Can I ask what happened when you soiled your pants at school, and if you had accidents when away from home, eg in shops or places of interest? and writes about various aspects of his childhood soiling problem. Looking back, Im surprised the 1) It was the same for a friend the same age as me who lived in the same street as me. If you asked me at the time if I was doing it intentionally, I would have disputed it but in reality, I was, especially during high school. humiliating half-hour bus ride home in my soiled pants, absolutely reeking of Walking home from school with a full-on poop accident in your underwear is bad enough without adding urine to the mix! She was also directing her suspicions at my friends younger family members. It seems like a strange decision but at the time it made me feel like I had control. so most of my poo accidents happened in my room which might seem silly as most children with encopresis would soil them selves out and about because they didnt want to use public toilets. himself anyway, so it was a case of in for the penny, in for the pound. Maybe that was the way I was thinking that The medical side of my soiling was never discussed and it was assumed that I was being lazy or doing it on purpose, and eventually I started to think of myself as being babyish and disgusting.And, when I had soiled, I also tried to pretend that it hadn't happened, playing in messy underwear for ages, while knowing that it HAD happened and the mess wasn't going to go away by itself. Have you ever pooped your pants by accident or on purpose? when u pooed in the toilet would u tell your mum and would she have been very happy. This will get most of the moisture out of your pants and/or underwear. One of them was during a Christmas party at a local park. Within a few months of starting high school, I was doing it just about every day. "in a loud voice. I was small for my age and a late bloomer which probably contributed to this. Now she is wearing underwear she doesn't like. The answers to the questions my friends mother asked probably made no sense and I had developed the habit of lying by making an excuse that in my mind justified what I had done. That weight of the problem could be shaping the way you're handling the training. That was a good thing because by the time I started high school my behavior had become extremely entrenched. I think she's kind of put off from it, doesn't think it's a big deal, and she doesn't do the laundry - so leaves it for mom to wash. this wasnt the case for me. As I was walking down the hall, I heard him say "phew! I shared all that shyness and anxiousness as a little kid at school. She also told me it still happened to her from time to time and I discovered it wasnt just something she said to make me feel better. When the new teacher first began to question me, I had become very defensive but fortunately she persisted. S. ETA: maybe you don't "like" my answer, but you obviously have not researched this condition. But its always exciting poop in pants outside from home. I avoided school toilets until I was 7 and sometimes walked home in slightly, or in one case rather more than slightly, messy pants. It felt normal to me. home of my maternal grandmother, the only grandparent I ever knew. I do however really enjoy the desperation side of things, and have forced myself into situations that make it feel like an accident. They have a problem with their bowels that dulls the normal urge to go to the bathroom. Like yours, my Mum would probably have changed me for the sake of quickness, while making it clear that she did not appreciate starting the day by having to clean my pooey bottom.We definitely seem alike in many ways. I pooped in my pants frequently from age 5 all the way up to 14. I was also allowed to go places after school with my friends with a quick stop at home to tell my mother where I was going. She was used to discovering that her son had pooed The way I said no uncomfortably, probably confirmed to him, that I had infact pooped in my pants. It takes at least 3 weeks to get them back to normal, and if they're not getting enough fiber, it can act up. Was allowing you to stay in messy underwear a way of avoiding dealing with the problem?I was never really disciplined or encouraged to stop, even when I was still doing it into my teens. discovered. hm. I would often be so caught up in what I was doing that I would be almost oblivious that I'd pooed in my pants, until the moment when my mum smelt me, which is when the shame of it would hit me. First take her to the pediatrician & have It wasnt until a teacher decided to make me her challenge that I finally began to change. Other kids would notice and grass to the teacher when Id pooed my pants, but I dont remember being bullied for it. At the time it was going on I dont think I could have given an answer as to why I was doing it, which probably just confirmed my parents belief I was lazy or doing it on purpose. Perhaps I was desperately hanging onto one last shred of dignity by not completely letting myself go. I always denied in class and at home that Id had an accident and regularly had my pants pulled down / waistband pulled back to check. How do you break your child's pacifier habit? However I poop my diaper quite often and this is always on purpose and I love doing it because it feels amazing. So where she sat in it and didn't tell you and then again in the tub - that leads to me wonder if she is a) embarrassed and doesn't want you to be upset with her, b) is a bit confused and at her age doesn't get it or c) is she really doing it for attention. Later when we were back at the place, we were staying she questioned me again and again I couldnt explain my actions. July 20, 2016, 1:00pm. I've heard of quite a few children who don't like using school toilets for a poo and try to hold on, sometimes letting it out in their pants on the way home when their body is more relaxed. Verat Yabrewi654. Then obtain your character evaluation. Dab away at the stain slowly. Like most habits they become very hard to break. Jody, your post and all its comments are a truly useful resource of thoughts on the subject and I hope you will all be able to look back at this poo dilemma as a "brief moment . Indeed, I was treating my underwear like it was a nappy. The group was run by a male teacher and this male nurse from another school. a lack of water. I suspect that I wouldn't have deliberately wet myself if I had needed to pee that day, I would probably have gone to the toilet, then carried on playing in messy underwear afterwards. that was the type of thing which went through my head. like you i would always withhold until i was very desperate. Were you always cleaned up as soon as your mum realised you'd soiled, James? impossible. It completely changed my image of him. khairete I still clearly remember the I got through a week without soiling my underwear. My dad was always working, and I think my mothers attitude was, out of site out of mind. You were lucky to meet a former enco kid, who was willing to share her experiences with you and use them to help you. I think thats one of the reasons it became such an embedded habit and was so hard to break. I pretended that I was clean, like any other kid my age, and ignored the fact that I was actually messy and smelly and needed changing.My parents also thought I was being lazy or pooing my pants on purpose and I frequently got scolded and yelled at when they found out that I'd soiled myself again. rule out the medical first then go from there. she asked me, holding up my pants in front of me. My son has sensory issues and had encoperisis. would have just done that in my pants as well and created an even more horrendous Or? Ketta 666. I was still pooing my pants in my early teens so it obviously didn't work to leave me messy! Up until then and like you I believed I was the only one on earth my age that did it. I hope that writing about your past has helped you in a similar way that it has helped me. I think most school-aged children would not purposely soil themselves except in a circumstance such as you have detailed, that is to say, adding to an already existing accident in ones pants. There She didn't discipline me as such but would certainly try and discourage me verbally. No, I'm glad to say that I did not, and I hope that doesn't happen to any child. I had this problem for most of Junior high to high school. Understandably, you feel embarrassed. If she has held her poop in the past, it's possible that her rectum has lost its feeling and she doesn't know WHEN she has pooped. My friend and I were in high school so I guess she didnt think it could have been either of us. )I relaxed a bit too much and lost control, thankfully I didn't go all the way. There are so many similarities with yourself and others. With Tenor, maker of GIF Keyboard, add popular Men Pooping Their Pants animated GIFs to your conversations. I was in control of my own movements and self. Otherwise, I would use the commodore or the floor. We were just some young guys united by the fact that we pooped our pants. The only How To: Poop Your Pants Rod Squad 467 subscribers Subscribe 337 54K views 9 years ago Hope this tutorial helped! Hiding your poopy mess becomes a talent and a skill.i remember doing some pretty big messes in my underwear and diapers during that time. The longer the poop is stuck there, the more water is removed and the harder it is to push the large, dry poop out. The conventional vary for day by day pooping is from 3 times a day to as soon as each three days. We were on the way to another party, so I started getting worried she was going to work out it was me. It may happen if, as a parent, you are not strict on the use of the potty. 1. m1tanker632. Hi Jason, Yeah the support group was definitely a relief! It was so embaraasing! If she's having a problem, my approach should also open the possibility of her talking to you - "But Mom, it's NOT my choice! I would def have her tested for encopresis, have her checked. Road Trip (BOYXBOY) by FlynnLandvik. I think kids with encopresis often have great imaginations maybe connected.I read a great book called ADD The Edison Gene. Recently discovered communism Jan 11 Only if it was for a HUGE prize. It's VERY common at this age, and when this happens, they CAN'T control what comes out when. 0:33. Hi Anonymous,There were quite a few times, but the worst was probably during an excursion in my second year of high school. Two were when we were stuck in traffic on the freeway due to some accident or road construction. When she looked inside my pants and found out how much I'd pooed in them and how messy I was she was furious with me. I have 4 yr old DD who loves her Frozen and other princess underwear - she is having a hard time learning and remembering to wipe well. My son was having a bowel moment once a day and was still so constipated that he was having leakage around it and soiling his pants. When I tried to go at home nothing happened, or it hurt too much, so I usually just ignored what my body was telling me. - YouTube 0:00 / 1:46 Girl pooping in her pants. it was pretty embarassing walking through the hallways at 13, 14 or even 15 and all of a sudden,there's a load in your underpants or pull up. 167 Stories. favorite_border. They did typical annoying stuff trust me, but not the poop. So now I'm lying there, freaking dead, just praying that he can't see me. I understand how embarrassing this must have been for both of you, particularly if you were still having accidents when you were teenagers, and messing yourself at school, which I largely avoided.Pull-ups weren't invented when I was a child, but I doubt that my mother would have let me wear "protection" in any case. Within the midst of the 2005 London Marathon, participant (and eventual winner) Paula Radcliffe was forced to repeatedly pause and let the contents of her intestines empty out in full view of the gang and tv cameras. It was quite a confusing time thinking I was the only one my age still pooing their pants. No one suspected anything during the party, but when we got in the small bus my friends aunt asked if someone had soiled their underwear. It was one of the only times she threatened to put me into diapers, but I somehow knew she wasnt serious. This might be a medical condition and not an "attention" or power struggle. Sorry you still have occasional accidents and I hope that you are able to cope with these. soil and rock. I had an accessible toilet. The longer the better! One mother on Mumsnet whose I think there was some connection between the two, but more from the ridicule and embarrassment of being known for sucking my thumb. I agree that it's important to rule out a medical issue 1st, but one of mine did do this out of stubbornness. I was also convinced that I was the only kid my age who still pooed his pants. Due to prolonged stomach aches his pedi did an X-ray - he was completely backed up. And I never liked knowing i gotten away with it because when i pooed my pants i knew i had never got away with it and my accident would get discovered soon. deliberately messing himself. Some days it would be worse than others but either way I would just stay like that till hometime, praying that no-one would say anything!The same would apply when I was out with my mum, any soiling would be small bits at a time that wouldn't require immediate intervention, apart from one incident when I pooed myself in a supermarket - I tied my jumper around my waist to conceal it! Physically speaking, how did you poop in each other's pants? didnt withhold, as I still often did when I was away from home. toilet training too early . said her mom. I remembered a day when he was just sitting in the corner on the gym floor by himself and didn't seem to want to join the other boys, and there was a distinctly foul smell surrounding him. yes a member of staff would help to clean me up afterwards. So when you pooped yourself in school, you had to just wear your underwear? Hi Anonymous,Cleaning up was my responsibility and that also applied to washing my underwear. We all wore similar underwear, but it was extremely evident which ones were mine. Most of my first day of high school was spent with a load in my underwear, which was rather crushing at the time. Yes, I can understand how not cleaning yourself properly could lead to a fresh pair of pants becoming messy and being mistaken for a second accident, or your Mum deciding that she may as well have changed you in the first place. At the time I probably thought I was wasting my time and after all I somehow believed she had given me permission. So what am I missing? Once I finally mastered keeping my underwear clean, I began to feel very confident and was quite proud of myself. I didn't have wetting accidents as a child and I'm sure I would not have enjoyed the feeling of pee pouring down my legs in addition to the constant feeling of soiled pants. It really is a horrible moment you know that you've pooed yourself in the company of others, when you know that you're the one who's the cause of the terrible smell and you just have to hope that no-one finds out that it's you.I also remember the girl sitting next to me in class accusing me of having farted, when I'd actually had a small accident in my pants. of course she didn't come to you when it happened again. Kids, too . I did not find pooey pants particularly uncomfortable physically as I got used to the feeling of them, and being discovered brought a sense of dread more than relief, as I knew that I was about to be told off and suffer the humiliation of being changed like a toddler. Age 5 -7 was rough at my house. The correct answer is: True. (and 2 more) 1 reply. I dont know anymore but I find it odd that its been about 6 months since the last time this has been an issue then all of a sudden 2 days in a row. In the same way that you may I was 8 when this happened and it took place at the i pooped my pants pictures. The problem with that was those opportunities almost always seemed to be during class or while I was out doing something on the weekend. Finding out someone else not only had the same problem, they still did make me feel fantastic. I really think I'd have wanted a hole in the ground to open beneath me if a friend's mother had questioned me about why I had soiled myself and why I hadn't gone to the toilet. Use plenty of paper towels. Did you like how it felt once it was finally in your underwear?. then instead of witholding i would crouch down and slowly push all of the poo out until i was sure i was finished. When it did I just made an excuse and went home before anyone noticed, that worked until I was at a friends birthday party. I think I would let her know you are PO'd, she is NOT acting like a big girl so she loses whatever her big girl privileges are, and she is gonna have to clean it up and/or lose her underwear. Why suffer the strain of trying to hold it in? Why would a 12 year old poop his pants? The medical side of it was never discussed or explored by my family as it was always just assumed I was being naughty or lazy - to the point where I actually begin to wonder this myself One other thing I recall is that when Id done it it would smell for a few seconds and then the smell would disappear. When I got back to class, he had opened all the windows and was sitting at his desk giving me a serious look. Maybe it was my interpretation at the time, but it seemed like out of sight out of mind was my mothers approach. She would often be understandably disgusted with me and tell me she could smell me and "knew what I'd done" etc, and threaten to put me back in nappies. Hi Anonymous, Thats a feeling I can I understand.As I got older, I was very aware no one else was pooing in their pants as often as me. 5.) Trending Taraka Ratna. Either way it slowly got worse and by the time I was in my teens it was a full-blown phobia. We answer your top questions about the flu vaccine. One of them was during a holiday break when 3 of my cousins stayed at our house. Need to rule out any medical issue. Her rewards were questionable, but one thing is for sure I was determined my underwear were going to stay clean. When i was about 3-4 years old i pooped my pants quite often, mom wasn't happy about it, but i sure as hell was, in fact i didn't do it out of laziness, it'd do it just cause i found it fun, the warm poop against your butt would feel really great, usually i'd hold it till i was about to burst, squat, and then completely let all the poop fill my pants or diaper while giggling and loving having . i did see by feeling the bump of poo which was sticking out of my pants. And if you're going to yell at her, of COURSE she's going to deny/pretend. underwear. In my case, I didn't get into the habit of deliberately soiling myself, but I did get into the habit of withholding my poo from the age of 3, which it took me years to get out of. Spinster Regular I dont want to live on this earth anymore. I was playing alone in He does have some medical "stuff" that may have caused that issue to take a little longer to resolve than it did in some other kids, but at 4, it was about beating Dad at the potty power struggle at least 90% of the time. I sat in the tub feeling ashamed Thanks in advanceif(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'mamapedia_com-box-3','ezslot_3',679,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-mamapedia_com-box-3-0'); We havent been to her dr about this issue however I dont think this is the reason as she is quite regular (once a day) and its solid but not large and the poop in her underwear tends to be from a small streak to actual chunks of poop. Cleaning me up that day was going to be no easy In the beginning I think it was a way of relieving my anxiety but then became a routine. how many other people apart from your mum and family knew about your poo problem? Still don't need to go. task and my mother decided that I would need a bath. I basically wasnt allowed boxers until I stopped pooing my pants. There was a toilet block not far from where we were so I walked there and went in but that was all. It could also be a mental thing. They claimed they didn't force anyone, but I knew one guy who was really upset that he had to attend, because he swore he only had one accident and it would never happen again. 15 "I Pooped My Pants As An Adult" Stories Guaranteed To Make You Laugh. When my friend and I got back no one said anything, so I was completely oblivious until his mum pulled me aside and questioned me. "JULIA!! There were 3 other guys from my grade in there. I agree. Of course, the whole world knows now! Ease your child's constipation. Instead I decided to do it in my underwear until I got home and could get the medication I knew worked. Were staying she questioned me again and again I couldnt explain my.. In my early teens so it was a good thing because by fact. 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