Nomads - Australia 1980. [49][50], On June 18, 2007, Hells Angels member Christopher Wayne Hudson opened fire on two men and a woman during an argument in the Central Business District of Melbourne; after assaulting his girlfriend Kara Douglas, two male bystanders, Brendan Keilar and Paul de Waard attempted to assist Douglas. He joined the Bay Area News Group in 2014. A national joint operation to target and disrupt the criminal activities of members and associates of the Hells Angels Outlaw Motorcycle Gang has resulted in 24 people being charged with dozens of Nomads - Australia 1980. They are getting someone from America to come out to kill you and Mr Armstrong. Police searched two residential addresses in Reservoir and Glenroy early Thursday morning and seized the imitation AK47. Bandidos foot-soldiers were also shot in Amager and Kge. Acting Deputy Commissioner Bob Hill said the arrests were a significant part of their fight against organised crime. The seizures highlight the significant nature of the offending, hence why we will continue to work tirelessly to put a stop to the harm these people are causing in our community. It was no social call, as Walton whispered to Hill the recipe to make methamphetamine - a drug hardly seen in Australia. It is primarily Foakes criminal record, his poor record on parole, probation, pre-trial supervision and supervised release that supported the courts original finding that Foakes is a danger to the community, a flight risk, and that no condition of release could reasonably assure community safety and his appearance in court, attorney George Boisseau wrote in the defense motion. After three trials - a hung jury and two aborted hearings - the prosecutors jumped at the deal. WebOutlaws president Thore "Henki" Holm and a French Outlaws member were subsequently shot and wounded by a member of the Untouchables MC, a Hells Angels ally. Melbourne's County Court heard that Hamment, pictured, felt ''scared'' when the man approached him in a McDonald's restaurant one morning in Thomastown and wrongly thought the victim asked if he was ''Ray junior''. The Hells Angels have declared war on the Bandidos, firing at members in Melton a fortnight ago. Immigration refused him entry and he was sent back on the same plane later that day. The summer cannabis crops had hit the street while the greatest challenge was an epidemic of heroin overdoses. All Access Digital offer for just 99 cents! One man was killed in the brawl that then erupted in the Haarlem - Holland 1980. The clash resulted in one man, Hells Angels associate Anthony Zervas, being beaten to death. WebDerek Wainohu, Hells Angels DEREK WAINOHU Sydney chapter member who took on NSW anti-bikie laws in 2011 and won. [36], Popular criminal Vince Focarelli was kicked out of the Hells Angels. The club Eventually, investigators arrested 19 people and seized three kilograms of amphetamines, as well as cash, explosives, handguns and a machine-gun. He was about to talk turkey," Waterman says. He boarded a flight from Melbourne in 2009 and ran into rival Comanchero boss Mick Hawi, and when they landed members of both clubs descended en masse. WebSan Fernando Valley - California 1978. Really? He sent more than 200 litres that helped the Hells Angels make $30 million to fund their defence in organised crime trials. Madden died in what was declared a car accident. Hells Angels president Luke Moloney, 42, was arrested by Echo Taskforce detectives as part of their investigation into drug trafficking linked to the motorcycle gang. One late afternoon I got a phone call from a lady. Madden had run out of money and he was starting to give indications that he might cut a deal. Disrespect: Scathing email sent to staff, Teen arrested after alleged school stabbing, Cops chilling response to fatal fire question. Hells Angels MC founding member dies in car accident Kew, Melbourne, Australia (March 27, 2018) BTN Chris Ball BearingCoelho, a founding member of the Hells Angels in Australia has died. Sergeant Lienert told Judge Paul Slattery that there were 10 "characteristics" of the Hells Angels, including a code of silence, a culture and acceptance of violence and practices of intimidating police. He was also known as The Assassin, with good reason. At least twice it has been of interest to the The prosecution heard that Tognolini had contracted Preston to murder Knowles who was trying to expand into the Hells Angels' drug territory, and also sold him the Luger pistol that was used in the murders. WebThe Hells Angels rented a farmhouse in Melbourne's northeast, near Hurstbridge, where they produced amphetamines in 50 pound (22.7 kilogram) batches worth $600,000. Stand tall, stay loyal, Next morning I got a phone call from immigration saying they had someone with one of those names here and he was in the cell [at Melbourne Airport].. A bullet hit Bandido Toby Mitchell in the arm. Three members of the Hells Angels faced court last week over a series of shootings in Melbourne's south-eastern suburbs. Overview: The Comanchero Motorcycle Club was founded in 1966 in Sydney, Australia. He was an imposing figure and if he came to you with a pound of product and said you owed $30,000 youd pay.. HELLS ANGELS BIG GUNS: What follows is a selected list of some of the major players and figures in the Australia branches of the Hells Angels. They claimed they found a loaded handgun and steroids. Within hours of the attacks, the clubhouse of the Hells Angels' Darkside chapter in Seaford, Melbourne was shot at in an apparent retaliation. He has refused to name any suspects even though this was not the first time he was targeted. Ex-Hells Angels president moves for pretrial release from jail, again, Antioch police seek help to ID woman who allegedly fired gun inside store, swiped liquor, One dead, another wounded in Oakland shooting, One charged with murder, second suspect released, in mass shootout that killed teen at Oakland music video shoot, East Bay rapper Bla$ta was playing his own music as he allegedly escaped police in 120 mph chase, authorities say, Man wanted in connection with slaying of Antioch teen arrested. Zervas declined to help police investigate his brothers death. Mr Carlson stepped out from behind his anchor desk to help send off Barger on Saturday. Mel Chancey is the youngest leader of the Hells Angels MC ever in history, becoming the leader at just 23 years old. WebIt turned out Hill flew to the US four times to link up with the Hells Angels and was taken into a maximum-security prison to meet Oakland chapter president Sergey Walton. [67], The president of the Hells Angels' Darkside chapter, Mohammed "Sam" Khodr, was jailed for seven-and-a-half years for selling more than $220,000 worth of amphetamines to undercover police officers in January 2015. Ventura - California 1978. Hells Angels arrested at Greenslopes in 1982. Sergeant Lienert told Judge Paul Slattery that there were 10 "characteristics" of the Hells Angels, including a code of silence, a culture and acceptance of violence and practices of intimidating police. The president of the Victorian Nomads chapter of the Hells Angels, who punched and seriously injured an innocent job seeker he mistook for a threatening enemy bikie, has successfully appealed a six-month prison sentence. Documents released by NSW Police detail the brawl as a result of a Comanchero gang member and a Hells Angel being on the same flight from Melbourne. Were working to restore it. National Operation - Hells Angels OMCG. [26] The raids were carried out as part of a national joint operation against the Hells Angels coordinated by National Task Force Morpheus and involving the Australian Federal Police (AFP), Australian Border Force (ABF) and other government agencies, which resulted in a total of twenty-four arrests and the seizure of firearms, ammunition, cash and drugs including methylamphetamine, cocaine, steroids and GHB at twenty-eight locations nationwide. Fox News host Tucker Carlson has come under fire for speaking at a funeral for the longtime president of the Hells Angels motorcycle club, Ralph "Sonny" Barger. Don't miss out on the headlines from Law & Order. Dear Abby: Why do they imply my husband is a freak? His brother Anthony was bashed to death in front of shocked travellers. She was a lovely lady. Barger was 83. An email circulated by a Chief Commissioner warns members of the police as there continues to be a number of individuals who think the rules do not apply to them. Four suspects were arrested as a result of the altercation. Ms Holmes said the man approached Hamment, seated alone and looking at him, and asked ''is it Julian''? When the Diamond Jubilee T-Bird was seen on a Hells Angels run in Lake County it was duly recorded and the driver became a person of curiosity. [62][63], Ray Hamment, Jr., the president of the Hells Angels Nomads, pleaded guilty to a charge of recklessly causing serious injury and was jailed three months after attacking a man who approached him in a McDonald's restaurant in Thomastown on June 7, 2013. 3 min read. [54], Hells Angels member Glyn David Dickman was found guilty of intentionally causing serious injury and threatening to kill, and acquitted of theft, while club hang-around Ali Chaouk was found guilty of recklessly causing serious injury, threat to kill and false imprisonment in October 2014 after the pair beat 18-year-old German tourist Faisal Aakbari with a baseball bat at the Hells Angels clubhouse in Thomastown in September 2009 when he falsely claimed to be a club member. His co-defendants are accused of murdering a fellow club member and were investigated for the still-unsolved disappearances of two others, but Foakes himself isnt charged with homicides. April 29, 2022 - 3:22PM NCA NewsWire A Melbourne bikie boss has been charged after an imitation AK47 rifle was found during a police raid on Thursday. Cassidy attempted to conceal the accident by moving Griffiths' body to an area on the Stuart Highway in Coolalinga several kilometres from the crash site, replacing the windscreen, and by spraying the vehicle with bleach and insecticide. Mr Grace told judge Michael Bourke the incident, on June 7 last year, happened after the murder interstate of a Hells Angel, the formation of a Victoria Police anti-bikie taskforce and constant warnings and publicity about a ''simmering'' war with the Bandidos. There were many more raids and the bikies took a particular dislike to Armstrong, referring to him as Noddy and Benny Hill (due to his purported resemblance to the British comic). Victoria Police have landed a significant blow in their fight against the Hells Angels after charging one of the motorcycle gangs presidents. He was released on bail after being charged with intentionally causing serious injury, recklessly causing serious injury, assault, assault with a weapon, extortion, possessing a schedule four poison and committing an indictable offence while on bail. Foakes is a former president of the Hells Angels Sonoma chapter. His attorneys, in their latest motion, filed this week, didnt shy away from Foakes criminal past, which includes several violations on pretrial releases in other cases, multiple felony convictions, and uncharged allegations that he started the infamous River Run Riot in Laughlin, Nevada, by assaulting a rival biker club member. Position: Vertriebsmitarbeiter/in im Auendienst (m/w/d)
Location: Geesthacht
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Wir beliefern Industrieunternehmen, Handwerksbetriebe, Handelsunternehmen, Behrden und Kommunen mit Berufsbekleidung, Arbeitsschutz, WebSan Fernando Valley - California 1978. Criminal incidents involving the Hells Angels in Australia, Hells Angels MC criminal allegations and incidents in Australia, Vicious Lawless Association Disestablishment (VLAD) Act, Hells Angels member Christopher Wayne Hudson opened fire on two men and a woman, Bandidos MC criminal allegations and incidents in Australia, Police raid Coffin Cheaters bikie clubhouse in Braeside, The key players and factions in the power struggle between bikie heavyweights Comancheros & Hells Angels, "Hells Angels bikies join with Victorian jail gang Prisoners of War despite moves to combat gang violence", Australian Bikie Gangs: Complete List of Outlaw Motorcycle Clubs, "4 charged in airport biker brawl in Australia",, "Hells Angel bikie Peter Zervas shot at his Lakemba home", "Justice stalled for family of Tyrone Slemnik gunned down in bikie shooting", Police powers and bikers in the NT Trust me Im a Policeman, Bikie nation - the outlaw gangs in your backyard, Former Hell's Angels bikie 'Shonky' Cassidy threw bleach on ute to cover up death, court hears, Alleged Hells Angels associates charged over drugs and guns after raids: police, Two Territorians caught up in nation-wide blitz on Hells Angels, National Hells Angels Outlaw Motorcycle Gang Disruption Operation, "Twin brothers and former Hells Angels bikies sentenced over drug trafficking operation run from Brisbane locksmith", "Bikie brothers sentenced to jail for using locksmith shop for ice trafficking | Australia news", "Brisbane Hells Angels Bikies Ranks Fall", "Bikies Hells Angels are Preparing to Muscle into Areas Once Dominated by Rival Gangs", "Premier Campbell Newman Releases List of Bikie Gangs to be Declared as Criminal Organisations Under Tough New Laws", "Bikie gangs face toughest crackdown yet under South Australia's proposals | Australia news", "New SA bikie laws come into force | SBS News", "Alleged Hells Angels members first to be charged under 'guilt by association' laws in SA ",,, "Of outlaw gangs, strong cops and long memories", "What Makes the World's Biggest Outlaw Bikie Gang Tick", "Vicki Jacobs Shot Dead as She Slept: New Clues May Reveal Who Killed Her", "Three Hells Angels guilty over bashing, abduction ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)", "Hells Angel Bikie to Serve Another 18 Months in Prison for Decade of Violence", "Hudson pleads guilty over Melbourne shootings", "35 years' jail for CBD gunman Christopher Wayne Hudson", "Teen tourist bashed for 'having temerity to say he was a member of Hells Angels', "Hells Angels sergeant-at-arms Peter Hewat granted bail on theft, weapons charges", "Hells Angel 'Skitzo' Hewat pleads guilty to charges", "Bandido boss lives to fight another day", "Pegoraro Brothers of the Hells Angels are the New Breed of Bikies", "Vic Brothers Emerge in Bikie Gang Battle", "Outlaw bikie clubs Hells Angels and Bandidos hold peace talks in Melbourne", "Hells Angel Ray Hamment wins jail sentence appeal", "Hells Angels hit in revenge Vic shooting | SBS News", "Hells Angels raids: police fail to find high-powered weapons", "No more jail time for Dennis Basic, would-be Hells Angel who helped bomb rival gang's gym", "Melbourne president of Hells Angels Darkside chapter jailed after selling ice to police", Hell's Angels: The Strange and Terrible Saga of the Outlaw Motorcycle Gangs,, Short description is different from Wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 22 February 2023, at 18:13. The former president, secretary and sergeant-at-arms of the Melbourne chapter appeared on every news bulletin that night. The alleged national president of the Hells Angels bikies gang has been denied bail over firearms charges a magistrate described as "incredibly serious". Some Finks members also visited the funeral of Giovanni. A former president of the Nomads chapter of the Hells Angels. In December 2015, Bruno was sentenced to nine years imprisonment, while Nuno was sentenced to seven years. Moloney is the head of the Angels city outfit and was elevated to national president last July. The Lipton Drive address has been the scene of torture, bashings, toe-removal by boltcutter by members or those linked to the chapter, regarded as the Angels Melbourne enforcement arm. James "Jim Jim" Brandes, aka Sleepy Jim, was sent from the US to Australia by the Hells Angels to kill policemen Bob Armstrong and Steele Waterman. During the investigation, codenamed Omega Two, the police tracked club members' movements ferociously, prompting Jim Brandes, the Melbourne Hells Angels' American contact, to try to assassinate Bob Armstrong, a detective on the case. A tattoo parlour was sprayed with bullets at Dandenong on September 30. Foakes is a former president of the Hells Angels Sonoma chapter. Man wanted in connection with slaying of Antioch teen arrested Web679K views 2 years ago Mel Chancey is the youngest leader of the Hells Angels MC ever in history, becoming the leader at just 23 years old. Winston Salem - Norh Carolina 1979. Foakes attorneys have argued release is warranted because hes spent three years in jail, with no end in sight, as his trial date is perpetually postponed. Crime and Public Safety | It turned out Hill flew to the US four times to link up with the Hells Angels and was taken into a maximum-security prison to meet Oakland chapter president Sergey Walton. Unmissable episodes of Australias top crime podcast. Police seized a loaded handgun and steroids during a raid at Luke Moloney's Reservoir home on Wednesday morning after he was served with a Firearm Prohibition Order. Madden had the personality of a dead rat. [1], The Hells Angels expanded to Australia in 1975, initially establishing chapters in Melbourne and Sydney, and now have approximately 250 members and 14 chapters in the country. Police allege the Hells Angels use mainstream industries to launder existing funds and to exploit new income streams, using the strategies they developed during a series of gang wars to intimidate business competitors. The latest such vocalization came Friday when the lead prosecutor accused a defense lawyer of leaking attorney eyes only material in a public motion that a magistrate eventually sealed. The Lipton Drive address has been the scene of torture, bashings, toe-removal by boltcutter by members or those linked to the chapter, regarded as the Angels Melbourne enforcement arm. WebHELLS ANGELS, HAMC, and the Death Heads (winged skull logos) are trademarks owned by Hells Angels Motorcycle Corporation, registered and/or applications pending in the United States, Europe, China and many other countries. While Vince was in hospital, he was visited by friends who are Finks members. Following the death of Slemnik, Sarimsaklioglu, the club president was charged with the possession of a military-style assault weapon, found in the boot of a taxi for which he was later acquitted of. [61] Although prolonged violence was expected, the feud seemingly ended after senior members of the two clubs held peace talks. The brothers operated from an East Brisbane locksmith business and passed a percentage of their drug earnings to the Hells Angels at weekly meetings, although they had left the club at the time of their arrest. A police inspector has delivered a chilling response when asked about the cause of a fatal blaze in country Victoria. Pineapple juice labels used to smuggle chemicals to the US Hells Angels. Nationwide News Pty Ltd 2023. As a result of heightening violence, New South Wales Premier Nathan Rees announced the state police anti-gang squad would be boosted to 125 members from 50. Defence counsel David Grace, QC, told a judge that the victim had actually asked his client, whose father is Ray Hamment, a veteran member of the Melbourne Hells Angels, ''is it Julian? WHAT follows is a selected list of some of the major players and figures in the Australia branches of the Hells Angels. The Hells Angels Nomads branch in Thomastown has a well-earned reputation as a place best avoided. Now he was a person of interest. [27], The Brisbane chapter of the Hells Angels was founded on 27 March 1997. [25] Unlicensed weapons, ammunition and drugs were also seized during a series of raids on multiple properties in the rural Darwin area. The Lipton Drive address has been the scene of torture, bashings, toe-removal by boltcutter by members or those linked to the chapter, regarded as the Angels Melbourne enforcement arm. It was no social call, as Walton whispered to Hill the recipe to make methamphetamine - a drug hardly seen in Australia. A national joint operation to target and disrupt the criminal activities of members and associates of the Hells Angels Outlaw Motorcycle Gang has resulted in 24 people being charged with dozens of Barger was 83. Ray Hamment's explanation for his conduct, which caused a minor fracture to the victim's jaw, was that he feared the man was about to attack him during the undeclared war between the Hells Angels and rival gangs. CBD shooter Hudson is serving 35 years jail for murdering Melbourne lawyer Brendan Keilar and seriously injuring three others during a violent bender in 2007. A search of Brandes' luggage showed he had instructions on how to build a car bomb, the names of jurors in a US trial, a Treasury investigation handbook and a set of thumb cuffs. [56][57] Hewat was sentenced to 10 months in jail in January 2014 after he pleaded guilty to assault, weapons offences, handling stolen goods and operating a tow truck without the proper licence. In 2007 other Hells Angels inked over his tattoos and bashed him after learning he was the subject of child sex allegations. ", "Malcolm St Clair - Unsolved Murder 1998 - Battersea Arts Centre, Lavender Hill, Battersea", "Threats, violence and a strict code of the Hell's Angels got away with murder. Grounded in Page 2/184 On March 10, 1982, all four suspects were arrested at Greenslopes in Queensland, but it was only the start of a battle that would take five years, four trials, a mysterious death, a corrupted jury and an international murder plot. [39][40], Terrence Raymond "Terry" Tognolini, the president and enforcer in the Hells Angels Nomads, was involved in an apparent road rage incident with motorist Mustafa Yildirim in Campbellfield, Melbourne on December 22, 1995. Former undercover officer Bob Armstrong in 2008. became Australias most prodigious drug manufacturer. A Melbourne bikie boss has been charged after an imitation AK47 rifle was found during a police raid on Thursday. "I went to BCI and got all the names of the Oakland chapter and had 28 put on alert. Co-writer and previous author of bestselling books on bikie The Bandidos responded by ordering shootings on Hells Angels members and allies in Frederiksberg, Copenhagen. One man was killed in the brawl that then erupted in the Faced with Hills statements taken at the Sofitel Hotel (We had a few bourbons at the Piano Bar to warm him up), the others pleaded guilty. Hilly could out-eat both of us. He was bailed to face Heidelberg Magistrates Court on August 23. Related Articles Co-writer and previous author of bestselling books on bikie She is facing traffic drug of dependence, possess proceeds of crime, possess imitation firearm and possess drug of dependence charges. Will third time be the charm for Ray Foakes?, Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to email a link to a friend (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Alameda County DAs new policy will reduce prison sentences through widespread elimination of sentencing enhancements, Will third time be the charm for Ray Foakes? [22], Levi Griffiths was killed after being hit by a ute driven by Hells Angels member Nicholas Cassidy, who was intoxicated at the time, in Howard Springs on 4 June 2011. Wainohu worked for years as a RTA safety expert in NSW. He boarded a flight from Melbourne in 2009 and ran into rival Comanchero boss Mick Hawi, and when they landed members of both clubs descended en masse. Much later Hilly admitted that they got to one of the jurors. [37][38], In 1980, Melbourne chapter founding members Peter Hill and Raymond Hamment flew to California to visit Oakland chapter president Kenny Walton in prison. The alleged national president of the Hells Angels bikies gang has been denied bail over firearms charges a magistrate described as "incredibly serious". Nearly three weeks later the car was seen at Golf Links Road, Oakland, outside the home of Hells Angels hitman James Jim Jim Brandes. Hills visits to the US would change all that. Grounded in Page 2/184 He was Hillys best mate. At least twice it has been of interest to the Please try again later. The previous year, Jacobs had given evidence that helped convict her ex-husband Gerald David Preston for the August 1996 murders of drug dealer and mechanic Les Knowles and his employee Tim Richards in Adelaide, and her testimony implicated the Hells Angels in hiring Preston for the killings. [64], The Hells Angels carried out drive-by shootings (using either AK-47s or M1 carbines) and attempted bombings on two properties, a tattoo parlour in Dandenong and a gym in Hallam, owned by Comancheros state president Michael "Mick" Murray in the early hours of September 30, 2013 after several Hells Angels were assaulted while trying to recover stolen motorcycles from the rival club. Waterman says the Angels paid $10,000 to the one juror, who was a friend of a friend of one of the bikies. Followed categories will be added to My News. Three members of the Hells Angels faced court last week over a series of shootings in Melbourne's south-eastern suburbs. Here are the unmissable episodes of his top-rating podcast. [41], Terrence Tognolini was later implicated in the murder of Vicki Joy Jacobs, a 37-year-old woman who was shot six times as she slept next to her six-year-old son in her apartment in Long Gully, Bendigo on 12 June 1999. He boarded a flight from Melbourne in 2009 and ran into rival Comanchero boss Mick Hawi, and when they landed members of both clubs descended en masse. Going to war with the Hells Angels: how speed became big in Australia. Tyne & Wear - England 1979. Armstrong and Waterman were the operational leaders and effectively went to war with the Angels. Web679K views 2 years ago Mel Chancey is the youngest leader of the Hells Angels MC ever in history, becoming the leader at just 23 years old. [58], The Bandidos reportedly declared war on the Hells Angels after an ambush on several Bandidos members outside the affiliated Diablos' clubhouse in Melton, Melbourne on 1 March 2013 in which over 30 shots were fired and two men, including Bandidos national sergeant-at-arms Toby Mitchell, were wounded. Nomads - Australia 1980. The alleged national president of the Hells Angels bikies gang has been denied bail over firearms charges a magistrate described as "incredibly serious". Page 3", "Clubhouse bombing may be tied to gang war", "Worst California biker feud in decade erupted at Starbucks", "FBI Safe Street Violent Crime Initiative Report Fiscal Year 2000", "New York Times, Sweden's Courteous Police Spoil a Hell's Angels Clubouse Party", "[Hpn] Hells Angels Mc Salvation Army Shelter Run", "Under watchful eye, bikers aid charity Thursday, Sept.4, 2008 | midnight", Fugitive sought in Arizona slaying caught in Argentina, Stockbroker by day, alleged violent Hells Angel by night: 15 years after his arrest, fugitive biker back for murder case, Salvaje tiroteo entre bandas de motoqueros en Lujn: est grave el guardaespaldas "Dani La Muerte", Hells Angels boss Dani Death wounded in Argentine bikie shootout, "Celstraffen thot twintig jaar gevorderd tegen Hells Angels en Red Devils", "Hells Angel Ali Ipekci moet dertig jaar cel in (Genk) Het Nieuwsblad", "Hells Angel Ali Ipekci in cassatie tegen maximumstraf De Standaard", "Video: Police in Madrid capture Hells Angels' British drug dealer", "Biker Sentenced To Life For Grenade Attack", "Danish Bikers Call Truce in Deadly Feud", "Biker Wars in the Land of 'The Little Mermaid', "Chokeret Jnke fik 4 rs fngsel | BT Krimi", "Rockerkrieg: BILD zeigt Eigenschaften der Clubs", "Three German Biker Gang Members Sent to Jail", "Mord an Hells-Angels-Mitglied Bandenkrieg in Rockerkluft Panorama", "34 supporters arrested on July17, 2008", "Hells Angels weiten Aktivitten in Potsdam aus Neueste Nachrichten aus Potsdam", "Outlaws MC President murdered by Hells Angels", "Investigators searched for additional evidence", "70 Bandidos treten zu Hells Angels ber", "SEK-police officer murdered by Hells Angels", "Hells Angels member accused of extortion", "NRW-Innenministerium lst weiteren Rockerclub auf |", "Polizei Hells Angels: Ermittlungen auch in Hattingen Hattingen", "Rockerbanden NRW verbietet Rockerbande in Aachen Politik", "Innensenator verbietet Hells Angels Berlin City Aus aller Welt Hamburger Abendblatt", "Hells Angels sentenced for murder in Berlin DW 10/01/2019", "Berlin: Eight Hells Angels sentenced to life imprisonment", "Hells Angels chapter boss gunned down in clubhouse", "Lived Fast, Died Young; the Dutch Hells Angels", "Angels of Death: Inside the Bikers' Empire of Crime", "CLEARED & JAILED; Judges say Hell's Angel didn't kill Jo but he murdered family.
hells angels melbourne president