Majid Hosseini from University of Texas is a speaker at Euro Chemical Engineering 2017 conference | Conferenceseries Ltd Dr. Hosseini has earned both his PhD and MS degrees in Chemical Engineering from the University of Akron, in Ohio, USA. Fatemeh Farjadian, Amir Roointan, Soliman Mohammadi-Samani and Majid Hosseini. He has served as a key speaker at national and international conferences and meetings and has been actively engaged in technology development. ILI provides students and professionals lifelong learning opportunities to innovate through collaboration, practice, and career discovery. "Mesoporous silica nanoparticles: Synthesis, pharmaceutical applications, . About Dr. Majid Hosseini. Mona Hosseini. Majid Hoseini is on Facebook. School-based assessment in Malaysian schools: The concerns of the English teachers. This professor is is supportive and encouraging and treats students with respect. Amirkabir University of Technology - Tehran Polytechnic, +2 more Majid Hosseini Salesforce Functional Consultant Montreal, QC. S Hosseini, R Gottumukkala, S Katragadda, RT Bhupatiraju, Z Ashkar, . Copyright American Institute of Chemical Engineers. By registering for the conference you grant permission to Conference Series to photograph, film or record and use your name, likeness, image, voice and comments and to publish, reproduce, exhibit, distribute, broadcast, edit and/or digitize the resulting images and materials in publications, advertising materials, or in any other form worldwide without compensation. /10.1016/j.cej.2018.11.156 Citation Information. He has a beautiful soul and is very knowledgeable. Articles Cited by. University of Louisiana at Lafayette, +1 more. Dr. Hosseini has edited book and book chapters, co-invented patents application technologies, and authored multiple peer reviewed research articles. . If you need immediate assistance, call 877-SSRNHelp (877 777 6435) in the United States, or +1 212 448 2500 outside of the United States, 8:30AM to 6:00PM U.S. Eastern, Monday - Friday. Drug-based therapeutic strategies for COVID-19-infected patients and their challenges, (Khatereh Zarkesh, Elaheh Entezar-Almahdi, Parisa Ghasemiyeh, et al. CGI, +9 more Universit Laval, +3 more . K Zarkesh, E Entezar-Almahdi, G Parisa, M Akbarian, M Bahmani, N Moradi-kheibari, H Ahmadzadeh, MA Murry, HY Liang, M Hosseini, Nouvelles citations des articles de cet auteur, Nouveaux articles lis aux travaux de recherche de cet auteur, Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticles: Synthesis, Pharmaceutical Applications, Biodistribution, and Biosafety Assessment, Industrial Applications for Intelligent Polymers and Coatings, Controlled size synthesis and application of nanosphere MCM-41 as potent adsorber of drugs: A novel approach to new antidote agent for intoxication, Phosphinite-functionalized silica and hexagonal mesoporous silica containing palladium nanoparticles in Heck coupling reaction: synthesis, characterization, and catalytic activity, Smart stimuli-responsive nano-sized hosts for drug delivery, Advanced Materials for the Conservation of Stone, Production of Microalgae-Derived High-Protein Biomass to Enhance Food for Animal Feedstock and Human Consumption, Superhydrophobic Coatings for the Protection of Natural Stone, Cell Wall Disruption: A Critical Upstream Process for Biofuel Production, Application of the SWAT model for water components separation in Iran, Thin chitosan films containing super-paramagnetic nanoparticles with contrasting capability in magnetic resonance imaging, Experimental study on the impact of vegetation coverage on flow roughness coefficient and trapping of sediment, Advanced Bioprocessing for Alternative Fuels, Biobased Chemicals, and Bioproducts, Use of solvent mixtures for total lipid extraction of Chlorella vulgaris and gas chromatography FAME analysis, Algae as a Source of Microcrystalline Cellulose, Use of phagotrophic microalga Ochromonas danica to pretreat waste cooking oil for biodiesel production, Additive-free harvesting of oleaginous phagotrophic microalga by oil and air flotation, Advanced Bioprocessing for Alternative Fuels, Biobased Chemicals, and Bioproducts : Technologies and Approaches for Scale-Up and Commercialization, Drug-based Therapeutic Strategies for COVID-19 Infected Patients and Their Challenges, Fatty Acid Profiling of Biofuels Produced From Microalgae, Vegetable Oil, and Waste Vegetable Oil. You can rest assured that he is one of the best teachers at our university; he is responsible and encouraging toward his students and treats them kindly and tactfully. Is there something you'd like to tell us about this disclosure? ), A Perspective on Bioprocessing for Biofuels, Bio-Based Chemicals, and Bioproducts, Advanced bioprocessing for alternative fuels, biobased chemicals, and bioproducts: Technologies and approaches for scale-up and commercialization, Advances in feedstock conversion technologies for alternative fuels and bioproducts: New technologies, challenges and opportunities, Algae as a Source of Microcrystalline Cellulose, (Sara Samiee, Hossein Ahmadzadeh, Majid Hosseini, et al. He cares about the whole student and it is obvious that for him teaching is a passion, not just a job. His publications include edited books, book chapters, peer reviewed research articles, and patents application technologies. Majid Hosseini at the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley (UTRGV) in Edinburg, Texas has taught: MANE 3332 - Engineering Statistics, MANE 4333 - ST: Adv Biopro and Biomanuf, MANE 6399 - ST: Adv Biopro and Biomanuf, MANE 2332 - Engineering Statistics, MANE 6390 - Engineering Project. The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley, 2nd RCN Conference on Pan American Biofuels & Bioenergy Sustainability. He is committed to knowing each student. Gorgan, Iran. The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley. He has deep knowledge and encourages active learning strategies in the classroom. USA. Google Scholar. University of Texas Rio Grande Valley (all campuses). Search. We're still reporting about conflicts of interest. Donate Now Directory myUTRGV. ), Production of Microalgae-Derived High-Protein Biomass to Enhance Food for Animal Feedstock and Human Consumption, (Mahsa Hashemian, Hossein Ahmadzadeh, Majid Hosseini, et al. Editor : Seyed Majid Hosseini. Majid Hosseini. The authors cover the basis and fundamental aspects of intelligent polymers and coatings, challenges, and potential mechanisms and properties. Majid Hosseini. . Google Scholar, College of Eng. Majid F.A. Dr. Kye Hwan (Kevin) Lee Professor Edinburg: EENGR 3.254 (956) 665-7055 Dr. Hosseini has edited book and book chapters, co-invented patents application technologies, and authored multiple peer reviewed research articles. He has also completed an MSE degree in Manufacturing Engineering at UTRGV in Texas, USA, and a Bachelor's degree in Chemical Engineering at Sharif University of Technology in Tehran, Iran. A biorefinery approach to genetic manipulation of microalgae for biofuels production, Journal of Fundamentals of Renewable Energy and Applications, Journal of Petroleum and Environmental biotechnology, Journal of Bioprocessing and Biotechniques, International Conference on Psychosomatic Medicine and Disorders, International Summit on Psychiatry and Psychology, 35 Ruddlesway, Windsor, Berkshire, SL4 5SF. Recommender System Measurement, Revenue Per Visit, Mann-Whitney-Wilcox, Lachenbruchs Two-Part Test, Likelihood Ratio Test, Sample Size Estimation, We use cookies to help provide and enhance our service and tailor content. Dr. Hosseini has earned both his PhD and MS degrees in Chemical Engineering from the University of Akron, in Ohio, USA. University of Texas Rio Grande Valley. The University of Texas System provided all data on outside professional activity of faculty and staff from all campuses from 2016 to 2019. Das System kann den Vorgang jetzt nicht ausfhren. He has also completed an MSE degree in Manufacturing Engineering at UTRGV in Texas, USA, and a Bachelors degree in Chemical Engineering at Sharif University of Technology in Tehran, Iran. Abstract : A biorefinery approach to genetic manipulation of microalgae for biofuels production. He is very understanding and knowledgeable. Scientific Data 9 (1), 255 . He is a persistent reviewer of leading international journals. Overall great professor. Meet Inspiring Speakers and Experts at our 3000+ Global Conference Series Events with over 1000+ Conferences, 1000+ Symposiums and 1000+ Workshops on Medical, Pharma, Engineering, Science, Technology and Business. Coatings, Tribology, Corrosion, Polymers, Engineering Design, Over 10 million scientific documents at your fingertips, Not logged in Proceedings of the AAAI conference on artificial intelligence 34 (10), 13809. S Hosseini, R Gottumukkala, S Katragadda, RT Bhupatiraju, Z Ashkar, AJ Abianeh, M Hosseini, M Hosseini, M Barati, F Ferdowsi, 2020 IEEE Power & Energy Society Innovative Smart Grid Technologies. Part of Springer Nature. Majid Shah-hosseini Nick Marriner The SE coast of Iran is of great economic and environmental importance. Medical, Pharma, Engineering, Science, Technology and Business. An IS & IT Professional with more than 17 Years of experience blended with database/operating System/Application Development and IT audit activities. There may be new or amended - degrees in Chemical Engineering from The University of Akron in Ohio, while also holding a Professional Certificate in Innovation and Technology from Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Excellent Professor. Allows everyone to speak their mind and share their opinions. The AIChE online library includes articles, journals, books, blog posts, and more on a variety of topics. Accessible, caring, and generous. Majid Hosseini Overview. If you need immediate assistance, call 877-SSRNHelp (877 777 6435) in the United States, or +1 212 448 2500 outside of the United States, 8:30AM to 6:00PM U.S. Eastern, Monday - Friday. Explore and learn more about Conference Series : Worlds leading Event Organizer, University of Texas Rio Grande Valley Should you be removed from our database? Production of Microalgae-Derived High-Protein Biomass to Enhance Food for Animal Feedstock and Human Consumption. Majid Hosseini. Majid Hosseini Professor in the Engineering department at University of Texas Rio Grande Valley (all campuses) 100% Would take again 3.2 Level of Difficulty Rate Professor Hosseini I'm Professor Hosseini Submit a Correction Professor Hosseini 's Top Tags Caring Respected Amazing lectures Inspirational Participation matters Lolwa . Contact us for any queries. Total downloads of all papers by Majid Hosseini. MIT, Cambridge, MA - USA; 2012 Ph.D. Physics: ANU, Canberra - Australia; . Majid Hosseini. records not reflected here. View majid hosseini's profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest professional community. Dr. Hosseini has earned both his PhD and MS degrees in Chemical Engineering fromthe University of Akron, in Ohio, USA. Free and open company data on Texas (US) company Bioenergix, LLC (company number 0802509715), 506 W UNIVERSITY DR # 211, EDINBURG, TX, 78539 . He is very helpful, friendly, and approachable and overall an excellent instructor for the course's material. Excellent professor. Majid Hosseini in 2017 was employed in The University Of Texas Rio Grande Valley and had annual salary of $51,944 according to public records. Contact us at [emailprotected]. Dr. Hosseini has earned both his Ph.D. and M.S. University of Texas at Dallas, Naveen Jindal School of Management, A/B Testing Measurement Framework for Recommendation Models Based on Expected Revenue, This page was processed by aws-apollo-l2 in. Dr. Hosseini's research interests, expertise, and experiences are very diverse, ranging from intelligent polymers and coatings to micro . All university employees are required to disclose outside work or activities, which are reviewed for potential conflicts of interest and conflicts of commitment. should only be used as a historical snapshot. Journal of Fundamentals of Renewable Energy and Applications, Journal of Petroleum and Environmental biotechnology, Journal of Bioremediation & Biodegradation, International Conference on Psychosomatic Medicine and Disorders, International Summit on Psychiatry and Psychology, 35 Ruddlesway, Windsor, Berkshire, SL4 5SF. Dr. Hosseinis research interests,expertise, and experiences are very diverse,ranging from intelligent polymers and coatings to micro/encapsulation,nanoparticles for biomedical applications,industrial biotechnology, renewable energies, bioprocess engineering and developement, and biofuels. University of Zanjan. Dr. Hosseini has earned both his PhD and MS degrees in Chemical Engineering from the University of Akron, in Ohio, USA. Research interests: Data Science, Machine Learning, Statistics, NLP | Learn more about Seyyed majid Hosseini's work experience, education, connections & more by visiting their profile on LinkedIn 173 others named majid hosseini are on LinkedIn See others . degrees in Chemical Engineering from The University of Akron in Ohio, United States.He has also completed his Bachelors degree in Chemical Engineering at Sharif University of Technology in Tehran, Iran. USA. Please click the links below if you'd like to purchase Online Proceedings for any of the related conferences: Joining AIChE gives you access to an amazing network of top professionals in chemical engineering and related fields. Dr. Hosseinis research interests include biofuels and bioenergy, bioprocess engineering and development, sustainability, biomanufacturing, bionanotechnology, bio/nanomaterials, smart polymers, and synthesis of nanoparticles for environmental and health applications. This is a preview of subscription content, access via your institution. Medical, Pharma, Engineering, Science, Technology and Business. Dr. Hosseini has earned both his PhD and MS degrees in Chemical Engineering from the University of Akron, in Ohio, USA. Celles qui sont suivies d'un astrisque (, F Farjadian, A Roointan, S Mohammadi-Samani, M Hosseini, Chemical Engineering Journal 359, 684-705, F Farjadian, P Ahmadpour, S Mohammadi Samani, M Hosseini, Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 213, 30-39, F Farjadian, M Hosseini, S Ghasemi, B Tamami, Industrial applications for intelligent polymers and coatings, 1-26, Springer International Publishing 1, 1-332, M Hashemian, H Ahmadzadeh, M Hosseini, S Lyon, HR Pourianfar, Advanced Bioprocessing for Alternative Fuels, Biobased Chemicals, and, Advanced Materials for the Conservation of Stone 1, 1-25, Advances in Feedstock Conversion Technologies for Alternative Fuels and, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine 28 (3), N Ebrahimi, M Gharibreza, M Hosseini, MA Ashraf, Geology, Ecology, and Landscapes 1 (3), 167-172, N Moradi-kheibari, H Ahmadzadeh, M Hosseini, Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering 40 (9), pp 13631373, S Samiee, H Ahmadzadeh, M Hosseini, S Lyon, Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society 92 (1), 29-35, Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering 39 (7), 11811190. Explore and learn more about Conference Series : Worlds leading Event Organizer, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley, USA. Petroleum & Gas Engineering University . University of Louisiana at lafayette - Cited by 57 - AI - Deep Learning - Renewable Energy - Activity Recognition - Stress recognition . Thanks for all you do for your students. Taking of photographs and/or videotaping during any session is prohibited. Majid Hosseini Ceo at Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world more open and connected. Assistant Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering Assistant Professor of Physics and Astronomy (by courtesy) 2016 Post Doc. To learn more, visit
He has also completed hisBachelorsdegree in Chemical Engineering at Sharif University of Technologyin Tehran, Iran. Mahdi Hosseini. His exams can be challenging. Excellent professor. Join Facebook to connect with Majid Hoseini and others you may know. The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley. Access to contact information is restricted to users who have purchased the conference's Online Proceedings, or received access to the proceedings as part of the conference Registration. Majid A Hosseini, 77 Resides in Kensington, MD Lived In Silver Spring MD, Washington DC Related To Jeanette Hosseini, Shahla Hosseini, Javad Hosseini, Hamid Hosseini, Jane Hosseini Also known as Mike Hosseni Includes Address (4) Phone (2) Email (1) See Results Majid Hosseini, 62 Resides in Roseville, CA Oxford University Press. Versuchen Sie es spter erneut. ), Multipurpose Use of Microalgae to Treat Municipal Wastewater and Produce Biofuels, (Jason L. Selwitz, Hossein Ahmadzadeh, Stephen Lyon, et al. . Class is very interactive. Engineering, Life Sciences and; . Rio Grande Valley Explore and learn more about Conference Series : Worlds leading Event Organizer, University of Texas The IDEAL path to equity, diversity, & inclusion. Majid Hosseini in 2021 was employed in University of Texas Rio Grande Valley and had a reported pay of $5,000 according to public records. He has also completed an MSE degree in Manufacturing Engineering atUTRGV in Texas, USA, and a Bachelors degree in Chemical Engineering at Sharif University of Technology in Tehran, Iran. He has also completed an MSE degree in Manufacturing Engineering at UTRGV in Texas, USA, and a Bachelors degree in Chemical Engineering at Sharif University of Technology in Tehran, Iran. Lolwa Al-Majid LinkedIn . ProPublica obtained additional financial disclosures and conflict of interest forms that we have not yet digitized and added to the database. Dr. Majid Hosseini Lecturer II Edinburg: EENGR 3.253 (956) 665-2606 Highly recommended. Dr. Hosseini has earned both his Ph.D. and M.S. Dr. Hosseini was the recipient of the "Outstanding Faculty Award" for his contribution to the students in Manufacturing and Industrial Engineering Department at UTRGV. . He is a persistent reviewer of leading international journals. Majid Hosseini Overview. Dr. Majid Hosseini has earned bothhis Ph.D.and M.S. Reviewer Name : Mohammadreza Zare Reisabadi Research Institute of Petroleum Industry (RIPI) Country: USA. Dr. Hosseinis research interests include biofuels and bioenergy, bioprocess engineering and development, sustainability, biomanufacturing, bio/nanomaterials, bio/nanotechnology, smart polymers, and synthesis of nanoparticles for biomedical, environmental, and health applications. Dr. Hosseini has edited book and book chapters, co-invented patents application technologies, and authored multiple peer reviewed research articles. Meet Inspiring Speakers and Experts at our 3000+ Global Conference Series Events with over 1000+ Conferences, 1000+ Symposiums and 1000+ Workshops on Medical, Pharma, Engineering, Science, Technology and Business. I'm Majid Hosseini, Graduated with a master's degree in industrial engineering from Amirkabir University, majoring in Innovation and Technology Management. Chemistry and Materials Science, Chemistry and Material Science (R0), Copyright Information: Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016, Hardcover ISBN: 978-3-319-26891-0Published: 24 May 2016, Softcover ISBN: 978-3-319-80036-3Published: 26 May 2018, eBook ISBN: 978-3-319-26893-4Published: 14 May 2016, Number of Illustrations: 102 b/w illustrations, 163 illustrations in colour, Topics: Advanced Bioprocessing for Alternative Fuels, Biobased Chemicals, and Bioproducts. Taking of photographs and/or videotaping during any session is prohibited. He has served as a key speaker at national and international conferences and meetings and has been actively engaged in technology development. . Arksey H., Knight P. (1999). He delivers a well-structured and well-organized lesson. majid's education is listed on their profile. Department of computer science phd Contact Connect with experts in your field Join ResearchGate to contact this researcher and. In a few cases, a start date was provided instead of a filing date. (2011). University of Louisiana at lafayette. This page was processed by aws-apollo-l2 in 0.094 seconds. View Majid Hosseini's professional profile on LinkedIn. Liked by Majid Hosseini. Advanced Bioprocessing for Alternative Fuels, . Dr. Hosseini has edited book and book chapters, co-invented patents application . By registering for the conference you grant permission to Conference Series to photograph, film or record and use your name, likeness, image, voice and comments and to publish, reproduce, exhibit, distribute, broadcast, edit and/or digitize the resulting images and materials in publications, advertising materials, or in any other form worldwide without compensation. 31 Dec . Les articles suivants sont fusionns dans GoogleScholar. All rights reserved. University of Texas Rio Grande Valley - Cited by 584 . University of Texas USA. View all articles by this author. This book did not come from research activity. There are 100+ professionals named "Majid Hosseini", who use LinkedIn to exchange information, ideas, and opportunities. ), Phosphinite-functionalized silica and hexagonal mesoporous silica containing palladium nanoparticles in Heck coupling reaction: synthesis, characterization, and catalytic activity, (Fatemeh Farjadian, Majid Hosseini, Soheila Ghasemi, et al. College of Engineering and Computer Scie, Manufacturing and Industrial Engineering, Edinburg, USA, You can also search for this editor in You are here: . You can clearly tell he cares about all his students. Editor : Rizwan Muneer. All university employees are required to disclose outside work or activities, which are reviewed for potential conflicts of interest and conflicts of commitment. Dr. Hosseini has been a member of several professional bodies in the USA including The New York Academy of Sciences, American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AICHE),AICHE-Institute for Sustainability,AICHE-SBE (Society of Biological Engineering),New Design Institute for Emergency Relief Systems(DIERS),International Society for Pharmaceutical Engineering (ISPE),AICHE-Pharmaceutical Discovery, Development and Manufacturing Forum,andThe National Society of Collegiate Scholars. degrees in Chemical Engineering from The University of Akron in Ohio, United States, while also holding a professional certificate in. Le systme ne peut pas raliser cette opration maintenant. Part of ISBN: 9780128179413. He is a persistent reviewer of leading international journals, has published high caliber research articles, and co-invented US and international patent application technologies. ), Materials with Extreme Wetting Properties, (Majid Hosseini and Ioannis Karapanagiotis), Superhydrophobic Textiles Using Nanoparticles, (Ioannis Karapanagiotis and Majid Hosseini), Mesoporous silica nanoparticles: Synthesis, pharmaceutical applications, biodistribution, and biosafety assessment, (Fatemeh Farjadian, Amir Roointan, Soliman Mohammadi-Samani, et al. Les, Le dcompte "Cite par" inclut les citations des articles suivants dans GoogleScholar. . Book Title: Industrial Applications for Intelligent Polymers and Coatings, Editors: Majid Hosseini, Abdel Salam Hamdy Makhlouf, DOI:, eBook Packages: In those cases, we use the start date instead. Industrial Applications for Intelligent Polymers and Coatings, Majid Hosseini, Abdel Salam Hamdy Makhlouf,, Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016, 102 b/w illustrations, 163 illustrations in colour, Shipping restrictions may apply, check to see if you are impacted, Smart Stimuli-Responsive Nano-sized Hosts for Drug Delivery, Stimuli-Responsive Smart Polymeric Coatings: An Overview, Characterization and Performance of Stress- and Damage-Sensing Smart Coatings, Smart Textile Transducers: Design, Techniques, and Applications, Smart Polymers: Synthetic Strategies, Supramolecular Morphologies, and Drug Loading, Functions of Bioactive and Intelligent Natural Polymers in the Optimization of Drug Delivery, Outlook of Aptamer-Based Smart Materials for Industrial Applications, Superhydrophobic and Water-Repellent Polymer-Nanoparticle Composite Films, Application of Conducting Polymers in Solar Water-Splitting Catalysis, Designing Self-Healing Polymers by Atom Transfer Radical Polymerization and Click Chemistry, Piezoelectric PVDF Polymeric Films and Fibers: Polymorphisms, Measurements, and Applications, Multifunctional Materials for Biotechnology: Opportunities and Challenges, Nanocomposite Polymeric-Based Coatings: From Mathematical Modeling to Experimental Insights for Adapting Microstructure to High-Tech Requirements, Polymer-Based Nanocomposite Coatings for Anticorrosion Applications, Amphiphilic Invertible Polymers and Their Applications, Tax calculation will be finalised during checkout, Majid Hosseini, Fatemeh Farjadian, Abdel Salam Hamdy Makhlouf, Saravanan Nagappan, Madhappan Santha Moorthy, Kummara Madhusudana Rao, Chang-Sik Ha, Lisa C. du Toit, Pradeep Kumar, Yahya E. Choonara, Viness Pillay, Marli Luiza Tebaldi, Rose Marie Belardi, Fernanda S. Poletto, Ndidi C. Ngwuluka, Nelson A. Ochekpe, Okezie I. Aruoma, Ioannis Karapanagiotis, Panagiotis Manoudis, Mohammed Alsultan, Abbas Ranjbar, Gerhard F. Swiegers, Gordon G. Wallace, Sivakumar Balakrishnan, Junhua Huang, Ricardo Stefani, Gabrielle L. R. R. B. Vinhal, Diego Vinicius do Nascimento, Mayra Cristina Silva Pereira, Paula Becker Pertuzatti, Karina da Silva Chaves, Bhaskar Jyoti Saikia, Dhaneswar Das, Pronob Gogoi, Swapan Kumar Dolui, Norazwani Muhammad Zain, Syazana Ahmad Zubir, Ananiy Kohut, Ivan Hevus, Stanislav Voronov, Andriy Voronov. Meet Inspiring Speakers and Experts at our 3000+ Global Conference Series Events with over 1000+ Conferences, 1000+ Symposiums and 1000+ Workshops on Medical, Pharma, Engineering, Science, Technology and Business. Dr. Majid Hosseini has earned both his Ph.D. and M.S. Advertisement MAJID HOSSEINI, director; Majid Hosseini, agent; Registry Page Recent filings for Bioenergix, LLC. I'm passionate about marketing, event management (planning, marketing, and organization), and product management. Majid Hosseini Ceo at Golestan Province, Iran. LinkedIn Lolwa . Die mit, Besttigte E-Mail-Adresse bei Main Menu. He has clear objectives for each lesson and works to meet those specific objectives during each class. Thank you for amazing lectures and discussions! Contact us for any queries. If the year was not disclosed, we report the range of years covered by our public records requests. University of Bergen, Norway. Hilton Americas - Houston, George R. Brown Convention Center, Houston, TX, Crowne Plaza Princeton Conference Center, Plainsboro, NJ, 2023 ACS Spring Hybrid National Meeting, Indianapolis, IN, USA, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, Institute for Learning & Innovation (ILI), Disability & Outreach and Inclusion Community (DORIC), An Integrated Approach to Sustainable Bioenergy/Biofuels Resources and Supply Chain Management: Modeling, Techno-Economic Analysis, Challenges, and Future Outlook. Cookie Settings. Currently working as a Senior Auditor with Juma Al-Majid Holding Group. Dr. Hosseini has earned both his PhD and MS degrees in Chemical Engineering from the University of Akron, in Ohio, USA. The University of Texas System provided all data on outside professional activity of faculty and staff from all campuses from 2016 to 2019. Majid Hosseini, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley; Link Find in your library Disciplines. Liked by Majid . Majid Hosseini Lecturer I Manufacturing and Industrial Engineering CECS Ben Xu Assistant Professor Read More Ben Xu Ben Xu Assistant Professor Mechanical Engineering CECS Dumitru Caruntu Professor Read More Dumitru Caruntu Dumitru Caruntu Professor Mechanical Engineering CECS Karen Lozano Professor Read More Karen Lozano & Computer Science, RGV Star Professor, Manufacturing and In, Edinburg, USA, Contains an overview of the emerging advances and industrial applications of the different types of intelligent polymers and coatings, their major properties, structure, mechanics, and characterizations, Provides an in-depth look at the nature of intelligent polymers and coatings, their role in designing high performance advanced coatings and materials, and their applicability for industry, Describes the potential scale up of new technologies for intelligent polymers and smart coating methodologies, 105 Contact us for any queries. I have learned from your silence more than your talk since you are one of the few who talk less, and say more. Dr. Hosseini has edited book and book chapters, co-invented patents application . Notes: When a more specific filing date is not available for an individual financial disclosure or conflict of interest form, we use the year the form was filed. Dr. Hosseini has been actively engaged in various fields of polymers, bio/nanotechnology, sustainability, biofuels, and related technology development both in industryand academia. Purdue University, 610 Purdue Mall, West Lafayette, IN, 47907, 765-494-4600 . University of Houston Student Process Safety Bootcamp - Session 1 . Title. Explore areas of advancement below. 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