relationship between the planet and its inhabitants. Since 1975, USDA handbooks document a 50% drop in the amount of calcium in broccoli, a 88% decrease in iron content of watercress, and a 40% reduction in vitamin C in cauliflower. One element of holistic land management includes rotational grazing in which ranchers carefully monitor the amount of time herds of livestock access plots of pasture. These are a perfect on-the-go-snack. For more on this groundbreaking publication and how to get your hands on one, click here. Instead, we have to embrace regenerative agriculture, return our ruminants to the pastures, and allow them to do what they do best: heal our lands. Our bars are diverse and based on the unique tastes of our animals. Their presence was integral, both as a food source for hunters and as ecological regulators. VIDEO dispatches from Expo West 2017. In March, for instance, General Mills announced plans to convert 1 million acres of farmland to regenerative agriculture practices by 2030. The hippie endurance athletes behind Epic Provisions sold their natural food company to General Mills for a reported $100 million. The EPIC bison ranch is an amazing place teeming with snakes, insects, coyotes, elk, hawks, and thousands of other organisms. EPIC underscores commitment to advancing regenerative agriculture AUSTIN, Texas - EPIC Provisions, the mission-based snack brand known for its humanely-raised, animal-based foods that improve the welfare and management of those animals, today underscored its commitment to advancing regenerative agriculture by debuting the first product to feature the science-based Land to Market™ … Simultaneously, we began employing harsh farming methods and tools like tilling, synthetic fertilizers, and pesticides that stripped soils of vital nutrients and left them little time to recover between harvests. That’s why we can’t sit still anymore. Over the past four decades, Allan Savory and The Savory Institute have lead the charge for changing our global food production model and embracing a holistic approach to agriculture. Learn more on the Adventure Blog. We aim to improve the supply chain while providing transparency about our suppliers' practices whenever possible. Regenerate it. 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