However, these farmers could not easily participate in diversified activities. This study used multinomial logit model to identify determinants of livelihood strategies in Wolaita, Southern Ethiopia. The review was made on determinants and challenges of livelihood diversification in Ethiopia. Diminishing farm size, and large dependency ratio necessitated way out of subsistence farming. Livelihood diversification strategies play a key role in development process. The finding of the survey result indicates that much of the rural households (61%) in the study area practice diversified livelihood strategies that combined on-farm activities with non/off-farm activities. also used. The study shows that livestock mobility would continue to ensure high productivity due to changing environment, … The data analyzed through STATA revealed that most households have diversified their livelihood strategies into off and/or non-farm activities to improve their livelihood. The results of the model pointed out that the likelihood of households to adopt irrigation, improved varieties of crops, adjustment of planting date, crop diversification and soil conservation practices were 52.3%, 45.8%, 49.5%, 46.9% and 34.1%, respectively. The results also indicated that the joint likelihood of using all adaptation strategies was only 1.5% and the joint likelihood of failure to adopt all of the adaptation strategies was 3.5%. Further, well established and experienced older household head may also become more resistant towards diversification of livelihood activities. Even though-variations in livelihood strategies exist, the overall picture is still one of considerable and broad-based poverty in the area. Ethiopia, and sustainable land management (SLM) is key in dealing with its adverse impacts. This study examined the assets and livelihood choices of rural households. In addition, FGD and key informant interview were used. This calls for rural development policies to articulate integrated rural employment and asset development intervention which support rural people to construct viable livelihoods beyond agriculture. Access to irrigation and credit were positively affected choices of diversified livelihood strategies. This result is consistent with the findings o, crops; and to obtain higher production and income. The result of the descriptive statistics showed that the majority of the sample respondent households thus, 48.3% allocated all their labor force to pastoral and farming activities alone, while about 29.5% were involved in a combination of pastoral, farming and low return non pastoral nonfarm livelihood strategy and 22% work on pastoral, farming and high return non pastoral nonfarm combination of livelihood strategy. 153, smallholder farmers in Fedis district, Eastern Hararghe z, Amsalu B., G. Kindie, K. Belay and S.P.R. This study, by employing the logistic regression model reveals that, at less than 10 percent probability level among 11 variables, six variables namely Age of the household Head (AGEH), Type of the Family (FAMILYT) Size of the Family (FAMILYS), Monthly Per Capita Income (MPCI), Access to Credit (CREDIT) and remittance (REMIT) are significant determinant of livelihood diversification. Small enterprise development and sustainable rural livelihoods 10 References 13 . Livelihood diversification (or occupational diversification or off-farm diversification – we use the terms interchangeably), is one of the most remarkable characteristics of rural livelihoods. In Ethiopia, Bangladesh and Mali, for example, migration is widespread and in all three cases it is linked to income generation strategies (McDowell and de Haan, 1997). The paper’s objectives are first, to increase awareness of livelihood diversification in Relevant secondary data were also obtained from Assosa district office of agriculture, national metrology agency and different reports. Government policies need to designed and implemented comprehensive strategies in order to keep non-farm household food security. A mixed research method of sequential transformative strategy was used. The multistage sampling technique was adopted to systematically select the 118 households from which to collect data through household surveys, field observation and FGDs. in Ethiopia. Without adopting context based livelihood diversification strategies; the … Paper III. Descriptive statistics were used to identify asset endowments and livelihood activities while multinomial, The livelihood of most people in Ethiopia depends on subsistence agriculture whose carrying capacity has decreased due to rapid population growth rate and farm size reduction. The multistage sampling technique was adopted to systematically select the 118 households from which to collect data through household surveys, field observation and FGDs. The purpose of this study was to identify the livelihood strategies and diversification status in the western tip of Ethiopia, Lare woreda. In Ethiopia, farm households engage and pursue diverse off-farm and non-farm livelihood activities to cope with diverse challenges such as drought. Finding shows that relatively those respondents who engaged in farming activities were more food secure than those confined to non-farm activities and mixed activities. This study aimed at investigating the livelihood strategies practiced by rural households, and analyzing determinants of rural household’s choice of livelihoo, predominant sources of livelihood for the majority of the population in the area (, Peasant Associations (PAs) in the district, 2.3. Despite the continuing economic centrality of agriculture in the district, farm households engage and pursue diverse non-farm livelihood activities to cope with diverse challenges and risks such as drought. Rural development strategy should emphasis in promoting nonfarm activities in rural areas. Investment in … However, these farmers could not easily participate in diversified activities. Multivariate probit model was estimated to identify the factors determining households' choice of adaptation strategies to climate change. The study found that beyond agriculture, significant proportion of the households pursue non-farm activities. The household food security was measured by Household Food Insecurity Access Scale (HFIAS). Carswell [11] described the historical depth of livelihood diversification in highland Wolaita (Southern Ethiopia) and the huge contribution to improvement in household income. activities. of employment opportunities and generates over 83% of foreign exchange earnings of the country, Ethiopia forced households to cultivate and, /or non-farm activities have got paramount importance to development practitioners and policy makers to find the, livelihood improvement. The determinants and effects of diversification in the areas of poverty, income distribution, farm output and gender are examined. Greene, W.H., 2003. The results of this study suggest that both agricultural intensification and non/off-farm diversification should be strengthened to attain smallholder households' livelihood security. Through all the search, 182 published and unpublished papers were collected. A mixed research method of sequential transformative strategy was used. s, facilitating the availability of credit and fertilizer, : Livelihood, Livelihood strategies, Multino, be a random variable representing the livelihood strategy chosen by any, and the set of explanatory variables X as (Greene, 2, settlement of the HH head positively affects the co, farmers’ decision to diversify livelihood strategy, As expected, this variable found to have a positive and significant influence on, Enhancing settler households’ knowledge an, Enhancing elder households’ awareness to ensure availability and dissemination of accurate information as it, , for those households who have large famil. Research, the Department of Agricultural Economics and Management Discussion Paper No. Pastoral households have different access to resources and face different opportunities and challenges and thus choose different livelihood strategies calling for tailor made policy and development practice accordingly in line with their livelihood strategies choice. Livelihood Diversification in Borana: Pastoral Communities of Ethiopia – Prospects and Challenges By Kejela Gemtessa, Bezabih Emana (Ph.D), Waktole Tiki Introduction This study focuses on the way of life of the Borana pastoral communities of Southern Oromia in Ethiopia, documenting a region moving from pure pastoralism to agro-pastoralism. A mixed research method of … of livelihood diversification on household income from a broader perspective, also taking into account Composite Entropy Index to measure level of livelihood diversification and 2SLS technique for endogenity to obtain unbiased and robust estimates of livelihood diversification impacts in rural Ethiopia. È1lrìÁ�ı`Ù‚ë¢ñåEÃ1¸±¿Zş®ùm¸–”Ïe¼xÓ‘ìcYi•ÖI%hUN"A�Œœ±Íô All figure content in this area was uploaded by Seid Sani, All content in this area was uploaded by Seid Sani on Nov 30, 2017, ISSN 2222-1700 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2855 (Onli. The key informants interview and focus group discussion, This study examined rural households' off-farm and non-farm employment activities and determinants of their participation in off-farm and non-farm employment opportunities in Assosa zone, western Ethiopia. This paper analyzes the livelihood of the Borana pastoral communities of Southern Oromiya in Ethiopia. Researchmethods The study sites ˚e study was conducted during the year 2016/17 in Saesietsaeda Emba district, Eastern Zone of Tigray, Ethiopia which is found at about 883˝km north of Addis Moreover, Multivariate probit model confirmed that sex, literacy status, farming experience, family size, land holding, access to credit, access to media, extension contact, farmer to farmer extension, farm income, off/non-farm income, livestock ownership, market distance and access to training have a statistically significant impact on climate adaptation strategies. Propensity score matching technique is used to estimate the effect of labor market participation on poverty, consumption expenditure and income of smallholder farmers. 4.03, A Case Study of Non-Farm Rural Livelihood Diversification in Lume Woreda, Oromiya Reginonal State. Furthermore, the estimated Tobit model result revealed that age of the household head, family size and off-farm and non-farm income positively affected extent of households food insecurity; whereas access to irrigation, farm income, distance to market and access to credit negatively affected the extent of households’ food insecurity. The model result showed that out of fifteen explanatory variables, the age of heads, settlement of heads, literacy status of heads, household size, extension contact, access to training, total income, membership in cooperatives and distance to market were found to have a significant impact on households' participation. All rights reserved. Livelihood diversification is defined as the process by which rural families construct a diverse portfolio of activities and social support capabilities in order to survive and to improve their standards of living. Hence, rural livelihood diversification is equally important for poverty reduction, food security, and wellbeing [20,23]. Primary data were collected from a randomly selected 140 sample households through interview and focus group discussions. Data was collected using key informant interview, focus group discussion and interview schedule. It is universally accepted the fact that agriculture sector is incapable of creating sufficient gainful employment, food security and spurring economic growth in rural areas of developing countries. Functional literacy, life skill training, access to credit, and access to market were found to positively influence livelihood combinations of respondents. The purpose of this study was to identify the livelihood strategies and diversification status in the western tip of Ethiopia, Lare woreda. Join ResearchGate to find the people and research you need to help your work. Even if our country Ethiopia practice agriculture However, in Ethiopia, small numbers of farmers are involved in nonfarm or o -farm business activities, with the majority (83%) of them being primarily engaged in farming and Due to the unstable and meagre agricultural context of the study area, farm income alone could not feed the ever increasing population. force to off-farm and non-farm activities. The very small number of studies conducted in Ethiopia documented the contribution of livelihood diversification to small holder farmers [9–11]. The study used a primary data collected from 276 randomly selected households for 7 consecutive days from each sample using weighed records method. Û€…l›İ~¶MØŒÃÛ�ğ.Ûôù߶š…>úØl¬ıõœm_î¾yÊ£(d®TÊñ¨�Ì&sO&|²ô*zR%“%{§4/ùö™›Jéɶ 1œĞyáÚßÌôœŞy¼`êå¥.e%…a*cï«\ªƒäì)Š–ì³Væ ’Ê°Éöûݬywúá½_¦ì!çE!ʽpô~{÷ş ¸ïá [x.и¸årú‘½¥w+J4Åbºî0�‡ö�¡—+Ş øîÌş-¾‹‚³â…Æğ){'~NÂÀã“ĞÛI‡…�ûR-lØ×o�ËÙû€Ì�¼Ï¹ÿø4™²¯ü¹R…`[ù,é Only 42 published and unpublished papers were considered to review the paper. This study examines the role of the rural labor market in reducing poverty and improving the well-being of smallholder farmers in rural Ethiopia. Access scientific knowledge from anywhere. MNL model results confirm that age of household head, settlement, family size, frequency of extension contact, livestock holding, access to credit, access to training, total annual cash income, membership in cooperatives and access to fertilizer have a statistically significant impact on the choice of livelihood diversification strategies. Both descriptive statistics and rigorous econometric models are used to analyze the data. Therefore, to reverse the incidence, future interventions should focus on the aforementioned factors to build the capacity of households through enhancing their access to human, financial and physical capital. These results are discussed in terms of their implications for conservation programs. Participation into off, of Agricultural Research 2015;10(19):1998, Appendix table 1: Parameter estimates of the multino, ***, ** and * significant at 1%, 5% and 10% prob. The finding of this study suggests that policy-makers need to reflect on the most suitable ways of supporting livelihood diversity. Decision to include or exclude particular studies was made Fifth edition. After thorough reading, 42 papers were used to review out of 182 papers. The Project would help improve livelihoods of people living in pastoral and agro-pastoral areas, contributing to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 1 (no Improvement in road network and trade with Neighboring Kenya could contribute to income diversification. The study finding also pointed out that the mean kilocalorie intake of food insecure households was 1440.37kcal/AE/day, with the minimum and maximum being 597.65 kcal and 2048.13 kcal, respectively. ;z¼.I´ôÃ¥;n›KÃLU§g–©¤6DÃ’Uùdá vâg"e!3AŸU.\.â¬üÅ¢�¶ÔgË|°;»'ko@ğ/ªF]²¾Î=}èñ~»˜Ï¿yiõ2ÙxèôWÛ#S–"cú¹(+YîgZì© ûØ+[û†•nºléUu¤73Ÿj-ºì¥±?«ã{f}ĞyǪM˜ÂÆX{>³0'9GŸ2. The descriptive statistics were used to identify the livelihood strategies and the livelihood assets. Besides, descriptive statistics, the multivariate logistic regression was applied for the identification of determinants that helped to choose diversified livelihood strategies. Statistical Year Bo. Thus, researchers, governmental and non-governmental institutions should pay attention beyond the farm's activities to strengthen the off-farm and non-farm activities to improve the livelihood of smallholder farmers. Food security of the household is a reply of available livelihood strategies. The results imply that these factors need to be considered by policy makers in the planning of agricultural and non agricultural initiatives in this study area. Surveys and key informant interviews (KII) were sources of data. Ample studies conducted about livelihood diversification in rural Ethiopia were limited to … Rural land poor pursue less rewarding wage employment activities while farmers who have more asset base were found to integrate farming to non-farm sources of income such as trade. Livelihood strategies and diversification in western tip pastoral areas of Ethiopia Yilebes Addisu Abstract The purpose of this study was to identify the livelihood strategies and diversification status in the western tip of Ethiopia, Lare woreda. This study focused on the impact of livelihood diversification on rural household’s income in Kamba and Arbaminch Zuria woreda in Gamo Zone, Southern Ethiopia. This paper aims to assess the relative importance of existing livelihood strategies adopted by the different socio-economic groups; the link between households' ownership and access to different 'livelihood assets'; and identify determinant factors for households to adopt and choose certain livelihood strategies in the district. The major contribution of the existing literature concentration in the determinants on the choice of livelihood strategies (Smith et al, 2000, Tefera et al, 2004, Yishak, 2014. relying farm alone as a livelihood strategy. Survey result shows that about 38 percent of the respondents integrate agricultural and non-farm activities. The finding of the study revealed that the majority (66.1%) of sampled households was engaged in off-farm and non-farm employment opportunities. Abstract This study analyzed households’ food insecurity and its determinants along with the coping mechanisms opted against food insecurity and shortage in Assosa zone, western Ethiopia. © 2008-2021 ResearchGate GmbH. identified the livelihood strategies adopted by smallholder farmers and assessed the determinants of their decisions to choose diversified livelihood strategies in the Wogera district. Using data from a survey of farm operators in two Virginia counties, the authors analyze farmers' soil conservation decisions. The multinomial logit result showed that age, education and sex of household head, credit, land size, livestock and agro-ecology as the factors that reduced the likelihood of diversification; while, family size, dependency ratio, frequency of extension contact, membership to cooperatives, input use, and remittance increased the likelihood of diversification. And survey methods smallholder rural farm households face an increasing need of for... Farmers are engaged in farming livelihood activities become increasingly diversified 7 consecutive days from sample. Appraisal and survey methods agriculture, significant proportion of the proposed project is to the! Mainly on on-farm agricultural development to the unstable and meagre agricultural context of the factors determining households livelihood! Under the general fra, Batie, 1987 ) farmers and assessed the determinants of people... 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