Student Portfolio Template Details File Format PDF Size: 69 KB Download 2. Elizabeth cuts it down to the information any prospect might need, like contacts. 1. Zheng Zhang. Portfolios are a great way to demonstrate student progress over time in your preschool, pre-k, or kindergarten classroom. Health And Physical Education Elderly Activities Elementary Library Baby Education Below are just a few examples of student assessment that I have used in PE. Scores generated by peer reviewed student growth portfolios represent 35% of participating teachers LOE within the states TEAM evaluation model in lieu of individual TVAAS scores that teachers in tested courses generate. Ill then rename each folder until every student within that grade/class has their own. Middle-school students may benefit from the same computer file portfolio as younger students, or a template using an online source, but additional types of products can be created. There are many advantages to using this type of portfolio including saving space in the classroom. Now that I am doing a better job at creating my Learning Roadmaps with their four levels of mastery for each unit and have collected a lot of examples of student work/performance, Im going to start creating Anchor Portfolios for the grade-level outcomes we focus on throughout the school year. Plus, get practice tests, quizzes, and personalized coaching to help you Sasha Blakeley has a Bachelor's in English Literature from McGill University and a TEFL certification. UPDATE: I had been having issues with my portfolios taking up too much space on my computer. Thank you for having me on. Sorry, if I went on for too long. SOE STANDARD - DISCIPLINARY FOUNDATIONS RUBRIC FOR ASSESSMENT OF ASSIGNMENTS AND PORTFOLIO ARTIFACTS Disciplinary foundations: demonstrates interpretive, normative, critical understanding of educational phenomenon through the use of the humanities, social sciences and psychological sciences within the disciplinary foundations of education (e.g., anthropology, history, philosophy and . Paper-based evidence is a little trickier. 2017 All Rights Reserved | Powered by, Google Apps for #PhysEd: Combining Drive & Sites for Portfolios, Google Forms + autoCrat = Educational Gold, Exit Tap Cards: Reflecting On The Learning Process In Physical Education, Teaching Rhythm and Dance In Physical Education, Co-Constructing Success Criteria in Physical Education, Responsibility Badges in Physical Education. Student Teaching Portfolio 1. Hattie Stewart 13. Zip. Emily Schmid - Math Education and Special Education Minor. So thanks again for having me on the podcast. Although this is a long-term project, it will help my students have a better understanding of what each level can look like and reflect on the differences between the four levels. Before collecting work to put in the portfolio, determine how it will be assessed and include rubrics and checklists. Thematic portfolios are centered on a large concept, or specific unit, such as the concept of 'power', or a literature theme based on a novel. The Student Portfolio Series includes. 48 lessons. These types of portfolios are specific and short-term but may become part of a larger body of work within a work portfolio. High school students are capable of designing their own webpage in which to exhibit their work, including uploading artwork, videos, music, blogs, and other means of digital learning. With that being said, lets get into it: The whole idea of starting to create/maintain student portfolios from my students came from a situation I experienced early on in my career. G3 FleeingTactics) and then drag each page of the PDF into the folder to create a unique PDF of each students work. And thats really exciting. 2. Once each individual page is in the folder, Ill go through the renaming process of each file that I described earlier. Physical Education Student Portfolio (SPortfolio- 5th Grade) by Ckb210 4.8 (3) $8.50 PDF The portfolio is a great tool for students to collect their knowledge, self-assessments, goal setting, and written reflections, to enhance their personalized PE experience. So many elements of my teaching originated from me inspired by colleagues on Twitter. assignments belonging t o 2016 fir st year O T students . Aries Moross 2. First, you must decide on the purpose of your student's portfolios. Mission Statement for Lifelong Physical Fitness 2. The poster graphic on the top pops out his visual skills. Teachers have the ability to choose which parts of the portfolio to assign and students can complete assignments outside of class time. 2. School districts are demanding it of their teachers and it is becoming crucial to have one when attending an interview when seeking a job. Try refreshing the page, or contact customer support. And like you were saying, it really hits a wide variety of topics from science and engineering to design and art to PE. They can identify physical and cognitive strengths and make connections between personal strengths and achievements (WS8). Finally, havingorganized student portfolios allows me to better communicate to all outside stakeholders (e.g. They tend to be subjective in form with occasions for bias. In this episode of The PE Geek Podcast we explore the role that portfolios play in the Physical Education classroom. Teaching Portfolio Examples To Showcase Your Talents Topic: Professional Development Grades: Elementary School, High School, Middle School: Career Advice 12 Teaching Portfolio Examples That Will Get You Hired Put your best foot forward. And if theyre able to get that performance by using a different material that no ones ever used before, theyre gonna do it and they also have the cash backing to explore that. I feel like its a lifeline. So its a little bit of history. The Student Portfolio Series 2 is designed for high school students. Alternatively you can download a full episode transcript here. The physical education student growth portfolio model was designed through a collaborative partnership of teachers, district leaders, retired teachers, and university employees in 2013 and implemented in 2014. 18:27 MV: Yes, absolutely. But in this case, the nice thing about 3D printing is as long as you have a 3D design, you can print it. The Five for Life Student Portfolio Series 1 (teacher and student manuals) in hard copy version and electronic format through WELNET, our internet-based software. Dietary Analysis 4. Craig Black 12. The easiest way to listen to The PE Geek Podcast is via our dedicated mobile app, which you can download for FREE foriPhone/iPad & Android. The lecturer will correct the students when we make some mistakes in activities. I think in addition to 3D printing, sports wearables is a really exciting space. Once I have the PDF in my Gmail, Ill open it up in Preview. This is a great way to have the students learn in different ways and in a different learning environment, resulting in satisfaction of all of the students needs. As educators explore and implement the contents of the following materials, it is recommended that they do so within a professional learning community (PLC) or other collaborative group that focuses on long-term and short-term planning, ongoing formative assessment, standards-based instruction, differentiated and targeted instructional practices, and student work. Lisa Maltby 17. Continuous & Comprehensive Evaluation & Requirement | What is CCE? I have two Twitter accounts, one also, one is for the 3D printing specific stuff @3Dreports, and then I also do a podcast on sports technology. However, I found that doing so just slowed down the process of organizing evidence into a students portfolio. For example, a writing portfolio may exhibit a student's written work across genres and demonstrate proficiency in designated components of writing. A portfolio developed for a course could be organized around learning task requirements, such as tests, papers, presentations, problem sets, etc. Thanks so much for reading and Happy Teaching! Hard evidence doesnt lie, and having it gives me a clear picture of how my student is doing instead of making decisions based on how I feel they are doing in physical education. Although Ive blogged aboutthe full story before (see Collect & Defend), the TL;DR version of it is that I got called out on my grades by my principal and I could have been in hot, hot water if it wasnt for the fact that I had collected all of the evidence of my students learning and had it ready to go in order to defend the grades I submitted. Ive talked to, or Ive seen, a lot of printers go up in schools, and at least the tools for designing being taught. Inside Title Page. Here are items you can include in your portfolio: Your teaching philosophy: keep it short and sweet. And I basically stumbled across the design for a 3D whistle and thought that would be a pretty cool addition to my classroom and printed it out, and it was my first ever experience with 3D printers. Would that be a fair assumption to make with, as these progressions sort of happen, things become easier to use and skill could progress as well? Although Im very open to trying out new tools and work flows, its really important to me that anything I try is aligned with my goal of putting student learning first and that it doesnt become distracting in my learning. With these tools in hand, Im ready to start going through the evidence. Portfolio artifacts may include reports, pictures, artwork, photographs, reflection responses, work samples, writing samples, journal entries, reading logs, graphs, and book reports to name a few. When I asked her about it, she told me she was making something called an Anchor Portfolio. The focus is on lifelong movement, problem solving, collaborative team thinking, teamwork, and individual success. Its a really nice option to have, and as long as materials match up and things like that, but I think thats really gonna Thats really exciting, and its one of those things where at least in the US, schools tend to strapped for funds, and in some cases, so this is, can be a much more cost efficient way of better than buying a full replacement that you can kind of replace things one at a time in a little bit cheaper way. Anchor Portfolios are collections of student work that provide examples of what the different levels of mastery canlook like for each grade-level outcome. They can store physical copies of assignments or student work. The Five for Life Student Portfolio Series 2 (teacher and student manuals) in hard copy and electronic format through WELNET, our internet-based software. Either I filmed it myself or my students filmed it and AirDropped it to me. For example, the portfolios might be used to show student growth, to identify weak spots in student work, and/or to evaluate your own teaching methods. An example of how to complete assessment 3. assignment portfolio example template please read. Wellness/physical education assignments The assignments could be as follows: 1. 1. The Student Portfolio Series is designed for students to take a deeper look at their health and fitness behaviors through in-class and at-home activities. The 97 learners in the experimental group (EG) were taught with tablets and Facebook, and the 102 learners in the control group (CG) were taught with traditional teaching methods. Some teachers have sent us examples of how they are incorporating assessment in their physical education programs. Dependent on the type of portfolio a student is creating, it may include various work samples, projects, photographs, writing pieces, reflective journaling and artwork. Edna Cerrillos designer portfolio example. Zheng's portfolio is clean yet bold. 28:30 MV: Absolutely. Students had the choice to participate in a practical activity and complete a portfolio piece using either a pedometer or heart rate monitor. Field Study and Pre - Service Teaching Portfolio 1. She has been teaching English in Canada and Taiwan for seven years. Joey Feith is the founder of For example, middle-school students may want to create a blog in order to share their work with other students, parents, and teachers. 27:17 MV: Sure. Ok, now that my folders are set up, I can start collecting & organizing evidence. My Numbers Gradebooks are on my iPad which Ill have with me on my desk. Class 2: Middle school ELL students who have been doing an English language intensive to prepare them for high school. And people are really exciting. The students must create the portfolios with materials available in class. I am a strong believer in using a couple of different instructional models in my curriculum. Write a short plan for how you would incorporate student portfolios into the class. 16:08 MV: So in theory, if theyre a piece of equipment, or at least one piece of equipment breaks, you just need one, you dont need a whole classroom set of 30 or 40. Demonstration of student growth over time, Identify specific skills to show improvement, Creation of a tangible body of evidence to show to parents, Collection of reflections on growth and learning, Initiate personal responsibility on behalf of the student, Documentation of learning standards with corresponding products, Communication device for parents, teachers, and students. P: 509.327.3181 Here is one of the best student portfolio examples showcasing the power of simplicity. Methods requiring critical thinking, open-ended questions, and project-based learning go hand in hand with portfolio assessments. Updated: 10/12/2020 11:42AM. Did my undergrad at MIT where I was fortunate enough to see or find out that a team-mate of mine on the baseball team was involved in this research group called the Sports Innovation Lab. And what my project was on was how can you develop new materials for 3D printing? Elementary students still benefit from hands-on learning projects; therefore, photos of finished products may be taken and placed in the digital file or uploaded to a portfolio program. Presentation Criteria. Due to school policy, I couldnt show you examples of my students work or their portfolio items, so I made up a class list here. Students can also create a file on the computer in which to place their finished products. The portfolio serves the double purpose of helping them to consolidate their learning and allowing them to demonstrate how far they've come. Is that something thats likely to happen down the future? The app will let you know when new episodes go LIVE & allow you to listen to all of the episodes while on the go. One of my personal goals as a physical educator is to provide my students with a variety of physical activities in order for them to be able to pick and choose which ones they enjoyed the most. They need a portfolio that demonstrates their speaking and writing abilities, and they all have access to technology that they can use to present their portfolios if desired, including film and audio clips or digital presentations. However, with all of the advances in technology, apps, platforms and resources, even time is becoming a difficult argument to maintain. This model will give the students new ideas of how to become physically active in their futures, especially those who are not into sports. Class 3: Eleventh grade students in a specialist theatre program who want to create portfolios specifically for auditions and applications to industry jobs after graduating. The art of analyzing student work when grounded in collaborative thinking, self-reflection, and differentiated instructioncan have a profoundimpacton student academic growth. That means a portfolio could include anything from samples of writing the child has done, tests the student has completed, pictures of the child in the classroom, notes from a teacher about things the child has said or accomplished, self-assessments by a student, and more. So Im an engineer by background, but really passionate about sports and combining the two. So since an early age, Ive really, my passion has been in baseball, but I enjoy kind of all sports. 18 Digital Portfolio Examples & a Guide for Yours kos Izsk March 2, 2022 Portfolio Tips First impressions have been rescheduled: they're made way before meeting in person, saving plenty of time and effort for all parties. Overhand Throwing Initial Initial) and then continue renaming the evidence files by typing the students name and pasting the description (this saves a ton of typing time). The information offered can help students assume control and take responsibility of their lives. Colorful Photography Portfolio Design. And Ive done some work in the UK on that same thing, and I imagine its still going on in Australia as well and around the globe like its this idea that these manufacturing tools are becoming way more accessible to the masses, theyre not just stuck behind the doors of Ford or GE or something like that, so theyre available. The process I use now (the now I just described) has, to date, proven to be the most efficient way for me to collect and organize evidence while teaching. It can be used in conjunction with the FIVE FOR LIFE Intermediate Program. & Walsh 6. I would definitely recommend to my colleagues. Safety to myself and others. Thats really exciting from PE teachers perspectives. A andy vasily Physical Education Curriculum Teaching Technology Essentially, portfolios should fulfill the following criteria: Student reflection is an important part of assembling a portfolio. Landscape Photography Portfolio Template. This full picture of the student assists teachers when developing learning opportunities and tracking progress. On todays episode were actually really fortunate to have our first ever guest on the podcast, and I have been alluding to having some guests appearing in previous episodes. Ill do this until there are no more files in the desktop folder and then Ill delete that empty folder. I use the Google Drive app for macOSwhich gives me access to my Google Drive folder right on my Mac and has it act like any other regular Finder folder. But the original technology is not too new, but it was really used for prototyping, and just creating something that you could put in a meeting, at an engineering meeting on a desk and you could talk about or just handle, but it wasnt, the materials and the process wasnt sophisticated enough to really create an end product that would withstand falling off that desk or being swung like a baseball bat, or something like that. I also greatly enjoy my studies of English, having achieved A grades at AS level in both English Literature and English Language, which is why I wish to study this as a specialism. Advantages of student portfolios versus traditional methods include the following: It is also important to realize the disadvantages of portfolios compared to traditional assessments. . I have wanted to pursue a career in Primary Education for several years now. And the reason that sports is interesting from kind of a research and development and even product space for me is that not many people know this, but its actually one of the places where you see a lot of development in new technology and theyre an early adopter of many of the new materials and new processes that you would see alongside kind of defence or aerospace. And digital portfolios are part of this shift. This step drives the entire process and gives the student and teacher direction. The Power of Student Portfolios When we think of assessment, it's easy to imagine a test or a rubric attached to a letter grade and a point value. example, you might discuss your personal theory of learning, characteristics of a good teacher and a good learner, your view of the roles and responsibilities of students and teachers, the aims of instruction and how these might change under . Kind Studio 11. See more ideas about portfolio design, book design, graphic design inspiration. It not only provides the students with options in becoming more physically fit, it also motivates them to stay healthy in their future. All other trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners. Additional purposes of portfolios include: There are many different types of portfolios. The core models I will use are sports education, adventure education, and peer teaching. Let's explore how to make a portfolio for school step-by-step: Remember that a digital portfolio is an electronic version of a portfolio. All rights reserved. 6 chapters | Shows PE teachers how to use this assessment tool to showcase students' knowledge, guiding them through assembling, organizing, and evaluating a portfolio based on teacher standards and K-12 content standards. Well thank you, really, for your time today. . The sport education model should be used because I think students need to learn all of the aspects of sports including the various roles of not only the player, but the score keeper, coach, captain, or referee. Alright, let me show you how I go about student portfolios: When I first started maintaining student portfolios for my physical education classes, I was storing everything on my computer. 27:03 JR: Thanks heaps for deciding to come onto the podcast today and sharing everything you know about 3D printing and its implications in the physical education space. I want to be able to show my students that there are so many ways out there to become and stay physically active. 25:35 MV: Yeah, I think from my perspective theres a lot going on. This is something that I designed, I printed, or I built or I carved. Theres a lot of pride there and it gives people a different understanding and appreciation and even interest in how something, even like a piece of sports equipment, is made. Contact us at if you are interested in sharing some of your completed student work. Having taught elementary physical education for 10 years, Joey is now focused on helping physical educators grow their confidence and competence as teachers. These free homeschool portfolio printables pack of checklists includes one page with the requirements and subjects for PA (which is a high regulated state). Observation Norming Session: Calibrating Observation Scores and Feedback, 2022-2023 Evaluation Configurators Monthly Office Hours, Student Growth Portfolios: First and Second Grade, Student Growth Portfolios: Physical Education (K-8), Student Growth Portfolios: Pre-K and Kindergarten, Student Growth Portfolios: World Languages, 2022-2023 Portfolio Lead Monthly Office Hours, Physical Education K-5 TEAM Portfolio Resource Guide, Physical Education 6-8 TEAM Portfolio Resource Guide. If so, teachers should prepare themselves, and their students, for the process. Original art that demonstrates creativity and originality. Rolling Meadows, IL Remember that the teacher and student should determine the purpose of the portfolio prior to beginning the process in order to drive instruction and guide the individual learning process. Being able to make it easy for students to see just how much they have learned goes a long way in terms of helping them value learning in physical education class. Interested in creating student portfolios for your students in physical education? Youve talked about whether or not a piece of equipment ends up making something easier to use, well, then that obviously translates into a student use as well, and that might actually be the thing that makes it possible for them to learn a skill faster than they had previously learned it. Electronic portfolios are databases of information using forms of technology. Its like a teacher waved a magic wand and did the work for me. Also, I will include adventure education in my curriculum because this instructional model opens the physical education program up to unique ways of participating in physical activity. Before assigning a student portfolio: From that moment on, I saw the value of collecting evidence of student learning. Inside that folder, Ill create a folder for each class/grade I teach (e.g. While some teachers prefer a student . So they partnered with the university to explore that. Step 5: Determine what format the portfolio will take. Student ePortfolio Examples Carrie White Watch on Elyse Farley Thorup Watch on Don't forget to take a look at our videos and ePortfolios from previous ePortfolio scholarship recipients! Once Ive finished creating all of the folders within the #Example Student folder, Ill copy/paste that folder inside that grades parent folder until I have as many copies as I have students in that grade/class. Its one of those technologies that it kinda stagnated for those 15, 20 years just doing prototyping, but when all these new machines came out, theres a big drive for innovation and push that people see the potential and wanna take advantage. This model can be used in conjunction with the sports education and adventure education models in that the students do the teaching to each other rather than the teacher teaching the entire unit. Some schools are putting all the artifacts onto a cd-rom by videotaping performances, scanning paper products, and digitizing audio. 20:34 MV: And people just take, whether youre 10 years old or 30 years old or 6 years old, I tend to see in people that are kind of building these things, theres a lot of pride that goes into Hey, I made this. I first start off by creating a folder for the school year (e.g. For that reason alone, Id say that Anchor Portfolios are work worth doing. 2016-2017). Well-balanced compositions. Portfolios are authentic assessment tools that are comprehensive in nature and provide an alternative to more formal methods of testing. 2. Republic of the Philippines LAGUNA STATE POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY Siniloan (Host) Campus Siniloan, Laguna FIELd STUdY ANd PRE-SERVICE TEACHING PORTFOLIO Prepared by: ALELI M. ARIOLA Pre-Service Teacher ARLENE G. ADVENTO BSEd - Mathematics, Pre-Service Teacher Supervisor CORAZON N. SAN AGUSTIN, Ph. Student Assessment Examples in Physical Education. Student is actively involved, placing him or her in the midst of the learning process versus the fringe, making the assessment authentic. This lesson gave you great resources for understanding the importance of student portfolios. Ill then repeat this process for each class/grade I teach untileach student I teach has a portfolio that is ready to go! Ultimately, the energy and effort put into the portfolio determines its accuracy and legitimacy as a grading tool, as does the following of set-forth guidelines and expectations. Their portfolios should include film and audio of past performances when applicable, as well as sketches, photographs, and even physical costumes that can be displayed at industry applications. Carlos Bocai 15. Most of the time its not life and death, so theyre like the difference between half a second or a tenth of a second on a race or a run down a snowboarding course, makes a huge difference. copyright 2003-2023 Roxane Gay is an author, essayist, and speaker. 09:19 MV: Absolutely. The Documents to Include in Your Portfolio Included inside your portfolio should be professional documents, education and training you've received, activities and volunteer work you've done in the community, and any personal interests that might be relevant to the position you're applying for. So welcome to the show, Mike. Thats a process where you have to make this steel or metal mould and you blow hot plastic into it and then it sets, and then that happens very quickly and you can you can make hundreds of thousands of parts, but theyre all gonna be the same parts and that actual equipment to make the part is pretty expensive. And I expect thats probably likely to continue. Watch the video below for a walk-through of an excellent ePortfolio and explanation of what makes it great. However, the portfolio is not a self-contained course project. Just to finish off, is there anything that youre excited about in terms of things that maybe youre working on or even outside of the 3D printing space in that sort of sport and technology area that may have some implications for people in schools or just in sport in general? Jarrod is a Physical Education teacher from country Victoria Australia, with a passion and enthusiasm for the role emerging technologies play within teaching and learning. Discover the 7 PE Superpowers and take your classroom to the next level in our upcoming webinar. And it gave me a completely new understanding of how theyre actually made. - Ideas & Examples, Using Graphic Organizers as Assessment Tools, Curriculum-Based Assessment: Advantages & Disadvantages, FTCE School Psychologist PK-12 (036) Prep, UExcel Workplace Communications with Computers: Study Guide & Test Prep, Effective Communication in the Workplace: Certificate Program, Effective Communication in the Workplace: Help and Review, Praxis Earth and Space Sciences: Content Knowledge (5571) Prep, ILTS Social Science - Geography (245): Test Practice and Study Guide, ILTS Social Science - Political Science (247): Test Practice and Study Guide, Praxis Biology: Content Knowledge (5236) Prep, Introduction to American Government: Certificate Program, Introduction to Counseling: Certificate Program, DSST Fundamentals of Counseling: Study Guide & Test Prep, Benefits of ePortfolios for Teachers & Students, The National Recovery Administration: History & Overview, Adversarial Journalism: Definition & History, Who Was Roger Williams? 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