UGLY CRY ugly | cry 1. This attempt, dubbed the New Bern War, is stopped by the ASA, but not before Johnston Green is killed (to Constantino's regret). . He works with Jimmy Taylor to patrol the town and enforce the law. God hates sin, and loves the sinner, but if the sinner will not part from the sin, eventually God is forced to remove both together. They were idolatrous and rebellious against God. Roger then leaves for New Bern and is never seen or heard from again. At first glance, Jason Paul Laxamanas Just a Stranger seems beholden to formula. Unlike his older sister, Samuel is innocent and naive of the events around him. What factors changed the Ukrainians' belief in the possibility of a full-scale invasion between Dec 2021 and Feb 2022? Minor details also indicate that after whatever tragedy happened, Sean and Julian didn't call an ambulance or police, but rather their kinesiologist, Natalie, which seems very strange. Gumabao is a revelation here, as he unflinchingly allows himself to be a subject of caricature, a man baby who is not just believable but also charming in his immaturity. Your email address will not be published. Beck's battalion is sent by Colonel Robert Hoffman to occupy the towns of Jericho and New Bern to stop the war between them. For the American restaurant critic, see, Members of the Allied States government or military, Learn how and when to remove this template message, explain the fiction more clearly and provide non-fictional perspective,, This page was last edited on 3 November 2022, at 10:56. I can't even believe I'm saying that," friend Shalom Azar said. He and his father repaired their relationship and with his father's blessing, Jake put together the Jericho Rangers to help keep Jericho safe. Edu Manzano, who plays Anne's husband in the film, is her best friend Luis Manzano 's dad. WALANG MAGANDA pag sobrang sakit ung naramramdam mo. When April and the baby both die, Mary mourns alongside Eric. Jake was once a member of Jonah Prowse's group of survivalists; and, after a botched armed robbery job, in which Chris Sullivan (Jonah's son and the brother of Jake's girlfriend, Emily Sullivan) was killed, Jake fled Jericho. NO ONE is talking about a second chance! Following the Attacks, Eric takes on the role of a Deputy Sheriff as well as his original post. from all the other love stories that tread dangerous soil involving age gaps or marital vows is that Laxamana seems to know fully well that what he is crafting is preposterous. Patricia "Trish" Merrick (portrayed by Emily Rose) is a staff member of Jennings & Rall based in Jericho. These attacks are devastating and shocking. Jake and Eric bring Kenchy to Jericho. Afterwards, Valente is associated with the reconstruction of the federal government in Cheyenne, Wyoming, and becomes one of the 8 members of the leadership of the Allied States of America. Gracie Leigh (portrayed by Beth Grant) owns a grocery store, Gracie's Market. As the priest from Just A Stranger said in a quote, Eh bakit parang jinu-justify mo? (Why are you trying to justify your sins?). This fallacy exists in multiple religions: Buddhists, for example, believe they pass through multiple reincarnations until they can finally reach heaven. @Polyhat ??? "His parents, two physicians, just with a love towards other people that carried on to Elan and his two brothers," one speaker said at Tuesday's vigil. Proper hermeneutics, my friend, does not rely on what we. With the town locked down in the aftermath of Goetz's death, Trish never returns. Gail is also the one Jake turns to the most in the family; and she helps him by giving him advice, which helps Jake and Johnston reconcile their differences. April Green (portrayed by Darby Stanchfield) is a doctor at Jericho's medical center, and unhappily married to Eric; she files for divorce but, after the Attacks, changes her mind and decides to make the marriage work. April suffers a hemorrhage related to her pregnancy and its discovered that her placenta grew into the uterus wall and began ripping away. 12For whoever does these things is detestable to the LORD; and because of these detestable things the LORD your God will drive them out before you" (emphasis added). We usually just whine and whine about how miserable our lives are but we dont actually make our own decisions on how we could make our lives better. Rather, the LORD is driving out these nations before you because of their wickedness" (emphasis added). Deathstroke refused to give Jackal the information he wanted because it went against his professional code of ethics. As this is a review, there might be some spoilers but Ill tell you when we get there. She is later arrested in New Bern while trying the same, where she attempts to help Hawkins sabotage its efforts to bomb the factory used to create munitions for the imminent New Bern War, but she is severely wounded in the process. Gracie shares the store's profit with Jonah Prowse by charging high prices and even bartering for family heirlooms, causing resentment among Jericho's residents. It could have been great. Emily offers to go with him, but Roger convinces her it is for the best that she stay with Jake. has been killed . Cheung (portrayed by Brian Tee) is a CIA deep-cover agent; he and his friend Robert Hawkins are the last survivors of Project Red Bell. Goetz returns in Season 2, sent by Jennings & Rall (as a private contractor for the Allied States of America) to replace Major Beck as Jericho's chief administrator. Imagine those of ISIS today, brutally murdering innocent men, women, and children using a large cargo truck to inflict as much carnage as possible. New episodes of Titans are available on Fridays on the DC Universe streaming service. JOSHUA 3:10 And Joshua said, Hereby ye shall know that the living God is among you, and that he will without fail drive out from before you the Canaanites, and the Hittites, and the Hivites, and the Perizzites, and the Girgashites, and the Amorites, and the Jebusites. 4. Why didn't I get a doll?" Biblical Hermeneutics Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for professors, theologians, and those interested in exegetical analysis of biblical texts. He later discovers that April had planned to file for divorce before the attacks, but changed her mind after the attacks, and that she is pregnant with their child. Laxamanas film, however, does not subscribe to the thrills, intrigues, and fantasies of the scandal-ridden romances that it exploits. God's plan required to show all how we are supposed to live and to remove from our lives those things that are evil and focus on that which is holy. She and her children move from Washington D.C., where she was seeing a man named Doug. Hawkins is reluctant to jeopardize the mission by trying to rescue him, but needs Chavez's contacts in Texas. Although, (spoiler), Just A Stranger doesnt tackle if Mae and Phil will get back together, it just shows that Phil still supports and takes care of Mae somehow. He tends to side with decisions that favor brute force or absolute action over diplomatic means, and preferred Gray Anderson's more strict policies regarding the ejection of refugees when the town's food supplies started to dwindle. You might be interested in researching the [very recent] Essenes view of the writings that came via the Pharisees. That was the big problem -- failing to take all the land, making peace, intermarrying, stopping short, etc. This has all been done before, perhaps with more seriousness, elegance and grace. Although the relationship between them appears to be stormy in the beginning, they both eventually express their love to each other and get engaged. Anne Curtis as Mae (in her 30s) and Marco Gumabao as Jericho (all of 19) are so engrossing to watch on the big screen in a May-December against the breathtaking backdrop of Lisbon as they frolic like teenagers in love. When the ASA severely restricts commerce, Dale turns to smuggling; among other things he obtains a vaccine for the Hudson River Virus, helping Jericho and surrounding communities to inoculate themselves. Why did the people of Jericho deserve such destruction? Mae (Anne Curtis), a thirty-something woman, hooks up with Jericho (Marco Gumabao), a boy half her age, in historic Lisbon. the LORD: only Rahab the harlot shall live, she and all that are with Gerald was even hailed by other men as lodi or whatever, while Bea and Julia were being pitted against each other. View all posts by Elise, Your email address will not be published. Sometimes no matter how you try to be true and honest about your feelings, people will judge you. When his parents were killed in a car accident, Stanley willingly sacrificed his chance at a football scholarship to take care of his deaf baby sister Bonnie. Following the September Attacks, Gail performs mouth to mouth resuscitation on Victor Miller, a man dying of radiation poisoning, and resumes working as a full-time nurse. Doctor Kenchy Dhuwalia (portrayed by Aasif Mandvi) joined the Red Cross to escape Las Vegas, where supplies of water and electricity were crippled by the attacks. Unknown to the rest of the town, Hawkins is deeply involved in clandestine activities. Julian says that there's a "passing resemblance" between this current baby and Jericho, which is the first real confirmation that Dorothy actually gave birth. After the attacks, he takes the lead in organizing the relief effort, and later, guided the citizens of Jericho in their fight for survival. Expecting his officers to arrest him and send him to Cheyenne for court-martial, as a last official act he pardons Stanley and the Rangers of their apparent crimes. A responsible answer but with a very OT focus. Since then, hes been on a mission to find better memories with Philippine cinema. But since she was only the wife who was brought into dinners but never even allowed to talk on her own, we never really know what she is. God's design was that all would experience the horror of sin, and be able to choose His way of living over the other way of evil. It is still possible (and probably likely) that the death of Jericho was covered up by Julian and Sean, but I do not think either one was involved directly. As a sign of her trust in Dale, Gracie leaves the store to him in her will. Mary Bailey (portrayed by Clare Carey) is the owner of the Bailey's Tavern bar and mistress of Eric Green, having an on-and-off affair with him and hoping that he will eventually leave his wife April. It also hurt the Green family because Jake was involved. Valente supervised Project Red Bell, and was also among the leaders of the nuclear plot which, with Valente and Sarah Mason sabotaging Red Bell's efforts to stop it, succeeded. Mitchell tries to ambush Jake and take him to Jonah, but is arrested himself and thrown in jail. There are traces of ambition beneath all the cheap pleasures and grandiose melodrama that the film sells as its assets. Later, when tensions rise between Jericho and New Bern, Ted helps Jake and Hawkins, but runs off after failing to break them out of jail. In Season 2, Dale continues running his business with Skylar, and hires many refugees. Mention here of "the Amorite" probably represents all Canaan. While Jericho and Deathstroke attempt to hammer out their issues, Robin emerges and engages in Deathstroke in a fight, betraying the new Titan's trust in the process. In last week's episode, Dick admitted to. However, in this movie, there are no fighting over one guy. With the rise of the new movies that try to differ from the usual formula and with Anne Curtis growth as an actress, one might infer that this movie should be somehow different from the formula. It is ultimately revealed, however, that "Smith" was the mysterious mastermind and true perpetrator (Tomarchio, Valente and others being merely his pawns) behind the September Attacks - which, "Smith" reveals, was his grand effort to protect the United States by completely destroying Jennings & Rall, his former employers, whom he saw as a cancer at the heart of the U.S. federal government. This has all been done before, perhaps with more seriousness, elegance and grace. However, it is really in the nature of our society right now to judge other people and think otherwise even though they are being very honest with you. Although Mae (Anne Curtis) was confessing and looked like she was trying to justify, this was only trying to show that shes human. Eventually, Eric admits his love for Mary. Im glad my God doesnt take these actions. 5. She dislikes Robert's career in the CIA because it requires him to disappear for long periods. That was his measure of success. That is so true for many of us Filipinos. The Bible calls this His "strange act" (Isaiah 28:21). When Goetz learns that Mimi Clark has records proving that he is guilty of embezzling money from Jennings & Rall, he attempts to kill her at the Richmond farm; she is only wounded but Bonnie Richmond is killed defending her. Seeing the ASA was attempting to dominate the country and bury the truth behind the Attacks, Hawkins and Jake teamed up to deliver the bomb to the Independent Republic of Texas to expose the conspiracy, which started the Second American Civil War. Remember, too, that by this time they had had forty years to potentially repent while the children of Israel waited in the wilderness. Mimi never expected to fall for Stanley, but once she realized how much he meant to her, she supports him and tries to help both him and Bonnie, Stanley's sister, as much as she can. Constantino explains that the only way to win is to make the military realize fighting their town is too costly and not worth pursuing further. Jake graduated from Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University (prior to leaving Jericho for five years). SERVANT is an APPLE TV+ series about a Philadelphia couple in mourning after an unspeakable tragedy creates a rift in their marriage and opens the door for a mysterious force to enter their home. She was a rebellious teenager and, following the September Attacks, disapproved of seeing Stanley and Mimi Clark together. The overwhelming feeling in this episode is that Dorothy is becoming increasingly detached and that some very real trauma is festering within her. In Season 2, with the garrisoning and reconstruction of Jericho by the Allied States of America (ASA) Army, the garrison commander and chief administrator, Major Edward Beck, recognized Jake as one the others follow and listen to in the heat of conflict and appointed him Sheriff. Skylar continues helping Dale run his business. ADVERTISEMENT How can I explain to my manager that a project he wishes to undertake cannot be performed by the team? Unhappily married to April Green, he is in love with Mary Bailey, the owner of Bailey's Tavern. Anwar was . E.g. Jonah Prowse (portrayed by James Remar) is the leader of a group of survivalists settled outside of the town, and father of Emily Sullivan. Accidental manslaughter was not prescribed the same punishment as for murder, and acts of war and/or of self-defense, or of civil punishment (through the court/council), were not considered murder. A woman cheating on her husband is usually seen as a much more scandalous and graver sin than a husband cheating on his wife. When youre the kabit, youre just a stranger. Here are some of the points and issues told by the movie, Just A Stranger. 7. Jake and the rest of Jericho witnessed the domination of the ASA and Jennings & Rall (J&R) over the town and the country at large, with Jake knowing first-hand how dangerous J&R was when it came to business dealings. In the case of Canaan and all the surrounding nations, God allowed over 400 years to elapse before bringing destruction. How to react to a students panic attack in an oral exam? Clash between mismath's \C and babel with russian. Also, remember when Sean said he doesnt like flying? While the Q does not ask for the hope in this seemingly hopeless situation, I think it was warranted to include in the reasoning behind this queried command. The rest of the dead did not come back to life until the thousand years were complete. Johnny Rodrigues, head of the task force, told CNN that Jericho was . He is a former sergeant in the U.S. Army Rangers and like his father before him, a longtime Mayor of Jericho. Seeing that Hawkins would not cooperate, "Smith" reveals to Major Beck that Sarah was dead and labels Hawkins as the real terrorist - costing him the bomb which is transported to Cheyenne, where "Smith", having countless connections, could get it away from the military and into his hands. Jake convinces Kenchay to finish the surgery even though he knows April won't survive either way and April regains consciousness with Eric at her side for long enough to name the baby Tracy before dying. There is considerable evidence throughout the Bible to explain God's judgments. Cheating on your partner is a mortal sin. Curtis is a spectacle here and while her diction seems to betray her presumed past, it also adds to the ludicrousness that is the films primary asset. It debuted on 19 March, 2021, on Apple TV+, as the tenth episode and finale of season 2. 23:30 By little and little I will drive them out from before thee, until thou be increased, and inherit the land. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. At the time of the September Attacks, Eric is deputy mayor, trying hard to emulate his father, Johnston Green. After the September Attacks, Jonah's side business becomes permanent and he finds himself commanding a number of young men, including Mitchell, and possessing access to weapons and supplies that Jericho desperately needs. But Deathstroke comes back into the fold and attempts to restart his relationship with his son. The usual formula is that the guy is somehow the more important one because two girls are crying over him. She struggles being around people who will not or cannot communicate with her via sign language. Thankfully, there seems to be more to the film than meets the eye. Kevin Smith Reacts to Flash Movie Trailer: "It Is F-ing Magic", The Flash: SPOILER Dies in "The Mask of The Red Death Part 1", The Flash Recap With Spoilers: "The Mask of the Red Death Part 1", The CW's Gotham Knights Releases Series Premiere Photos, Zachary Levi Reflects on How He Was Almost Marvel's Star-Lord Until James Gunn Helped Him Land Shazam! 'Titans' Season 2 Episode 8 will air on DC Universe on October 25. Jonah is almost lynched for this, but the Greens save his life by exiling him from Jericho. His history had estranged him from his wife and children but they are the only ones he cares aboutwhen he realized the September Attacks were coming, his first thought was to get them to safety. Which requires far more detail than an answer field allows, so what follows is a broad outline to get you started. When Robert has to leave town to deliver the bomb to Texas, Darcy and Robert finally put the past behind them, knowing this is a dangerous mission. Trish unknowingly reveals to Goetz that Mimi knows about his embezzlement, leading to his raid on the Richmond farm in which Bonnie is killed. The words written throughout the Book of Deuteronomy (as noted above) describe the reasons for Canaan's utter destruction. It doesnt want to make you cheat at all. She shows her loyalty and tough-mindedness by killing Sarah Mason when she takes Samuel hostage. At first, she is very distant from her father and rejects any instructions from him. @Polyhat, don't rely on only one English translation. But it's a view that is interesting and doesn't deserve a downvote at all. Panoorin nyo na kasi para magets nyo ung trending topic kong laway scene in #JustAStranger, A post shared by Anne Curtis (@annecurtissmith) on Aug 23, 2019 at 2:04am PDT. He relates very much to Jake. Goetz himself is shot by Bonnie's brother Stanley Richmond. Eventually, Eric reveals to April that he is having an affair with Mary, and decides to leave April out of his love for Mary. Jericho did not even finish college because he did not want his course. She is deaf and communicates via American Sign Language and lip reading. Im glad that modern scholarship has provided some far more palatable view (of God!!! God does not like to destroy the people whom He loves, but for the good of others, He sometimes has to. "I am incredibly saddened to learn of the passing of Elan Ganeles, who grew up in West Hartford. April finds out she is pregnant by Eric, but also learns that Eric is in love with Mary Bailey. "We'll miss you, Elan. Anne Curtis have told in her instagram posts that this movie is different from other kabit movies. Their eulogies were about their perception of Jericho and good speeches to make their son look good on their relatives and friends. An Israeli who was killed in violence in the West Bank city of Jericho on Monday was also a U.S. citizen, State Department spokesman Ned Price said."We condemn the horrific killing of two Israeli . Marriage requires two people to be together even though they dont really love each other any more. Deuteronomy 18:9-12: 9When you enter the land which the LORD your God gives you, you shall not learn to imitate the detestable things of those nations. Here is a sample of what God spoke to Abraham over 400 years earlier: Genesis 15:13b-16: "[Your] descendants will be strangers in a land that is not theirs, where they will be enslaved and oppressed four hundred years. Jake was initially an unlikely hero, but his checkered past helped in Jericho's trying times. There is camp reminiscent of the soap operas of decades ago. And, this understanding starts back in Genesis 6. After the September Attacks, Gray is among those who go out to scout the country. Whats supposed to be just a May-December fling set in a romantic European destination ends in an affair. And in the New Testament we see unclean spirits - these being the spirits of the dead Nephilim. 10. Five years before the series, Mitch, Jake and Chris Sullivan (Emily's brother and Mitch's best friend) attempted an armed robbery under Jonah's orders. Laxamana admits to the fantasy, the delusions, and the reverie. +1 - your certainly on the right track, but theres more to it. The idea that these tribes needed to be killed b/c of Nephilim is a bit fringe: lots of debate about Nephilim, and the tribes weren't all killed off. Former members of his gang included Jake Green and Prowse's son Chris Sullivan. While the Titans attempt to avenge the death of their teammate Aqualad by getting close to Jericho, they all realize that the young man has a kind heart. Jimmy later returns to duty, and accepts that Jake is now his boss. Does the narrator of Numbers assert that the Anakim come from the Nephilim? Following the September Attacks, Heather continues as a school teacher, and falls for Jake Green after watching him save a child from death. Maggie Mullen (portrayed by Erin Daniels) was, following the September Attacks, a refugee from Columbus. My condolences go out to his family and loved ones. Constantino learns that Heather is unknowingly helping Beck against the New Bern Resistance, and puts a bounty on her head, although Russell (presumably) gets it lifted by delivering John Goetz's corpse, improving their resolve to fight. Another scenario is when (spoiler) Mae confesses to Phil that she is dating a younger man, younger than Phil, Phil is somehow offended that his trophy wife is dating someone younger than him. You try to be true and honest about your feelings, people will judge you as its assets Colonel... Who will not be published when we get there biblical hermeneutics Stack Exchange is question! & # x27 ; Season 2 years to elapse before bringing destruction Jake Green and Prowse 's son Sullivan... Little and little I will drive them out from before thee, until thou be increased, and fantasies the. Because Jake was initially an unlikely hero, but theres more to it rejects instructions... 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