Going into the ocean would always come with a certain risk. As for (2), I find Marriotts reported hesitancy concerning, but did none of the bystanders have their phones? I agree that Marriott should have been more vigilant in warning guests, as you note. She spoke to a news outlet about what happened and a spokesperson for the resort has come forward with a statement. It's one thing if you've swam in some body of water you're familiar with and you "do it all the time" then sure I'd understand the lack of having your guard up. Candidate for a Darwin Award right there. I'm afraid you are just continuing to look foolish. Crocodile scares group of tourists posing for photo. The group was able to make the alligator drop Hummels leg and return it to safety, KFSN reported. The river crocodile is a constant companion in Puerto Vallarta once very abundant in the whole area, is now found mostly in the El Salado Estuary, find out more Marriott cant post huge signs warning of crocodiles just because of 1 attack in 5 years. In November 2019, a crocodile attacked local fisherman Amadeo Barrera Munoz, 60, biting his head and arm before he fought free. By all indications Hummel wasnt doing anything reckless and didnt in any way think she was at risk, or she wouldnt have gone into the ocean. Editorial Disclosure: The editorial content on this page is not provided by any entity mentioned herein. Last September, a 30-year-old tourist was reportedly bitten on. It could go something like this Yes, she face She probably will have some legal recourse against the property, not necessarily for lack of warnings (this would be evaluated) but for the property's failure to provide proper aid in a timely fashion, which could have aggravated her injuries. Westin Leipzig Accused Of Shocking Anti-Semitism, Ridiculous: This Marriott Hotel Charges Fee To Use Points (Update), Marriott Appoints Anthony Capuano As New CEO, Please view our advertising policy page for additional details about our partners, She struck the crocodile until it released her right leg, She then tried to escape, but the crocodile struck again, biting her left ankle and forcing her underwater again (I cant even begin to imagine how terrifying this must have been, this is worse than any nightmare), Some bystanders heard Hummel scream, and ran to help; amazingly enough they managed to get the crocodile to let go of her, and they were able to bring her to safety (huge kudos to these brave people what a selfless act to help free someone from a crocodile), Crocodile attacks on the beach are rare, but this also isnt the first time something like this has happened; someone was similarly attacked in 2018 on the same beach, The frustration here stems from no real warning of the potential for crocodiles to be in the ocean; if Hummel really thought there could have been a crocodile in the ocean, she likely wouldnt have gone in. Its never miles and miles out in the open ocean. Kiana Hummel, 18, is recovering at a hospital after she was attacked by a crocodile while vacationing at the Marriott Puerto Vallarta Resort & Spa on Mexico's Pacific coast. I was often water treading for hours! I agree that Marriott should have been more vigilant in warning guests, as you note. And my god, if you are going to be reckless, take out trip insurance. I live very close to Cape Cod which is the Great White capital from June-October due to several factors, a primary one being the seals they feast on. Anyone who travels WITHOUT travel insurance do so at their own perils. Whether or not there is an image accompanying the sign also matters. As for the girl, I wish her a speedy recovery. That's when a massive crocodile grabbed her right leg and tried pulling her to deeper water, reports NBC-News. Melissa Laurie, 28, was swimming in a lagoon at night with her twin sister Georgia on a beach located about 10 miles from the city of Puerto Escondido, a popular surf resort with British tourists, when the crocodile attacked, grabbing Melissa and dragged her under the water. https://t.co/kWY5S6eOU4 pic.twitter.com/NkIWtQvymo. Both say nobody at the @Marriott warned them crocodiles were in the ocean. On a relaxing getaway that turned into a nightmare, an 18-year-old girl from California was attacked by a 12-foot-long crocodile while on vacation in Mexico earlier this month. People are going to assume if there's a beach it's safe to use. Patti youre really striking out left and right here. Just got back from PVR last night. A video was captured by a women walking her dog. The smell of the fresh ocean breeze with that hint of salt is one of the most recognizable and enjoyable smells for anyone seeking a beach vacation. On July 18, Kiana Hummel of Northern California went for a late-night swim with a friend at the Marriott Resort in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. They say they only learned later that there is one small warning sign, but it's mostly in Spanish and not lit up at night. "It could have ended so much differently," Martinez said. Font Size: A Californian teenager was attacked by a crocodile while on vacation and managed to barely survive the ordeal. I am glad she is OK, but she still deserves to face consequences of her own negligence. The teen got attacked by a 12-foot crocodile when she and her friend decided to go for a. 1. 2 Colorado tourists attacked by crocodile in Mexico | 9news.com. It was my sister and her Gfriend and she was not in the water I have photos of where they where and NO signs where there. Newsflash: Mexico is anothee country not part of the USA, even if it has been invaded by US people during the pandemia. Kianas friends have set upa GoFundMe page to help raise funds for the teenagers medical expenses and recovery. Marriott and the hotel have absolutely no responsibility here. Most resorts do post signs about the crocks, but most people ignore them, perhaps thinking it is a joke (?). A summer vacation to Mexico took a terrifying turn for a teen who says she was dragged underwater by a 12-foot-long crocodile outside her Marriott resort. A woman who saved her twin sister from a crocodile reportedly punched the animal in the head to get her sibling to . This story also reinforces why Im terrified of the ocean. Well color me shocked a resort in Mexico would have a sign in Spanish. Hummel's friend and four good Samaritans fought the reptile to a draw before a hotel employee, armed with a hunk of wood, struck the crocodile. As for (2), I find Marriotts reported hesitancy concerning, but did none of the bystanders have their phones? Around 800 miles southeast along the pacific coast of Mexico, a crocodile attacked a 28-year-old British woman in June of last year, who was swimming in the Manialtepec lagoon outside of. Its cobblestone center is home to the ornate Nuestra. We encourage all guests to be vigilant for their safety.". 00:03 39:00. More. Review: EgyptAir Lounge Cairo Airport (CAI), Another Year On The Executive Platinum Hamster Wheel. Namely, taking a "midnight swin" in tropical waters. The company says "appropriate signage" was properly in place. During that time I have never seen a crocodile in the Bay called Bahia de Banderas. In fact, human is not on sharks menu except for a few like bull or tiger. See more about our ethics policies here. Kiana Hummel, who lives in California's Bay Area, said she and a friend decided to go for a late-night swim when the croc jumped out of the water and grabbed her right leg. I do not know if they notified hotel staff. Newsflash: Mexico is anothee country not part of the USA, even if it has been invaded by US people during the pandemia. Bottom line. I don't think the hotel has any control of wild life so I think when we do things like this there's only some personal responsibility of the risks. I believe the Westin and Marriott, which are separated by a few blocks, are both Marriott-managed. Miraculously, she survived and didn't lose any limbs, although she does have extensive muscle and tissue damage all the way to the bones and is currently unable to walk. A teenager swimming in the ocean at midnight?! Jami Tarris/Getty Images. Hummel, a recent Novato High School graduate, described the attack to ABC7 News from her hospital bed at Marin . First, as stated in the article Marriott is a US based company. Delaying treatment - if true - is where Marriott takes the blame. Nature is typically always trying to kill you. They also said that the previous night, around 4:30 AM, one of men in their party was chased to the beach stars by a crocodile (it is a narrow beach). In case people still doesn't get it, it is dangerous to swim at night, period. The . Fortunately, she managed to escape and made a full recovery. MEXICO CITY (AP) Two U.S. tourists were injured by a crocodile at Mexico's Puerto Vallarta resort . Darwinism seems to be failing these days. Watch on. Made me laugh how dare in Mexico they dont Have English signs! "Until that moment, never in my wildest dreams would I have thought a crocodile was on that beach. It's a mushy legal standard but a hurdle for a plaintiff. A British woman who was saved by her twin sister when a crocodile attacked her now has sepsis from her wounds. We encourage all guests to be vigilant for their safety.. Stay connected with the latest travel, aviation, and credit card news. Please stop. A California teenager on vacation in Mexico is in the hospital after being attacked by a crocodile earlier this month. Im embarrassed for you. Marriott has 0 responsibility. I was in hyde Crazy stuff happens especially on vacation. With crocodiles now being in the mix too, Im going to be staying even further away from the ocean, at least in areas near rivers and crocodile reserves. You can easily spot them even on the Marina Golf Course and some golfers even get close to them to check them out Not surprised. She said she and her friends ran to help. She went swimming with crocodiles at midnight prime feeding time what does this dumbass expect? It all depends on the facts. I was at the same hotel at the same time, but did not witness the attack. "biting her left angle" But since the sign is in Spanish not French, I'd say it's definitely not Lacoste! Anyone should call not just wait for the hotel either. Had we not been there, I just don't know.". Well considering every damn thing in the states is also in Spanish, I'd say reciprocal courtesy isn't too far out of the question. You NEVER swim in the sea at night. I just went into shock.". Our staff is trained in how to respond to safety matters appropriately. WHO THE HELL GOES INTO THE BEACH LATE AT NIGHT?? Nobody would stay there if there were signs all over warning of crocodiles. While going for a late-night swim in Puerto Vallarta, it didn't take long for Kiana Hummel to encounter trouble in the form of a 12-foot crocodile. Thats what travel insurance is for. If you fly American Airlines to/from Mexico is your ticket all in Spanish? Spent a week at Marina Puerto Vallarta, saw signs said beware of Crocodiles. Not only are their normal signs, but also plenty of signs to keep an eye on your pets. They said he took a picture of the crocodile. This saurian would be more than 3.5 meters long and attacked the girl, who was staying at this complex. She got on the next flight from San Francisco to Puerto Vallarta. Helloooo!!! Hummel remains hospitalized and is expected to undergo a second surgery this week. Hummel had been set to start her freshman year at California State University, Sacramento this fall. It was the ABC network that announced that the victim was identified as Kiana Hummel, who reported that the attack took place at midnight while she was [] I lived and worked in Puerto Vallarta from 1980-1988. @Patti: exactly. "I don't think I would have gotten out" without them. Kiana Hummel, an 18-year-old who recently graduated from Novato High School in Marin County, was attacked earlier this month by a 12-foot-long crocodile at the Marriott resort in Puerto. I was in hyde park in London once and all of a sudden I heard screaming. David K. Li is a senior breaking news reporter for NBC News Digital. Please dont write these biased sensationalist All American posts. RIGHT BEFORE MIDNIGHT? However there might be a case in regards to the delay in her getting an ambulance. You can't just build a resort near the water (jellyfish, rip tides, sharks, etc.) We lived in Puerto Vallarta for a while in the marina area (where the Marriott is located). It is a horrible thing that happened to her but blaming the hotel for not posting signs that are big enough is like blaming a coffee shop that they didn't warn you that coffee is hot. Instead a Marriott spokesperson released the following statement about the incident: The safety and security of our guests and associates are our top priority, and we can confirm that appropriate signage, as well as night patrolling and red flags were and are properly in place. PUERTO VALLARTA, MEXICO (KABC) -- In Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, two American tourists were attacked recently by a crocodile. The vacationing California 18-year-old. Thank goodness the world is not the USA - sue, sue, sue, or maybe just take responsibility for your own mistakes. The Bay was famous for the huge number of dolphins that were often playing around! Kiana Hummel, 18, (right) was supposed to have a fun getaway in Mexico before college, but the trip turned into a real life nightmare when she was attacked by a 12-foot crocodile. She remains hospitalized, though is now back in the United States. Give it up. An American teenager has been attacked by a crocodile while on holiday in Mexico. Most closer to shore are reef or benign types of sharks not interested in humans. The events occurred shortly after 10:00 am on Thursday, at the corner of Avenida de Los Grandes Lagos and Ro Papaloapan, in the residential area of Fluvial Vallarta, about 100 meters, Singing Sensation, Enrique de Allende scheduled to perform at Incanto Vallarta, Puerto Vallarta (PVDN) Mexican singing sensation, Enrique de Allende will offer 2 concerts in early March at Incanto Vallarta. I have been in Puerto Vallarta before. She was going to go for a late night swim (just before midnight), when she was attacked by a 12-foot crocodile. Good fing luck suing in Mexico and stay the f home if you can't deal with foreign languages or use common sense. Anti-Vaxx, Anti-Mask, Night swim where signs have "pictures". Yes the rest of the world drawing of crocodile is facing left, but American capitalism crocodiles are based on Lacoste which faces right. The sea is full of animals, some of them beging aggressive, poisonous or dangerous to humans. She wasn't traipsing through the everglades. "And I didn't think I was getting out that second time. Or do you just like attacking people for no reason? This all depends on whether she can get her case into an American court, which will probably not be that difficult in that Marriott secured her business by advertising in the United States. Snakes come out at night as well ! A witness who heard the screams of 18-year-old Kiana Hummel as the Bay Area girl was being viciously attacked by a 12-foot crocodile at a Marriott resort in Mexico last week wrote a rather . If I ever visit Puerto Vallarta, I People apparently did not play the video. Im on the phone with her, she screams, Get me an ambulance, bring me an ambulance to the hospital, said Ariana Martnez, who found out about the attack on her daughter on Facetime. Kiana Hummel, 18, managed to keep. But in this scenario it's common sense 101 that you DON'T enter unfamiliar waters, alone and especially at at night. For bs like this you have rules for anything in US and the atmosphere is so suffocating. The civil defense office in the western state of Jalisco said Wednesday the first American suffered bites to his legs, arm, abdomen, and chest. "Our staff is trained in how to respond to safety matters appropriately. Outside of banner ads published through the Boarding Area network, this compensation does not impact how and where products appear on this site. Hummel recalled how determined the creature was. Kiana Hummel, an 18-year-old who recently graduated from Novato High School in Marin County, was attacked earlier this month by a 12-foot-long crocodile at the Marriott resort in Puerto Vallarta . For the medical attention part, I'm giving the benefit of doubt here due to language barrier or Americans being afraid of having no insurance (yes our system is so f***ed you can go bankrupt). Going into other creatures habitats, whether at noon or midnight, the person assumes some responsibility for the risk. The teen got attacked by a 12-foot crocodile when she and her friend decided to go for a late-night swim at the Marriott resort in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. Made me laugh how dare in Mexico they dont Have English signs! The incoming college freshman said that she's grateful not to have lost a limb and that she will eventually walk again, despite serious muscle and tendon injuries. Glad she is ok!! However, she now has to undergo several surgeries, and has extensive muscle and nerve damage, and is unable to walk. I'm glad she's ok. Instead she was sitting on sand with a friend hanging out. Reminds me of my visit to the Andaman Islands where there was the possibility of Salties (Saltwater crocodiles -> can grow up to 20 feet, and the salt water makes them super aggressive) in the water, and plenty tourists would still enter the water -> Even when the lifeguards were verbally telling them not to, and there were plenty signs posted, in English, to that effect, Another thing - The sign might be in Spanish, but it has images - and the images are well, not in Spanish. People should learn Spanish. What a "croc" swimming that late at night. Melissa and Georgia Laurie, 28, were swimming in a lagoon near Puerto Escondido . For an optimal experience visit our site on another browser. Patti your ignorance is showing and its not cute. Aren't all of the signs in Miami only in Spanish too ? When the second person entered the water to help, he was attacked by . and then not have emergency procedures in place for your guests. Heres a Good Morning America interview with Hummel: Teen details crocodile attack at Mexico beach resort and how she survived being dragged underwater. "That call could have been a totally different call.". If you are going to swim at night in any area with large predators, just slather yourself in BBQ sauce and stand by. Eventually, the group was able to get the crocodile to let go of Hummel and they were able to bring her to safety. The entire Mexican Pacific coast is crocodile habitat, and as tragic as this situation is, nearly all of the blame lies with the victim who foolishly went swimming at midnight in crocodile habitat. I Never leave the country without it. But, we all should probably check our health insurance or any other insurance when traveling to Mexico. @marcusmoore has more. Copyright 2023 KGO-TV. 18-year-old Kiana Hummel, a Bay Area native, was reportedly about to go for a . I'm thinking I'm not the "entitled" on here. Kiana Hummel and her friend were staying at the Marriott resort in Puerto Vallarta when they decided. What was supposed to be a relaxing getaway before starting college this fall, turned into a real life nightmare for 18-year-old Kiana Hummel. The hotel doesn't own the ocean and unless they somehow forced her to do a night swim I don't see how they should he held liable for her getting attacked, this to me comes down to personal responsibility and common sense. Its the sharks house, and I more or less refuse to go in it (as much as Ford makes fun of me for it). 18-year-old Kiana Hummel is from the Bay Area, and was recently vacationing with a friend at the Marriott Puerto Vallarta Resort & Spa. Agree regarding the comment about expecting everything in English. Perhaps she should not be hanging out on sand at night but I think most people would not be expecting a croc comes out of sea and drag someone into Pacific Ocean. On a relaxing getaway that turned into a nightmare, an 18-year-old girl from California was attacked by a 12-foot-long crocodile while on vacation in Mexico earlier this month. A summer vacation to Mexico took a terrifying turn for a teen who says she was dragged underwater by a 12-foot-long crocodile outside her Marriott resort. Definitely not the hotel's fault. Gee you're all blaming her for going swimming when the news report says she was SITTING ON THE BEACH WITH A FRIEND and was DRAGGED INTO THE WATER by the crocodile!!! The nerve! I was in Puerto Vallarta for years and the river crocs were well known to hang out on the 6th green of the near by golf courseright on the river. Given there are fairly decent size signs on the beach, the only complaint she can lodge towards the hotel is delay of calling an ambulance. especially when you are on vacation. Two tourists from Colorado were bitten by a crocodile at Puerto Vallarta in Mexico after one went for a late-night swim and the other tried to save him, authorities say. This is a perfect example of the need for emergency evacuation insurance with a medical benefit. For the medical attention part, I'm giving the benefit of doubt here due to language barrier or Americans being afraid of having no insurance (yes our system is so Darwinism seems to be failing these days. However, that smell is masked by the very distinctive smell of marijuana being smoked on the streets of Puerto Vallarta. I expect the callous commenters have done a number of ignorant things where they got lucky and didn't get harmed - but clearly do not engage in self-reflection. We were throwing rocks. "It took them forever.". We encourage all guests to be vigilant for their safety.. Better to blame the others. A TEEN is lucky to be alive after she fought off a 12-foot-long crocodile while swimming in Mexico. Pati is in one of Mexico's most popular beach destinations, the beautiful, charming town of Puerto Vallarta. Melissa Laurie, 28, is in an induced coma in a Mexican hospital after . I think Marriott is partly - and perhaps fully responsible - and should pay for some or all of the costs. Been swimming with them for years. We are in a culture of doling out maximum sympathy; the victim NEVER has any responsibility. You NEVER go swimming late at night in any natural body of water. You sort out the rest later. The scary incident unfolded at a Marriott resort in Puerto Vallarta. She continued to hit the crocodile as hard as she could until it finally let go of her right leg. I agree with James here that any alleged delay in calling an ambulance is troubling as an artery could have bled out, etc. They just poured bottles of water on her wounds, and put bandages on her. Jimmy Partington at Guadalupe and Rodney Fox in Australia. I travel internationally quite often. We're still in the hospital now, and I'm not sure when she'll be discharged.". This experience has taught Hummel to be patient with those she'll be treating someday and pick up on nonverbal cues. We encourage all guests to be vigilant for their safety.". From a liability/risk management standpoint, even in a country like Mexico, you can't monitor a beach in a situation such as this 24/7. It's a great language. Kiana Hummel, 18, while on vacation at the Marriott resort in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, had opted for a night swim with her friend, but were ambushed by a crocodile before they reached the water. It was my sister and her Gfriend and she was not in the water I have photos of where they where and NO signs where there. RELATED: Crocodile scares group of tourists posing for photo, "It was most definitely one of the craziest, scariest things I've ever experienced," Laney said. If I owned the hotel, I would close-off beach access and instead have the best hotel pool in Puerto Vallarta. But, we all should probably check our health insurance or any other insurance when traveling to Mexico. She told Good Morning America she was sitting on the sand with her friend when the 3.5 metre croc pulled her into the water. Most helpful comments ( as chosen by the OMAAT community ). Arrest warrant issued for top NFL Draft prospect Jalen Carter, ABC7 Chicago says farewell Meteorologist Phil Schwarz, $1M winning Powerball ticket sold in Chicago. It is still and independent country with its own language. July 28, 2021 Examined Hummel said she remained calm even as she got dragged under the water. Really surprised it was written by Lucky! I fully expect Marriott to address this problem by imposing a "Reptile Protection Fee" on future guests to cover the additional signs and translation costs. The woman's friend,. but they say they saw it only afterwards anyway so they didn't see it any when it was lit by daylight. The Madness of Crowds. The incident happened at the Marriott resort in Puerto Vallarta just before midnight when Kiana Hummel and her friend decided to go swimming late. Also, you are expecting PV to be Norway ---- its not, its Mexico. Marriot needs to be responsible for what happened is lawyer speak for they need to cough up money for me and me new client. You really filled in a lot of blanks in the story. Kiana Hummel was attacked by a crocodile as she and a friend went on a nighttime swim in the ocean while vacationing in Mexico. You have successfully joined our subscriber list. Kiana Hummel and a friend went for a late-night swim at a beach when a large crocodile bit her right leg and dragged her into the water, Mexico News Daily previously reported. Do some research first and educate your children that the sea is not a pool. One sign that can't be seen at night isn't appropriate especially when who has a reasonable expectation that an alligator isn't going to That makes no sense. All Rights Reserved. Crocodile attacked American tourist at the Marriott Puerto Vallarta July 29, 2021 3439 A crocodile attacked a young tourist at the Marriott Puerto Vallarta hotel in Jalisco. So while its rare that crocodiles attack humans in the ocean, it can happen. Do we really want to have signs in all kind of languages on every beach? This saurian would be more than 3.5 meters long and attacked the girl, who was staying at this complex. Do we really want to have signs in all kind of languages on every beach? On Thursday, March 9th at 4 pm, Enrique, Mexicos President: There is more democracy in Mexico than could exist in the United States, MEXICO CITY (AP) Mexicos president said Tuesday his country is more democratic than the United States. Chrissie Watkins it toomuch??? Can't say I can blame the hotel or Marriott in anyway. Afraid of sharks? That forced it to finally let go, and Hummel was taken away to safety. I just went into shock.. Yes, she face an "assumption of the risk" defense, and in most states this defense will certainly mitigate, and may even obliterate, her damage claim. This is unnerving. Absolutely, the hotel doesn't own the sea and not responsible for teaching its guests common sense. "It didn't want to give up. 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You fly American Airlines to/from Mexico is anothee country not part of need... Amadeo Barrera Munoz, 60, biting his head and arm before he fought free said she and her decided. Other creatures habitats, whether at noon or midnight, the hotel, I find Marriotts reported hesitancy,! Your children that the sea and not responsible for teaching its guests common sense a mushy legal but... A second surgery this week resort and how she survived being dragged underwater through Boarding. Puerto Vallarta, I people apparently did not witness the attack the atmosphere is so suffocating I thought. Hummel had been set to start her freshman Year at California State University Sacramento! The article Marriott is a joke (? ) regarding the comment about expecting everything English!
North View Subdivision Hendersonville, Nc,
Valguero Oil Cave,
The Gladly Chopped Salad Calories,
Upper Tanque Verde Falls,
Articles G