Borderlands 2 level 50 Sandhawk please I do not have the DLC for Bo2, but I think the Sandhawk would help me farm in the game, I do not have very many legendaries, but I would gladly dupe one if you dupe a Sandhawk for me, I would prefer a fire or shock, but I will take any kind Have player one trade $3 million to player two. Kill one of the tentacles while in Last Stand mode to automatically get revived. Dexiduous The Invincible spawns in the center of a large plain, with only a single rock to mark its location. Once they reveal themselves, you will see their referential names: Lee, Dan, Mick, and Ralph. You will then spawn behind a shielded barrier protecting The Warrior. Once you get a weapon from her, you can fast travel to another area and then back to Sanctuary. A quick regenerating shield also helps a lot since you will not have much time to run and hide for a recharge. Then, find an area with lots of enemies to kill. Simply activate "Trade" without actually offering anything to still have it count as a trade. Posts: 112. You will throw the gun into the corner and hurt your character when it blows up. To summon the secret Dexiduous The Invincible Boss, you will need 99 Eridium shards and to have successfully completed all the main story missions in the "Sir Hammerlock's Big Game Hunt" downloadable content. To easily do this, have two players unequip any mods and shield from their character. Kill as many enemies as possible in the starting area, then move into the cave with the Spiderants. Die. The other player can then give you weapons/items/money while using the same method. When you scan the code, it says: "Wise man say, forgiveness is divine but never pay full price for late pizza. P.S. Attack them for critical hits. Low level Goliaths can be found in the Frostburn Canyon area. Use the intercom, and the sewer grate will open. It is recommended if you do this in solo mode that you use a Level 50 Gunzerker with two rocket launchers equipped while in Gunzerk mode. In Caustic Caverns, go to the far eastern area of the map. Note: Some codes will expire over time or number of redemptions. Otherwise I'm pretty clueless, this sounds like something very strange. You must now protect him so that he can kill enemies. Once you go down, have the other player revive you. Good loot farming chest. The game will then automatically be saved with Jack and The Warrior defeated. You can only get one weapon per visit, but he will reappear after story missions. Keep smashing the blocks to enter a secret Minecraft area. Drop down to this area to reach the entrance to Caustic Caverns. Did you restart the game on that character? Note: There is a very small chance a Boss or enemy will drop a Legendary (orange) item. It is in the center of the western section of the Grotto. At the title screen, press Up(2), Down(2), Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start to unlock the "Extra Wubs" option at the "Gameplay" section of the "Options" menu. Totem 4: It is directly north of the third totem. ... Borderlands 2. Elle existe en version non élémentale ou dans les 4 versions élémentales: incendiaire, électrique, corrosif et slag. Thus, if you do not like the weapon you are given after turning in a mission, simply quit the game without saving by signing out of your profile, going to the dashboard, or resetting the system before the game auto saves. Once you reach Sanctuary, you can find Michael Mamaril hanging around some of the town's major landmarks. Borderlands 2. How to Improve Our Industry (With No Comment Section Wars), Why the XSX Looks the Same (and That's OK), The Positive Side of Streaming (You Might Have Missed). Cross over to the eastern section across the gap, and look for a camp in the center with elevator access. Once you find him, talk to him, and take the weapon he offers to get the "Tribute To A Vault Hunter" achievement. Next, choose the "Save and Quit" option. You cannot fast travel to reach Geary or die on your way to him. Top 10 Most Disappointing Video Game Sequels. Use the Fast Travel station to quickly reach this area. Been like this for a while not a problem but I'm just curious. Once the Goliath reaches the rank of "Fatal God-Liath" (displayed below his health bar), kill him to get the "Goliath, Meet David" achievement. At least, if you can I'm missing it. Once the side quest is over, he says "It can be hard out here on Pandora. Stand in front of the guest character with your main character, and keep activating a trade with each other by pressing B. Please advise on "Farming" a perfect Sandhawk Hi all. Start a co-op game with at least one other player. It's perfect, however, for a Flame of the Firehawk. Another good area to get the "So Much Blood!" Try to tip after she stops talking. Since Badass points are assigned to your profile and not a specific saved game file, it is possible to get an unlimited number of Badass points easily. They spawn randomly, but there is a good chance to find a bunch of them in Frostburn Canyon -- even if you have already completed this area. Once the souls are retrieved, a glowing red knight named "-=n00b_killer=-" will appear. Repeat this for approximately an hour to get the new character to Level 50. Reputation Power: 3 . Borderlands 2 is a massive game with tons of content and secrets, and will take you a while to uncover all of them. Note: This trick requires a character with at least $3 million. Then, quit the game without saving by signing out of your profile, going to the dashboard, or resetting the system. Why the Switch is the PERFECT Second Console! Cross-save (Cloud-save) upload your character, Download your character and "Save as new" (this will create a safety backup), Optional step for farming the reward, see method below, Use the original character to collect the reward from the stash, You still have neither accepted nor turned in the quest, but have received the reward. Once they have joined the game, have your Level 50 character kill Jack, wait three seconds, and then reset the system for the Level 50 character so the game cannot be saved. So since there seems to be no way around autosave. SHiFT codes. Fast travel to Sawtooth Cauldron. Travel up the volcano using the ramps to jump over the lava flow to reach Geary. Posted by 6 months ago. If anyone is able of hosting a boost lobby on the One can I … Create a new character, and start a game with both characters. Note: If you leave the game or area, you will lose any spent Eridium, and must complete every step to summon Dexiduous again. Copyright © 1997-2021 Cheat Code Central. Note: There is also a chance for another rare Mong to appear named King Mong. Then, go straight, jump over the two cube blocks, and immediately turn left to enter a cave with a bunch of Minecraft blocks. The enemies also drop rare loot. Borderlands 2 Sandhawk I'm about to finished the quest to get the sandhawk, and I've been farming it for about a half an hour. Thus, you can keep returning and killing Geary to farm rare heads for the characters, as he will always respawn in the same area, even if you do not follow these specific steps to reach him. If you keep tipping Moxxi large amounts of money in Sanctuary (over $10,000), she will eventually give you a weapon. View all the Achievements here When you choose to continue the game, you will start near Jack with the requirement to still kill him. With Borderlands 3‘s release date fast approaching, Gearbox Software is getting its fans hyped up by releasing the new Commander Lilith and the Fight for Sanctuary DLC for Borderlands 2… Trades count whether you actually trade anything or not. Play through the game again with access to new weapons, gear and more. Repeat this as many times as desired. You farm for a Sandhawk and stop at "Whoops" (or rather before turning "Crazy About You" in, "Whoops" does start automatically). Look for a totem with a black furnace full of purple Eridium at its base. Game Discussion: Borderlands 2 (Xbox 360) ... Just use a Bee shield and a Sandhawk and just farm BNK-3R til you hit 61. Terramorphous is an enemy that you have to kill during a side mission called "You. -From: Psychotic Elf. To get a Pimpernel, you need a backup before the Sandhawk, play until you get the Pimpernel ("Don't copy that floppy") and stash it. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. This pack includes 11 more levels of character growth. However, if you want another Sandhawk, you have to reset the playthrough and do all the missions prior to that point. Huh... That sounds hauntingly amusing. Borderlands 2 Xbox one - Boost lobby? In the Vault Of The Warrior, you will reach a bridge to walk over the lava (there is a lava fall to the right of the bridge) shortly after entering the area. Stop Getting Your Ass Kicked in Fighting Games Today! Farming for Orange Gears. In The Highlands, go to the industrial complex in the southwest area of the map. You will discover this area automatically by following the story missions. This way, you are missing out on the Pimpernel, which is only obtainable later. When you continue your saved game, you will still have all the money you tipped Moxxi. Repeat this as many times as desired. You must then go to the volcano in the north-west area of the map. To unlock this special event, you must first travel to the starting area in the game; Claptrap's Place. Each has their own ninja weapon, are color-coordinated, and named after classical Italian painters. Repeat this process as many times as desired to get better weapons and items. This missions becomes available after competing the game for the first time. Farming the whole quest multiple times in one playthrough, without story reset. Successfully complete the game in True Vault Hunter mode to unlock Ultimate Vault Hunter mode. Defeat him to get the "Thresher Thrashed" achievement, along with some really good loot, including the legendary (orange) "Slayer Of Terramorphous Class Mod". Once you reach Eridium Blight and are at a high enough level to handle the enemies, go to the southwest corner of the map near the exit to Hero's Pass (you will pass through a Hyperion gate on the way). The two guards are named "Canine" and "Molehill", a reference to the Hound And The Mountain. Before starting the fight with Terramorphous, it is recommended you are at Level 50 with all SDU's from the black market purchased to carry more ammunition. Note: Extra Wubs has no effect in the game. To gain access to their Sewer hideout, you must pretend to be a pizza deliveryman. These two methods are directed at console players without the ability to save edit. When you stay behind Terramorphous, he will not be able to attack you. Top Black Friday Deals: Pandemic Edition! Climb up on the rocks to the left to get above the shielded barrier, allowing you to shoot The Warrior from a distance without him harming you. Refer to step 6 of the method above if you want to combine both methods, Download your character, "Overwrite" the current character, Delete the previously backed up character. After jumping down, you will enter the Rat's Nest. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Repeat this until you get a weapon with desired stats and/or elements. Kill the strong enemies that would cause him a lot of harm, and weaken the small ones so he can get easy kills. To be clear, these are two methods with two different approaches and results. Go to any slot machine after the game has recently been auto saved. Scattered around the beach are five colored barrels. I have recently got into Borderlands 2. To take revenge, you will need to burn down the squad's volleyball court with a fire-element weapon. Your method sounds more efficient! It helps to have a high Badass rank and some good Level 50 equipment. His weak spots are shown as yellow glowing dots. :D. Can't help though, sorry. Once you grab the items, select the "Save and Quit" option to have the chest refill. To easily do this, have two players keep activating a trade with each other by pressing B while standing next to each other. With one method, you can farm multiple rewards for different variants. As long as you do not complete or turn-in the quest, you can kill all the enemies, choose to "Save and Quit", and reload the game to have the enemies respawn. 1. Crash Bandicoot 4: It's About Time Review, Top 10 Weird Ass Games (That Somehow Work), 5 Reasons PS5 Will Win (And 5 Reasons It Won't). On xbox one, can you only get the Sandhawk from the whoops quest and not farming benny? I am entirely on the Xbox One now. The description of the mission reads: "Patricia Tannis has hired you to find and kill four dangerous mutated escapees from the Wildlife Exploitation Preserve. Top Gun is all about Air Force pilots. Well its not really a question but do yous know why every time I start up my character (axton) I always get like 4 different types of the "shotgun 1340". To do easily do this, have two players that can kill themselves. Stand in front of the guest character with your main character, and start a duel. On the island, you will find a bonfire. Borderlands 2 is one of the most fun games ever created and will give you hundreds of hours of gameplay along with all DLC (dozens more hours) for the low price of not even $60.00 anymore. This can be done even quicker by setting up the controller configuration so you can keep tapping [Melee/Attack] without changing your aim at the second player. Loggins is a reference to Kenny Loggins, the musician who recorded the song "Danger Zone", which was the main theme in the Top Gun movie. He was the four turtles martial arts teacher. During your first playthrough, the Constructor that spawns will be around Level 20. To easily get Badass tokens early in the game, use the following methods: Dueling: Defeat players 50 times while dueling to complete this challenge and get 166 total Badass points. Note: Do not trade items near an auto save point to prevent the game from accidentally saving while trading the items. I know the PS4 has such a feature, but I don't have an Xbox. Additionally, after turning the mission in, the mission debrief says "References!" Refer to the method above for a solution. Once you reach Sanctuary, talk to Dr. Tannis in the Crimson Raiders HQ to unlock the "Splinter Group" Level 14 side-quest. You will first fight a few waves of enemies, and then Dexiduous The Invincible will appear. So if I have, please correct me! Choose one of four character classes to be taken through a carefully crafted and connected story to all new and surprising environments across the living planet of Pandora. Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales Review, Fortnite Returns to iOS, Dragon Age Director's New Studio, New Map/Ships Coming to Squadrons, Crazy Spider-Man Glitch, Microsoft's Bethesda Plans, Snyder Preferred 2-Part Justice League, Twitch Apologizes for DMCA, Mortal Kombat Film Delayed, Spider-Man Saves Will Transfer on PS5, Remote Play on PS4, Sega Sells Arcade Business, Celebrity Coming to Assassinâs Creed. NDSxFTW. In Se7en, at the climax of the film, there is a famous scene where Brad Pitt yells, "What's in the box?' Goose is best friends with Tom Cruise's character in the film. Get near the tent, and move around it to trigger a double rainbow and get the "What Does It Mean?" He will drop some rare loot once he has been defeated. a question, which often occurs, is "Is it possible to / How do I quest rewards?" Whenever you open a box in The Dust, there is a small chance you will get this special Easter Egg. Have the character with $3 million as player one and the new character as player two. Repeat this as many times as desired. You can delete all the unwanted created characters once you are finished using this trick. Then, have the other player do the same thing with their character. You can repeat this special event as many times as desired. Press J to jump to the feed. Borderlands 2 continues in its predecessors footsteps with four new characters, tons of new quests, and lots of shooting and looting. User Info: Lahar. Eastern area of the same item ( e.g the Ravenous Wattle Gobbler is a reference to the area or! Boxes, there are certain bosses you can farm multiple version of the.... Missions becomes available after competing the game to unlock the corresponding bonus that point obtainable later fire element which... Its base center with elevator access: Sell items 50 times to complete the game without ). Quitting to the `` incendiary '' prefix complete the game from accidentally while. With $ 3 million again to get some of the Borderlands 2, Captain Scarlett and her 's... Re here to make your experience a little simpler another camp with the volleyball court with a furnace... 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